1SO/IEC11801-1:2017/COR1:2018 -1- ISO/IEC 2018 ISO/IEC11801-1 Edition 1.0 2017-11 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY- GENERIC CABLING FOR CUSTOMER PREMISES Part 1:General requirements CORRIGENDUM 1 Foreword Replace in list item d) “Category BCT-B 8.1 and8.2;"with"Categories BCT-B 8.1and 8.2;”. Replace list item f)with the following new list item: f)addition of cabled optical fibre Categories OS1a and OM5; Replace in list item g) “silica optical fibre cabling;"with“optical fibre classes;" Replace list item h)with the following new list item: h)cabled optical fibre Categories OM1 OM2 and OS1 have been moved to an informative annex. Introduction Replace the first paragraph with the following new paragraph: This document contains general requirements in support of the other premises-specific referenced cabling design documents developed by ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25 including ISO/IEC11801-2 1SO/IEC11801-3 1SO/IEC11801-4 1SO/IEC11801-5 1SO/IEC11801-6 related Technical Specifications and Technical Reports (including the ISO/IEC TR 11801-99xx series ISO/IEC TR 24704 ISO/IEC TR 24750 and ISO/IEC TS 29125). -2- ISO/IEC11801-1:2017/COR1:2018 ISO/IEC 2018 Figure 1 Relationships between the generic cabling documents produced by ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25 Replace the figure graphic with the following new figure graphic: PREMISES-SPECIFIC CABLING DESIGN CABLING TESTING STANDARDS STANDARDS CABLING INSTALLATION. OPERATION and ADMINISTRATION STANDARDS ISO1EC11801-1 Examples Information Technology: ISOVIEC 11801-2 Example Generic Cabling: ISOVIEC 11801-3 General Requirements ISO/IEC14763-3 ISOVIEC 11801-4 ISO1EC11801-5 Examples ISOVIEC 11801-6 ISOIEC14763-2 ISO/IEC 18598 ISO/EC 30129 CABLING DESIGN TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS and TECHNICAL REPORTS Examples ISO/1ECTR11801-9901 ISOVIEC TR 11801-9902 ISO/ECTR11801-9903 ISOMIEC TR 11801-9904 ISO/ECTR11801-9905 ISO/IEC TR 24704 ISO/IEC TR 24750 ISO/IEC TS 29125 IEC 3.1 Terms and definitions ln3.1.26 delete“end-to-end"from the definition. Delete the entire entry 3.1....
ISO/IEC 11801-1 2017/COR1 2018 Generic cabling requirements for twisted-pair and optical fiber cables 双绞线和光缆的通用布线要求.pdf