IISB GlobalStandards QuickReference Guide Code Services THE HARTFORD STEAM BOILER INSPECTION AND INSURANCE CO. This guide ilustrates some types of construction provided for under ASME Section VIII Division 1 Codc OF CONNECTICUT and is subjct to the rules in the current edition of the Code. This guide should be used only as a quick reference. ASMEBOILERANDPRESSUREVESSELCODE SECTIONVIIIDIVISION1 2004 EDITION Sip-On Flange UG-11 44 Appendix 2 Bolted Flange Connections UG-44 App. 2 S. Y UCI-35:UCD-36: Appendx 1-6 Spherically-Dished Covers UG-11 35.1; Ful-Faced Gasket Appendix 1-6 Protective Devioes UG-12S-137 Category C Welded Joint UW-2 3. 11; Appendix 11; Appendix M UNF-19: UHT-17; ULW-17;ULT-17: Appendix 2-4 Lap Joint ad Loe-TpFlae Openings UG-36-42: ULW-16 18; UG-11 44:UW-2:Appendx 2: Appendix 1-7 L-7 Appendix S Y Category B Weded Joint UW2 3 11 33.35; Sedde-Type Nozze Caory D UCS-19; UNF-19; UHA-21;UHT-17; ULT17 Nozzie Neck UG-16 27 43 45: UW-13 16: UHT-18:ULW-18: ULT-18 UW-2 3 11 16; UHT-17 18 54.55.82:UW-5 27 28 29:UHT85; Nonpressure Parts U-1(e)(Z). UG-4 22 Elipsoidal Heads UG-16. 79. 81;UCS-79 ternal Pressure UG-32; UHT32: UUW-22: ULT-30 Appendix 1: Agendix L-1 Exrn Pressre UG-33:UHT-33: Hemisgherical Head UG-16 79 81; Multple Openings UG-42 53 UCS-79:UHT-34;UNF-79 Spin Hbies; UW-34 Appenfix L-6 Intemal Pressure UG-32: UHT-32: Inside Edges UG-76 Exermal Pressure UG-33; UHA-31; Agpendix 1 L Head Skit UG-32 33; UW-13; UHT-19 Forming UG-79 96; UF-28; UCS-79; UHA-44: UCL-26 UHT-33: Appendix L UNF-77; UHT-79; ULT-79 Altachment Detals UW-9 13. 30; Unegual Thickness /W-9 13. 3. 42: UHT-20; ULW-17; ULT-17 UHT-34 Shell Thickness UG-16; UCS-27;Appendx 32 Castings ExtemalPressure UG-28:UCS-28: 1xpuoddyZ-n ainssaid g UG-7 11 24; UCS-8; UNF-8; UHA-8; Part UCI; Part UCD:; Appemdix 7 Forgings UNF-28 UHA-28:UCI-28.29; UG-6 I1;Pat UF; UCS-7; UNF-7; Appendix 22 UCL-26:UCD-28.UHT-27; UUW-116; ULT-28: Appendx L Nuts and Washes UG-13; UCS-11; UNF-13: UHA-13:Appendix 2-2 UG-11 85;UW-10 40 42:UCS-56.85:UNF-56.79:UHA-32 44 105; Heat Treatment UCL-34 UF-31 52: UHT66 80.81;UUW-26:ULT56:Appendix 31 R Charpy Impact Tests (Toughness) Stffeing Rings UG-29 30: UCS-29:UNF-30:UHA-29.30
UG-8 10 16 31; U05-9.27 Apel1s. gy Piate Weled Coectio UW-15 16; CaPUKNE P UC1 UG-5 10 16 76 79: UW-5; UCS4: UNF-6 UHT-17-18:ULW-18:ULT-18 Appendx F: Appondix 27 UG-12: UCS-10: UNF-12 UHA-12: UCI-12 UCO-12 Bolts CosonUG-16:UG-25:UF-25 UW-13:Appendx 13 Side Plales Rectengular Vessels UG-13 UCS-11 UNF-13; UHA-13; UCI-12 UCD-12 Nuts and Washers Appendix E Bars and Shapes Openingin Fat Heads UG-39 Plag Welds UW- 7 19; UW-37 UG-14;UCS-12: UNF-14 Appendx 14 Silener Pate UG-4 22. 54.82 Openings inoAn t Wes UG-36:UW-14;UL18 P UW13 UUW-17; Agpendix 14 Struchral Atachments U-5(e]; 6MN PIM sogoune Comer Joints UG-93 UW-9 13 18 UG- Appendix 28 UHT28.85:ULW22:UT-30: gceteicer Catogory β Circumlentil Joints Appeedix G UW- UHA-21 Categry A Longludinal Joint UW2.3.9; Halt Pipe Coils Appendix EE UF-17 20: UEW-17;ULT-17 Appendix 26 Bading Srip UW2 Appendix 5 UCS-66(% Te UW-12 UCS-66(a): Ped /m sfuuodo j0 jUxaauopd UG-36 37 40 41 42 B2:UW-14 15 16; UHT-18:ULW-18 Appen5ix 1-7 L-7 Category C Welded Joint UW-2 3 11 Appendix 9 Jacketed Vessels UG-27 28. 