施工技术 2010年5月 44 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 第39卷第5期 郑州绿地广场基坑支撑替换技术 楼永良,蒋金生,蒋超民 (中天建设集团有限公司,浙江杭州310008) [摘要]郑州绿地广场基坑支护采用钻孔灌注柱挡土墙和3道钢筋混凝土内支撑,内支撑采用内环和外环两道环、 中间连以系杆形成桁架.因主体设计更改,基坑支撑结构与主体结构柱位置发生冲突,需对支撑进行替换改造. 根据支撑受力大小和杆件与柱的位置关系,将冲突处理分为节点替换型、杆件替换型和杆件补强型,针对不同类型 提出针对性加强措施,并介绍了关键施工技术.监测结果证明,支撑轴力变化平稳,因替换引起的变形也不明显, 保证了主楼顺利施工. [关键词]基坑;支撑替换;加固;施工技术 [中围分类号]TU753.1[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2010)05-0044-03 Support Replacing Technology of Foundation Excavation in Zhengzhou Green Space Plaza Lou Yongliang Jiang Jinsheng Jiang Chaomin Zhongtian Construction Group Co.Lad.Hangzhou Zhejiang 310008 China) Abstract:Bored pile retaining wall and three inner reinforcement concrete supports are adopted in foundation excavation of Zhengzhou Green Space Plaza.The internal support consists of inner circle and outer circle and the circle supports are connected with tie bars.Due to change of building design the supports collide with columns thus the supports need to be replaced.According to positions of supports and columns treating methods of the conflict can be classified to three types:joints replacing struts replacing and struts strengthening.Then different measures are taken and key construction technologies are pointed out.According to monitoring results axial force of supports is stable and no obvious deformation is caused and the construction is pleted successfully. Key words:foundation excavation;support replacing;reinforcement;construction technology 1工程概况 表1支撑截面尺寸和主筋 郑州绿地广场高280m 为60层超高层建筑.地 Table 1...
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