NA to BS EN 1993-6:2007 BSI British Standards UK National Annex to Eurocode 3:Design of steel structures Part 6:Crane supporting structures NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW raising standards worldwide" BSi Copyright Brtish Standards Institution British Standards NA to BS EN 1993-6:2007 NATIONAL ANNEX Publishing and copyright information The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued. BSI2009 ISBN9780580549809 1C553.020.20;91.010.30;91.080.10 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference B/525 Draft for ment 09/30128164 DC Publication history First published November 2009 Amendments issued since publication Date Text affected Copyright British Standards Insttution NATIONAL ANNEX NA to BS EN 1993-6:2007 Contents Introduction 1 NA.1 Scope 1 NA.2 Nationally Determined Parameters(NDPs)1 NA.3 Decision on the status of informative Annex A 3 NA.4 Reference to non-contradictory plementary information (NCCI)3 Annex NA.A(informative)Guidance on the use of runway beams for hoist blocks 4 Bibliography 5 Summary of pages This document prises a front cover an inside front cover pages i to ii pages 1 to 6 an inside back cover and a back cover. @Bsl2009i Copyright British Standards Insttution NA to BS EN 1993-6:2007 NATIONAL ANNEX iiBSl2009 This page deliberately left blank Copyright British Standards Insttution NATIONAL ANNEX NA to BS EN 1993-6:2007 National Annex (informative)to BS EN 1993-6:2007 Design of steel structures-Part 6:Crane supporting structures Introduction This National Annex has been prepared by BSI Submittee B/525/31 Structural use of stee/.In the UK it is to be used in conjunction with BSEN1993-6:2007. NA.1 Scope This National Annex gives: a)the UK decisions for the National Determined Parameters described in the following subclauses of BS EN 1993-6:2007: 3.6.3(1) 9.1(2) 2.8(2)P 6.1(1) 9.2(1)P 3.2.3(1) 6.3.2...
BS EN 1993-6 2007 Eurocode 3. Design of steel structures - Crane supporting structures.pdf