47: Blind Flange and es UG-5: UG-82: Appendx D Flat Head Bolted uopnuiutg pofenis pepRM UG-11 34 44 UG-47; UW-19 37 Tube Shet Design U-2(gi: TEMA; BS 5500 Part UHX and Stays UG-14; UW-19 Bars Structural Shapes Tube lo Tube Sheet Stayed Surfaces UG-27 47 Joints UW-20: Appendx A: UH0X-15 Shaybots UG-14 47-50; UG-83; Baffie UIG-5 UW-19 Tubes UG-8 Tutsie Hoies Ior Comosion UCS-9 16 27 28 31; 03-00 Category D Welded Joint Appenfix 23 UW-2 3 11 16 18:UNF-19; UHT-17 18 Tolerance UG-80. UF-27; Appendix 27 Appendix L-4 UG-11 44; Appendx 2.S Titasle Hole U-15(d) Sppot Skit U-1(e)UG-5.22. 54; Appendix 1-5. 8′ Flainflor
Conical Shell Reducer UG-32. 3. 36; UHT-19; Appendix 1-5 1-8 Conical Heads UHT-19 Intemel Pressure UG-32: UHT-32: Exdernal Pressure UG-33: UHT-33; Agpendx 1-4 5 Arpendix 1-8 Studded Connections Appendix 30: UG-12: * UG-43 44; UW-16 Flange Aachment UW2 15 16; Small Welded FItings UG-11 43; UW-15 16 Optional-Type Flange UC-14 UW-13; Appendix 2. S Y UUW-18Agendix 2.Fig.24 Bolted Flange or Rng Gasket Mantole Cover Plate U-1(e)(3) UG-11 34 46 Threaded Openings UG-36 43 46 Aopondix 2.S. Y Head Atachment UW-12 13; UHT-34; ULW-17 Filet Weds UW-9 12. 13 18 36; UCL-46 Floed Operings UG-32. 38. 46 Knudile Radius UG-32: UCS-79; Appendix 14 c2005. The Hartford Steam Boiler Yoke UG-11 Inspection and Insutance Co. of Torispherical Head UG-16 79 81; UCS-79; UNF-79 Connecticut. All ights reserved. Intemal Pressure UG-32; UHT-32 Inspection Openings UG-46 Exemaf Psure UG-33: UHT-33; Appendx L Appendix 14 L Spin Holes: UW-34 ORGANIZATION GENERAL NOTES Introduction Scope and Applicability Code Jurisdiction for Piping- (1-1 Namcplatcs Stamping and Rcports...IG-115-120; Susbscction A Part UG-Gicneral requirements for all Design Presure UG-21: UG-98; UCD-3 Nondestructive Examination UHT-115; UIW-115; UI-115; App. W & 18 construction and all matcrials UG-20; UCL-24: UCD-3 Subscction B Rcquircmcnts for mcthos o fabrication Welding Dimpled or Embossed Asscmblies ..Appendix 17 Inspector's Responsibility. a. Liquid Penctrant... Part U/W -Appendix 8 Part UF Forging Loadings. .-2: UG-90 b. Magnetic Particle. Appendix 6 Part UB Brazing g u o UG-22:Appendix G. H C.Radiography... d. Ultrasonic. UW-51 52 U/W-2: UCS-66-68; Subscction C Rerquirements for classes of material Porosity Charts. .Appendix 12 Part US Carbon and lov alloy stcek Mlanufactrer's Responsibility. UHA-51: Part UT ss puxddy Part UNF Nonferrous matcrials Mlaterial. Gcneral. 1-2: IIG-90 1G-99 100 101; 1/W-50; Part UHA G-4 10 11 15 UCI-99; UCD-99; UT:99 Cast iron High allow stccls b.Castings Bolts and Studs. UG-12 Quality (Control System.. .-2: Appendix 10 Part UC UG-7 Quick Actuating Closures .U-1; UG-35: App. FF (Clad plate and corrosion resistunt liners Cast ductile inon Forgings. Part U( Nuts and Wishes.. UG-6 Service Restrictions. W-2: UB-3; Pst U1T Ferritic stech with tensile propertics UG-13 soqp. pur sodd UCI-3; UCD-2 c. UG-8 Stress Aaximum Allowable. UG-23:App.P: Layered (Construction cnhanced by heat treatment Part UIW f. Plates. UG-5 UCS-23: UNF-23: UHA-23: UCD-23: Part tUir L.ow Tempcrature Alaterials Rod and Bar UG-14 U-23 U1-23; 1C1 11-23 Part UHX Rules for Shell and ‘Tubc Heat Standard Parts. ..G-11 44 U'scr's Responsibility.. Welding. Welding Preheat Recmmendations. -125 0-2 Exchangers Material Identifiction Marking .UG-9 Mandatory Appendies133 and Certification.. Welding Quulifications. 6 chru29; Appcindi R Nonmandatory Appendices A-Y D1) EE FF (GG UG-77 93 94 UG-16 -82; UT->2: 1HA.52; UNF.95 D
