FE120873 1SSN0335-3931 European standard NFEN13286-52 May 2005 French standard Classification index:P 98-846-52 ICS:93.080.20 Unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures Part 52:Method for the manufacture of test specimens of hydraulically bound mixtures using vibropression F:Melanges traites et melanges non traites aux liants hydrauliques- Partie 52:Methode de confection par vibropression des eprouvettes de materiaux traites aux liants hydrauliques D:Ungebundene und hydraulisch gebundene Gemische- Teil 52:Verfahrenzur Herstellung von Probekorpem von hydraulisch gebundenen Gemischen durch Vibro-Druck (Rutteln und Druck) French standard approved by decision of the Director General of AFNOR on April 5 2005 taking effect on May5 2005. Replaces the approved standard NF P 98-230-1 dated April 1992. Correspondence The European standard EN 13286-52:2004 has the status of French standard. Analysis This document specifies a method for manufacturing test specimens with predefined apparent density and water content using paction by vibropression. The method applies to mixtures or mixture fractions containing aggregates with a maximum size of 31.5 mm. This method does not apply to mixtures containing a high proportion of fillers. Descriptors Technical International Thesaurus:roads pavements:roads mixtures materials hydraulic binders manufacturing pacting procedure pression. Modifications With respect to document replaced adoption of the European standard. Corrections Published and distributed by Association Francaise de Normalisation (AFNOR-French standard institute)-11 avenue Francis de Pressense- 93571 Sain-Denis La Plaine Cedex-Tel.:33(0)1 41 62 80 00-Fax:33(0)1 49 17 90 00 -.afnor.fr AFNOR 2005 AFNOR 2005 1st issue 2005-05-P EUROPEAN STANDARD EN13286-52 NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM December 2004 ICS93.080.20 English version Unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures Part 52:Method for the manufacture of test specimens of hydraulically bound mixtures u...
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