Symphony S W ALA swA Ld Architecture Poggemeyer Design Group:Civil Engineering Fluidity Design:Water Design HLB Lighting:Lighting Design 现代生活的灵活性 Cénst光减克韩t The Flexibility of Modern Sympnony Life* place worthy of 头 venues our ecological interpretation and people as vehicles for process-driven flexibility in the flexibility not only for spontaneity but for adaption.We see the roles of art termined.It is necessary to give form to the park to create clear linkages to the the site's mixed-use context and its diverse users but also to a future that cannot be design philosophy is ro FLEXIBTLITY MODERN LIFE NEW and the more pressing notion of FLEXIBILITY. ated autbok his park must respond not only to answer to these questions lies in a deeper understanding of modern life as we know it Symphony Park in the 21st Century?Can one park serve multiple events yet still be a park can address the needs of a diverse population and articulate a vision for and the natural environment is both exciting and challenging.Is it possible that one reconnect this 2 acre park with the Union Park development the City of Las Vegas where a pure expression of this connection is possible.The opportunity to history our environment and each other.Urban parks are one of the few As we enter the 21st Century we are a society that is seeking connection 3 FLEXIBILITY MODERN LIFE NEW URBAN PARK ...
(中英文)Symphony街心公园 SWA.pptx