文化遗产地解说与展示宪章(2008年) 中英文版.pdf


据ICOMOS官方网站英法对照本译 (见pdf文件:GA16_Charter_Interpretation_20081004_FREN).

.international.ios.org/quebec2008/charters/interpretation/pdf/GA16 Charter Int erpretation_20081004 FREN.pdf THEICOMOS CHARTER FOR THE INTERPRETATION ANDPRESENTATION OF CULTURALHERITAGESITES ICOMOS文化遗产地解说与展示宪章 Prepared under the Auspices of the ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites 由ICOMOS文化遗产地解说与展示国际科学委员会赞助准备 Ratified by the 16th General Assembly of ICOMOS Quebec (Canada) on 4 October 2008 经ICOMOS第16届会员大会批准,魁北克(加拿大),2008年10月4日 PREAMBLE前言 study documentation and protection of cultural heritage sites ICOMOS has striven to promote the conservation ethic in all its activities and to help enhance public appreciation of humanity’s material heritage in all its forms and diversity.1965年成立的ICOMOS是一个致力于文化遗产地研究、记录 和保护,并由遗产专业人士组成的国际组织,所以,它努力在行动中推动遗产保护伦理, 并帮助公众增强对于各种形式和多样性的人类实物遗产的欣赏力.

As noted in the Charter of Venice (1964) It is essential that the principles guiding the preservation and restoration of ancient buildings should be agreed and be laid down on an intermational basis with guidelines for specific conservation challenges and encouraging effective munication about the importance of heritage conservation in every region of the world.正如《成尼斯宪章》(1964)指出 的,“古代建筑的保护与修复指导原则应在国际上得到公认并作出规定,这一点至关重要.

各 国在各自的文化和传统范畴内负责实施这一规划.

”随后的ICOMOS宪章延续了这一使命,为 全球各个地区特殊的保护挑战建立专业指南,并鼓励围绕遗产保护的重要性开展有效的交流.

These earlier ICOMOS charters stress the importance of public munication as an essential part of the larger conservation process (variously describing it as *dissemination " *popularization conservationwithin all the world’s cultural traditions - is by its nature a municative act.早期的 ICOMOS宪章强调公众交流的重要性,这是更大的保护过程(不同地描述为“传播”、“普及”、 “展示”和“解说”)中一个必不可少的部分.

它们无疑表明,遗产保护的每种举动一一在世 界各种文化传统中一一本质而言都是一种交流举动.

From the vast range of surviving material remains and intangible values of past munities and civilisations the choice of what to preserve how to preserve it and how it is to be presented to the public are all elements of site interpretation. They represent every generation’s vision of what is
significant what is important and why material remains from the past should be passed on to generationsyettoe.从以往社会和文明留存的大量实物遗存和非物质价值来看,选择保护什 么、怎样保护以及怎样向公众展示是遗产地解说的全部要素.

它们代表着每一代人的这样一些 视角:什么是有意义的?



The need for a clear rationale standardised terminology and accepted professional principles for Interpretation and Presentation’ is evident. In recent years the dramatic expansion of interpretive activities at many cultural heritage sites and the introduction of elaborate interpretive technologies and new economic strategies for the marketing and management of cultural heritage sites have created pesos esbsseu sx public appreciation of cultural heritage sites throughout the world:显然,解说与展示”需要一种清 断的理念、一套标准化术语和若干公认的专业原则.

近年来,许多文化遗产地的解说活动显著 增多,精良的解说技术的引入,文化遗产地营销和管理中的新经济战略,三者导致了新的复杂 -What are the accepted and acceptable goals for the Interpretation and Presentation of cultural heritage sites?-什么是文化遗产地解说与展示公认的并且受到欢迎的目标?

- What principles should help determine which technical means and methods are appropriate in particularcultural and heritage contexts?-什么原则应该帮助确定哪些技术手段和方法在特定的文 化和遗产背景中是恰当的?

- What general ethical and professional considerations should help shape Interpretation and Presentation in light of its wide variety of specific forms and techniques?-由于特殊形式和特殊技巧 的广泛多样存在,什么一般性的伦理和专业思考会有助于形成解说与展示?

The purpose of this Charter is therefore to define the basic principles of Interpretation and Presentation as essential ponents of heritage conservation efforts and as a means of enhancing 与展示的基本准则,将其作为遗产保护努力的必要组成部分,也作为提高公众欣赏、理解文化 遗产地的一种手段.

DEFINITIONS定义 For the purposes of the present Charter 考虑到当前宪章, Interpretation refers to the full range of potential activities intended to heighten public awareness and enhance understanding of cultural heritage site. These can include print and electronic publications public lectures on-site and directly related off-site installations educational programmes munity activities and ongoing research training and evaluation of the interpretation process itself. 解说指为了提高公众文化遗产地意识和增强文化遗产地理解的可能的活动.

