STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS for TRANSPORTATION MATERIALS and METHODS OF SAMPLING AND TESTING and PROVISIONAL STANDARDS 41ST EDITION (JULY2021) PART 1:SPECIFICATIONS AND PRACTICES PART 2:TEST METHODS PART 3:PROVISIONAL STANDARDS Adopted by the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF STATE HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION OFFICIALS AASHIO ABOUT AASHTO DESIGNATION NUMBERS Anatomy of a Designation Number Components XXX 16 Standard Type Standard Number Two-Digit Revision Year MXXX-12(2016 Four-Digit Reconfirmation Year Standard Types Standard types are represented by a one-letter abbreviation for full standards.The letter“p"is added for provisional standards.The standard type abbreviations are as follows: M(Materials full) MP(Materials provisional) T(Test full) TP(Test provisional) R(PRactice full) PP(Practice provisional) Standard Numbers Standard numbers are sequential within standard type.A provisional that is subsequently adopted as a full standard will receive a new number;likewise a standard that changes types (e.g.test to practice). Revised vs.Reconfirmed and Discontinued vs.Deleted A full or provisional standard is designated as revised if technical changes have been balloted and approved by AASHTO's Highways Submittee on Materials.A standard is designated as reconfirmed if it has undergone technical review to determine that it is up to date and in use and that it does not require revision;such a review is required: every four years for a full standard and every one or two years for a provisional standard depending on its progress through its&-year provisional life cycle. If a standard is no longer used it may be discontinued by Submittee vote in which case the standard header will be published that year with a notice saying that the standard has been discontinued and giving a brief explanation as to why.In subsequent years the standard will be deleted from the book meaning that it is no longer maintained. Designation Key As of 2021 a key is provided below the designation num...