AFNOR le10/05/2018à10:10 NFEN196-1:2016-09 Pour SIS SHANGHAI INST STANDARDIZATION ISSN0335-3931 NF EN 196-1 French standard 24 September 2016 Classification index:P 15-471-1 ICS:91.100.10 Methods of testing cement- Part 1:Determination of strength F:Methodes d'essais des ciments-Partie 1:Determination des resistances D:Prufverfahren fur Zement-Teil 1:Bestimmung der Festigkeit French standard approved by decision of the Director General of AFNOR. Replaces the approved standard NF EN 196-1 of April 2006. Correspondence The European standard EN 196-1:2016 has the status of French standard. Summary This document describes the method for the determination of the pressive and optionally the flexural strength of cement mortar.The method applies to mon cements and to other cements and materials for which the standards call up this method.It may not apply to other cement types that have for example a very short initial setting time. The method is used for assessing whether the pressive strength of the cement is in conformity with its specification.It is also used for validation testing of a CEN standard sand EN 196 1 or alternative paction equipment. Descriptors Technical International Thesaurus:construction materials cements mortars material position property specimen preparation mechanical tests pressive strength flexural strength test equipment conformity tests certification sands. Modifications With respect to EN 196-1:2005 the following modifications have been made: -In Article 2 the normative references have been updated. -In 10.2.3 estimates of loyalties for the pressive strength tests have been revised with an indication of the repeatability and reproducibility at 2 days and 7 days. -In 6.2 the mixing procedure has been revised with an indication of a time limit for the introduction into the bowl. -Editorial revisions have been made to the standard. Corrections Published and distributed by Association Frangaise de Normalisation (AFNOR-French s...
NF EN 196-1-2016 Methods of testing cement-Part 1 Determination of strength.pdf