可包括印刷品 和电子、公众讲座、现场装置和直接相关的非现场装置、教育项目、社区活动,以及对 于解说过程本身的持续性研究、培训和评估.

Presentation more specifically denotes the carefully planned munication of interpretive content through the arrangement of interpretive information physical access and interpretive infrastructure atacultural heritage site.展示更多地特指对解说内容进行认真地经过规划的交流, 交流借助于对文化遗产地解说信息、实地可达性和解说设施的安排.

Itcanbeconveyed through a variety of technical means including yet not requiring such elements as informational panels See defrniions on page 3.参见“定文” See defniions on page 3.参见“定文” AltougepinipsndobjctvesthsChaayqlyapplyt-enesmifc interpretation and presentation at or in the immediate vicinity of cultural heritage sites.蛋然本光章的原则和目标也可等适 用于非在地遗产的解说,但宪章主要关注文化遗产地或非常章近文化遗产地的解说与展示.

museum-type displays formalized walking tours lectures and guided tours and multimedia applicationsandwebsites可以通过不同的技术手段实现,包括诸如信息板、博物馆式的陈列、规 范化的徒步旅行、讲座和导引式旅游、多媒体应用和网站等等要素,尽管不要求.

Interpretive infrastructure refers to physical installations facilities and areas at or connected with pe uodo ssd pns ru s e presentation including those supporting interpretation via new and existing technologies.解说设施指 为了解说与展示,在文化遗产地或其相关地点特别使用的实物装置、设施和区域,包括依靠新 技术和已有技术所做的支持性解说.

temporarily engaged in the public munication of information relating to the values and significance ofthesite.遗产地解说员指长期或临时从事遗产地价值和意义相关信息的公众交流 的遗产地员工或志愿者.

Cultural Heritage Site refers to a place locality natural landscape settlement area architectural plex archaeological site or standing structure that is recognized and often legally protected as a place of historicaland cultural significance.文化遗产地指一个地方、地点、自然景观、居住区、建 筑群、考古遗址或常设建筑物,它们被视为具有历史、文化意义的地方而得到认识,并且通常 得到合法的保护.

OBJECTIVES目标 osdddpe conservation and management this Charter seeks to establish seven cardinal principles upon which Interpretation and Presentationin whatever form or medium is deemed appropriate in specific circumstances-should be based.认识到解说与展示是文化遗产保护与管理整体过程中的一部分, 本宪章旨在确定七条基本原则,解说与展示应以此为基础.

当然,在特定条件下,任何形式或 方法都被认为是恰当的.

Principle 1:Access and Understanding原则1:可达性和理解 Principle2:Information Sources原则2:信息源 Principle3:Attention to Setting and Context原则3:注重背景环境和文脉 Principle 4:PreservationofAuthenticity原则4:保存原真性 Principle5:PlanningforSustainability原则5:为可持续性进行规划 Principle6:ConcernforInclusiveness原则6:关注涵盖性 Principle7:Importance of Research Training and Evaluation原则7:研究、培训和评估的重要 性 Following from these seven principles the objectives of this Charter are to:伴上述七条原则,本完 章的目标是: 1.Facilitate understanding and appreciation of cultural heritage sites and foster public awareness and engagement in the need for their protcction and conservation.促进对文化遗产地 的需要.

2.Communicate the meaning of cultural heritage sites to a range of audiences through careful documented recognition of significance through accepted scientific and scholarly methods as wellasfrom livingcultural traditions.通过认真并且记录在案的遗产地意义认识,借助于公认 的科学和学术方法,并且从活态文化传统向广大观众传递文化遗产地的含义.

3. Safeguard the tangible and intangible values of cultural heritage sites in their natural and cultural setingsand social contexts.在文化遗产地自然和文化背景环境以及社会背景中保护 遗产地的有形价值和无形价值 4.Respet the authenticity of cultural heritage sites by municating the significance of their sjo ed spe ud pe sn pe interpretive infrastructure visitor pressure inaccurate or inappropriate interpretation.通过传递历 史构造与文化价值的意义,通过保护遗产地使其免遭突兀的解说设施、游客压力、不准确 或不恰当解说的负面冲击,尊重文化遗产地的原真性.

5.Contribute to the sustainable conservation of cultural heritage sites through promoting public understanding of and participation in ongoing conservation efforts ensuring long-term maintenance of the interpretive infrastructure and regular review of its interpretive contents.通过 推动公众理解和参与长久的保护工作,通过确保长期维护解说设施并且定期回顾解说内容, 使其贡献于文化遗产地的可持续保护.

