DBJ/T 45-162-2024 住宅性能现场检测技术规程.pdf


目次 1总则 2术语. 3基本规定. 3.1一般规定 3.2抽样方式与检测数量 3.3检测报告与结果判定 4结构变形与缺陷检测 4.1一般规定 4.2 建筑变形. 4. 3 构件几何尺寸与变形 4.4混凝土构件缺陷 5消防设施检测 X 5.1一般规定 8 5.2火灾自动报警系统 X 5.3 自动喷水灭火系统. 5 4 防排烟系统 5.5 安全疏散系统 5.6 室内消火栓系统 5.7 消防供配电设通 5.8 灭火器 5.9建筑构件的燃烧性能和耐火极限 10 6电气安全检测 11 6.1一般规定 11 6.2防雷装置 11 1
6.3电气系统 7给水性能检测 13 7.1一般规定 . 13 7.2住宅用户水质 7.3供水压力. 16 8排气道系统检测 18 8.1一般规定 .. 18 8.2烟雾试验 ... 18 9防水防渗性能检测 .-20 9.1一般规定 .... 20 9.2蓄水试验. .21 9.3淋水试验 9. 4 红外热成像法渗漏水检测 ..21 9.5 给水管道水压试验 9. 6 基层含水率检测 22 10室内环境质量检测 23 10.1一般规定. 10.2室内环境质量 -24 11隔声性能检测 26 11.1一般规定 11.2 楼板隔声性能 11.3墙体、外窗隔声性能 ...26 11.4室内噪声级- 27 附录A3D雷达法检测混凝土中钢筋 .28 附录B楼板结构性能的静力荷载检测 -33 附录C基层含水率检测 36 本规程用词说明 39 引用标准目录 40 附:条文说明.. 42 2
Contents 1 General provisions- 2 Terms.. 3 Basic requirements.... 3. 1 General requirements...... 3. 2 Sampling scheme and inspection quantity 3. 3Report and conclusion evaluation... 4 Inspection of structural deformation and defects 4. 1 General requirements.. 4. 2 Building deformation. 4. 3 Component geometry and deformation* 4. 4 Defects of concrete member... 5 Fire-fighting facility inspection-- 5. 1 General provisions. 8 5. 2 Fire deteetion and alarm system. 5. 3 Automatic sprinkler system.. 5.4 Smoke control system........ 8 5. 5 Safety evacuation systerm........ 5. 6 Indoor fire hydrant system....... 5. 7 Fire power distribution equipment.. 5. 8 Fire extinguisher..... 5. 9 Combustion performance and fire resistance limit of building ponents- 10 6 Inspection of electrical safety- 11 6. 1 General provisions.... 11 6. 2 Lightning protection system 11
6. 3 Electrical system 7 Inspection of water supply performance- --13 7. 1 General requirements..... .. 13 7. 2 Water quality for residential user.... .. 13 7. 3 Water supply pressure 8 Exhaust duct system inspection.-.- .-18 8. 1 General requirements 18 8. 2 Srmoke test....... ... 18 9 Waterproof and anti-seepage performance test.-- 9. 1 General requirements.... 9. 2 Water storage testing 9. 3 Spray water testing 21 9. 4 Detection of water lcakage by infrared thermal imaging' 9. 5 Water pressure test of water supply pipeline 21 9. 6 Detection of moisture content in plaster base. 10 Inspection of indoor environmental quality 10. 1 General requirements...... 10. 2 Indoor environmental quality 11 Testing of sound insulation performance.- 11. 1 General requirements.... 11. 2 Floor sound insulation performance 11. 3 Sound insulation performance of walls and exterior windows.- 26 11. 4 Indoor noise level...... ...27 Appendix A Testing of reinforcement in concrete by 3D radar method..... ...28 Appendix BFloor slab static load test- 33 Appendix C Detection of moisture content in plaster base-... 36 Explanation of wording in this specification- --39 List of quoted standards.... 0 ... Addition: Explanation of provisions- 4
1总则 1.0.1为统一广西住宅性能的现场检测方法,做到技术先进、数 据可靠、判定科学,保证工程质量,统一住宅性能现场检测的要 求,制定本规程.

1.0.2本规程适用于广西范围内新建、改建和扩建住宅以及既有 住宅的住宅性能现场检测: 1.0.3住宅性能现场检测除应符合本规程外,尚应符合国家、行 业及广西现行有关标准的规定.