NONDESTRUCTIVEEYAMINATION REFERENCES PARA. REQUIREMENTS/REMARKS PT MT UT RT PARA. REQUIREMENTS/REMARKS PT MT UT RT UG-24 Gencral rcquirements for castings . .X X X X UCL-35 Vesscls or parts of vessels constructed of clad.. X UG-93 General requirements for the inspection of al....X X plate and those having applied corrosion materiuls rcsistant linings UW-11 Radiographic and ultrasonic examination. X X UCI-36 Chromium stainless steel cladding or lining.. X rcquired for pressure vesscls and vesscl parts UCD-78 Repair of defects in cast ductile iron pressure... x (also sce UW-51 UW-52) vessels and vessel parts UW-42 Surface wcld metal buildup. .X X UHT-57 Pressure vesscls or vessel parts constructed of. X X X UW-50 Welds on pneumatically testcd vesscls. .X X ferritic steels having tensile properties cnhanced UF-31 Vessels fabricated from SA-372 forging materil. X by hcat trcatment to bc liquid quenched and tempered UHE-83 Metal remowal acplished by methods involving melting on pressure vescls and vessel UF-32 Finished welds after postweld heat treatment ...X X UF-37 Repair welds in forgings. parts constructed of ferritic stcels having X X X tensile properties enhanced by heat treatment UF-55 Vesscls constncted of SA-372 Class VI materiul. X UT-85Removal of tcmpotary welds on prcssure . vessels and vessel parts constructed of ferritic X UCS-57 Examination in addition to UW-11 for butt X welded joints on carbon and low alloy steel stcels having tensilc properties enhanced by pressure vesscls and vessel parts heat treatment UNF-57 Examination in addition to UW-11 for pressure ULW-51 Inner shells and inner hcads of layered . X vesscls and vessel parts constructed of pressure vesscls nonferrous materials ULW-52 Welded joints in the layers of layercd pressure. UNF-58 X X X All groove and fillet welds in vessels. vessels constructcd of certain nonfcrrous matcrials ULW-53 Exceptions for radiographic examinations of . Step welded girth joints in the layers of layered UHA-33 X pressure vessels X high alloy stcel vessels Austenitic chromium-nickel alloy stcel but... ULW-54 Butt welded joints in layered pressure vessels. X tVH1 and fillet wclds ULW-55 Flat head and tube sheet welded joints.. X X X UCI-78 Repair of defects in cast iron pressure vessels... in layered pressure vessels and vessel parts ..X X ULW-56 Nozzle and coemmunicating chamber welded. _X joints in layercd pressure vessels Qualifications ofPersonnel Performing SectionVIlI DivisionI Nondestructive Examinations ULW-57 Random spot cxaminations and repairs of welds.. X X in layered pressure vesscls Examination Reference ExaminationReference ULT-57 Welds in pressure vessels and vessel parts con- PT Appendix 8 UT Appendix 12 structed of materials having increased design -X X X MT Appendix 6 RT UW-51 stress values due to low tcmperature applications