BRITISH STANDARD BS2971:1991 Including Amendment No.1 not issued separately Specification for Class II arc welding of carbon steel pipework for carrying fluids ICS25.160.10 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW S BS2971:1991 Issue 2 February 1998 Committees responsible for this British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Welding Standards Policy Committee (WEE/-)to Technical Committee WEE21 upon which the following bodies were represented: Associated Offices Technical Committee British Gas plc British Non-ferrous Metals Federation British Nuclear Fuels Ltd. Electricity Association Engineering Equipment and Materials Users'Association Health and Safety Executive Heating and Ventilating Contractors'Association Institute of Refrigeration Institution of Gas Engineers Institution of Mechanical Engineers Joint Industry Board for Plumbing Mechanical Engineering Services in England and Wales National Association of Plumbing Heating and Mechanical Services Contractors Power Generation Contractors'Association (BEAMA Ltd.) Stainless Steel Fabricators'Association of Great Britain United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority Welding Institute Welding Manufacturers'Association (BEAMA Ltd.) This British Standard having been prepared under the direction of the Welding Standards Policy Committee was published under the authority of the Standards Board and es into effect on 28 June 1991 6BSI1998 Amendments issued since publication First published April 1961 Second edition October 1977 Amd.No. Date Text affected Third edition June 1991 9773 February Indicated by a sideline in the margin 1998 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference WEE21 Draft for ment 9071692 DC ISBN0580193845 Issue 1 February 1998 BS2971:1991 Summary of pages The following table identifies the current issue of each page.Issue 1 indicates that a page has been introduced for the first time by amendment.Subs...
BS 2971-1991 输送流体用碳钢管道二级电弧焊规范.pdf