ICS 23.020.30 J 74 NationalStandardofthePeople'sRepublicofChina GB151-1999 TubularHeatExchangers Issued on 1999-02-26 Enforced on 2000-01-01 Issued by China State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision
GB151-1999 CONTENTS Foreword - ⅢI 1 Scope- 2 Applicable Standards 2 3 General Requirements 4 Materials- 18 5 Design 21 Fabrication Testing and Inspection and Acceptance R6 Installation Trial Run and Maintenan Annes A (normative) Tubular Hest Esehangers in Low Temperature Sorviee 108 Annex B (normative) Welding Procedure Qualification for Tube-to-Tubesheet Joints-- 115 Annex C (normative) Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Tubes for Exchanger 118 Annex D (normative) Data of Non-Ferous Metals for Exchanger Design - 120 Annex E (informative) Tube Bundle Vibration* 125 Annex F (informative) Calculation for Wall Temperature 139 Annex G (informative) Joints for Tubesheet-to-Shell and Tubesheet-to-Channel/Bonne 154 Annex H (informative) Gaskets.. 157 Annex J (informative) Table for Exchanger Tube Characteristics* 158 Annex K (informative) Calculation for Entrance or Exit Area between Shell and Tube Bundle-
GB151-1999 FOREWORD This Standard is the revised edition of GB151-1989 based upon the “Project Plan for Standard Formulation and Revision" ssued by the China State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision in 1993. In light of the oractical experiences since implementation of GB1511989 and the developing demand of domestic tubular heat exchangers and in reference to latest version of relevant foreign Codes the content variations in this Standard are prescribed as follows: 1 A pplirable scope is revised. 2. The riginal name Seel Tubulr Het Exchngersis altered to Tublr Heat Exchnges due to adding contents about aluminum copper and tianium exchanger tubes. 3. Tls fullowing suiesis ae aued. Foreword Applicable Standards g s ss xm Annex D (normative)Data of Non-Ferrus Metals for Exchanger Design Annex K (informative) Calculation for Entrance or Exit Area bet...
GB 151-1999 tubular heat exchangers.pdf