6.Enourage incusiveness n the nterpretationof cultural heritage sitesby facilitating th involvement of stakeholders and associated munities in the development and implementation of interpretive programmes.通过推动纳入利益相关者和相关社区,在解说项目的开发和执行 中,鼓励文化遗产地解说的涵盖性.

7.Develop technical and professional guidelines for heritage interpretation and presentation including technologies research and training. Such guidelines must be appropriate and sustainablein their social contexts.制定遗产解说与展示的技术指南和专业指南,包括技术、 研究和培训.


PRINCIPLES原则 Principle1:原则1: Access andUnderstanding可达性和理解 publictoculturalheritagesites.解说与展示项目应有助于公众从实物上和知识上接近文化遗产 地.

1. Effctive interpretation and presentation should enhance personal experience increase public respect and understanding and municate the importance of the conservation of cultural heritagesites.有效的解说与展示应充实个人经历,提高公众对遗产的尊重和理解,传递文化 遗产地保护的重要性.

2. Interpretation and presentation should encourage individuals and munities to reflect on their own perceptions of a site and assist them in establishing a meaningful connection to it. The aim should be to stimulate further interest,learning,experience and exploration解说与展示应鼓励 个人和社区思考他们自身对于遗产地的认知,帮助他们建立与遗产地一种有意义的联系, 目的应是激发出进一步的兴趣、知识、体验和探索.

3. Interpretation and presentation programmes should identify and assess their audiences demographically and culturally. Every effort should be made to municate the site's values andsignificance toits variedaudiences.解说与展示项目应从人口统计和文化两方面辨别和 评估观众,应付出各种努力向不同观众传递遗产地的价值和意义.

4.The diversity of language among visitors and associated munities connected with aheritage site should be taken into account in the interpretive infrastructure.解说设施应考虑游客和遗产 地相关社区语言的多样性.

Interpretation and presentation activities should also be physically accessible to the public in all itsvariety.解说与展示活动应该通过各种形式,方便公众实地的可达性.

6. In cases where physical access to a cultural heritage site is restricted due to conservation concerms cultural sensitivities adaptive re-use or safety issues interpretation and presentation should beprovidedoff-site.文化遗产地的实地可达性会受到保护相关事宜、文化敏感性、适 应性再利用或安全事宜的限制.


Principle2:原则2: Information Sources信息源 Interpretationandpresentationshouldbebasedonevidencegatheredthroughacceptedscientific andscholarlymethodsaswellasfromlivingculturaltraditions.解说与展示应依据那些借助公认 的科学和学术方法并从活态的文化传统中收集到的证据.

1.Interpretation should show the range of oral and writen information material remains traditions and meanings attributed to a site. The sources of this information should be documented archived,and made accessible to the public.解说应显示遗产地的口头和书面信息、实物遗存、 传统和含义.


2. Interpretation should be based on a well researched multidisciplinary study of the site and its surroundings. It should also acknowledge that meaningful interpretation necessarily includes reflectiononaltemative historicalhypotheseslocaltraditionsand stories.解说应基于对遗产地 及其周边环境的充分多学科研究.

还应认识到,有意义的解说也包括对可替换的历史假设、 地方传统和事迹的必要.

3. At cultural heritage sites where traditional storytelling or memories of historical participants provide an important source of information about the significance of the site interpretive programmes should incorporate these oral testimonieseither indirectly through the facilities of the interpretive infrastructure or directly through the active participation of members of associated munities as on-site interpreters.当历史亲历者的传统故事讲述或记忆为文化遗 产地的意义提供了重要信息源时,在这些遗产地,解说项目应采纳这些口头表述--或间 接通过解说设施来实现,或直接通过将相关社区的成员请为现场解说员来主动参与.

4.Visual reconstructions whether by artists architects or puter modelers should be based upon detailed and systematic analysis of environmental archaeological architectural and historical data including analysis of written oral and iconographic sources and photography. The information sources on which such visual renderings are based should be clearly documented and alternative reconstructions based on the same evidence when available should beprovided forparison.视觉重建,无论是通过艺术家、建筑师,还是计算机建模师, 都应基于对环境、考古、建筑和历史数据的详细和系统分析.

分析包括书面的、口头的和 图像的来源,以及摄影.

视觉复制图(visualrenderings)所依据的信息源应被明确记录, 如果可能的话,应提供由同样证据做出的可替代性重建以供对比.

5. Interpretation and presentation programmes and activities should also be documented and archived for future reference and reflection.为了今后的参考和,应对解说与展示项目和 活动进行记录和存档.

Principle 3:原则3: ContextandSetting背景环境和文脉 TheInterpretationandPresentationofculturalheritagesitesshouldrelatetotheirwidersocial cultural historicalandnaturalcontexts andsettings.文化遗产地的解说与展示应与更广泛的社 会、文化、历史和自然背景与背景环境相关.





