CS25.160 P72 备案号:J1533-2013 SHI 中华人民共和国石油化工行业标雅 SH/T3611-2012 酸性环境可燃流体输送管道 焊接规程 Welding specification of bustible medium piping in acid service condition 2012-11-07发布 2013-03-01实施 中华人民共和国工业和信息化部发布 SH/T3611—2012 目 次 前言 1范围 1 2规范性引用文件 1 3术语和定义 4材料 2 4.1管子与管件 2 4.2焊接材料 2 4.3保护/体 3 5耐蚀性试验 3 5.1氢致开裂试验(HIC) 5.2硫化物应力开裂试验(SSC)和应力腐蚀开裂试验(SCC)4 5.3焊接接头的模拟工况耐腐蚀试验 6 5.4重复试验 6焊接工艺评定 7 6.1一般规定 7 6.2焊接工艺评定补充试验 7 7焊工资格考试 8 7.1一般规定 8 7.2上岗培训及考试 8 8焊接 8 8.】一般规定 8.2管子切割、坡口加工 8 8.3管口及焊丝的清理 9 8.4管道组对和定位焊接 9 8.5预热 9 8.6焊接 9 8.7消氢处理 10 8.8焊后热处理 10 9焊接检验 10 9.1外观检验 -10 9.2无损检验 11 10焊缝返修 11 附求A(资料性附录)酸性环境可燃流体输送管道部分钢管钢号、化学成分和力学性能12 本规程用词说明 16 1 SH/T3611—2012 Contents Foreword III 1 Scope 2 Normative references 3.Terms and definitions 4 Material 4.l Piping and piping ponent- 4.2 Welding material 2 4.3 shielding gas 5.Corrosion resistance test 3 5.1 Hydrogen-induced cracking (HIC) 5.2 Sulfide stress cracking(SSC)and/or stress corrosion cracking(SCC)4 5.3.Corrosion resistance test for simulated condition of welding joint" a 5.4.Retest 6 6 Welding procedure qualification 6.1 General requirement 6.2 Supplementary test of welding procedure qualification..............." 7 7:Welder qualification test 8 8 7.General requirement 8 7.2 training and examination8 8 Welding 8.1 General requirement 8 8.2 Pipe cutting and bevel processing 8 8.3 Cleaning of piping and solder wire. 8.4 Piping assembly and tack weld g-8.5 Preheat 9 8.6 Welding 9 8.?Hydrogen bakeout -10 D8.8 Postweld heat treatment 10 9 Welding inspection 10 9.I Visual inspection 10 9.2 Nondestructive testing 11 10 Welding repair 11 Annex A (Informative)The chemical position and mechanical property for high-sulpur piping of natural gas 12 Explanation of wording in this specification 16 Add:Explanation of articles ...
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