ICS23.040 P72 备案号:J389-2016 SHI 中华人民共和国石油化工行业标准 SH/T3073—2016 代替SH/T3073一2004 石油化工管道支吊架设计规范 Specification for design of piping support in petrochemical industry 2016-01-15发布 2016-07-01实施 中华人民共和国工业和信息化部发布 SH/T3073—2016 目 次 前言 Ⅲ 1范围 2规范性引用文件 3术语和定义及符号 1 3.1术语和定义 1 3.2符号 2 4基本规定 -6 5型式选择和位置确定 -8 5.1刚性支吊架8 5.2弹簧支吊架 8 5.3固定支架和限位支架 -8 5.4导向支架 9 5.5滑动支架和滚动支架10 5.6减振装置 10 5.7阻尼装置 10 6管道跨距计算 10 7荷载计算 11 7.1荷载组合准则 11 7.2垂直荷载计算 13 7.3水平荷载计算 13 7.4安全阀出口管的动荷载计算 14 8材料和许用应力 14 8.1材料 14 8.2许用应力 15 9焊缝强度计算 -16 10结构设计 ...18 10.1一般规定 18 10.2支架计算 19 附录A(资料性附录)固定支架水平推力的计算 25 附录B(规范性附录)均布荷载作用下等截面连续直管道支点荷载计算系数28 附录C(资料性附录)管道各点支架承受荷载的近似计算方法 30 附录D(规范性附录)碳钢构件轴心受压时的稳定系数34 本规范用词说明 35 附:条文说明 37 I SH/T3073—2016 Contents Foreword Ⅲ 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions and symbols 1 3.1 Terms and definitions. 3.2 Symbols 2 4 Basic requirements6 5 Selection and position determination 8 5.1 Rigid support and hanger 8 5.2 Spring support and hanger 8 5.3 Anchor and stop support8 5.4 Guide 5.5 Sliding support and rolling support- 10 5.6 Vibrating eliminator 10 5.7 Snubber.. .....10 6 Calculation of piping span 10 7 Calculation of load .11 7.1 Criterion of load bination11 7.2 Calculation of vertical load 13 7.3 Calculation of horizontal load 13 7.4 Calculation of dynamic load on safety vavle outlet-pipe14 8 Material and allowable stress 14 8.1 Material- 14 8.2 Allowable stress 15 9 Calculation of weld strength 16 10 Structure design 18 10.1 General requirements 18 10.2 Calculation of piping support- 19 Annex A(Informative)Calculation of horizontal load of anchor 25 Annex B (Normative)Calculation factor of support load of constant section straight pipe under uniform load -28 Annex C(Informative)Approximate calculation of piping support load30 Ann...
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