2016年2月下 施工技术 第45卷第4期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 75 D01:10.7672/sgjs2016040075 项目经理的绿色施工责任 张义昆 (北京城建精工钢结构工程有限公司,北京100012) [摘要]《建筑工程绿色施工规范》GB/T50905一2014规定,项目经理是绿色施工的第一责任人.项目经理要在施 工的全过程中承担5项绿色施工管理责任,2项绿色施工实施责任.5项管理责任是规划与决策、组织与指挥、协 调与控制、教育与激励、创新与发展;2项实施责任是应用传统的绿色施工方法与措施、应用创新的绿色施工方法与 措施.为此,项目经理应遵守绿色施工的有关标准,掌握绿色施工研究与创新的若干要点. [关键词]项目经理;绿色施工;项目管理;实施;责任 [中图分类号]TU74 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)04-0075-04 The Responsibilities of Project Manager for Green Construction Zhang Yikun (BUCG Jinggong Steel Building Co.Ld. Beijing 100012 China) Abstract:Referring to Code for green construction of building GB/T50905-2014 project manager is the first responsible for the green construction.Project manager should take five lines of supervising responsibilities and two implementing responsibilities for properly undertaking the standard of green construction during the whole procedure.The five supervising responsibilities includes programming and decision-making organizing and directing cooperating and controlling educating and encouraging innovating and developing.The two implementing responsibilities include using the traditional methods of green construction and using the innovative methods of green construction.Therefore it is a must for the project manager to obey the related standard of green construction and mastering the key points for the research and innovation on green construction. Key words:project manager;green construction;project management;implementation;responsibilities 1项目经理承担绿色施...
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