2016年1月下 施工技术 第45卷第2期 CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY 109 D0I:10.7672/sgjs2016020109 预制简支T形梁液压整体滑移式模板施工技术 曹新刚 (中铁一局集团物资工贸有限公司,陕西西安710054) [摘要]预制简支T形梁在铁路、公路桥梁中,以受力明确、便于运输的特点被广泛应用.但存在工艺繁琐、模板拼 装难以控制;模板联结件多、工序占用时间长;模板接缝处存在漏浆、错台、飞边等质量通病.为使以上难题得到较 好解决,设计使用了液压整体滑移式模板,该模板能够实现x 方向位移,可在不同制梁台座间移动,具有可重复 使用功能.通过在宁西铁路增建二线商州制梁场的成功运用,使得功效明显提高,梁体外观质量显著改善,降低了 施工成本. [关键词]桥梁工程;模板;液压整体滑移;施工技术 [中图分类号]TU755.2 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1002-8498(2016)02-0109-03 Construction of Hydraulic Integral Sliding Type Formwork of Precast Simply Supported T-shaped Beam Cao Xin'gang Material Supply and Industrial Trade Co.Lad.of China Railway First Group Xi'an Shaanxi 710054 China) Abstract:Precast simply supported T-shaped beam is widely used in railway and highway bridge with its characteristics of clear force and easy to transport.However its technique is plicated and the formwork assembly is difficult to control meanwhile it has many connection ponents and its process takes up time as well as there is a mon quality defects such as leakage of slurry etc.In order to solve above difficulties the hydraulic integral sliding formwork is designed.This kind of formwork can have x y z direction displacement and it can move in different pedestal with reusable function.It has been successfully used in Nanjing-Xi'an railway project and its effect and appearance was improved significantly. Key words:bridges;formwork;hydraulic integral sliding;construction 1概述 2模板技术特点 T形梁预制广泛应用,但存在以下难点:①模2.1场地布置方式 板安拆工序占用时间长,在同等任务情况下,造成 传统模板与液压整体...
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