WHC.19/01 10 July 2019 Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the WorldHeritage Convention UNITEDNATIONSEDUCATIONAL SCIENTIFIC ANDCULTURALORGANIZATION INTERGOVERNMENTALCOMMITTEE FORTHEPROTECTIONOFTHE WORLDCULTURALANDNATURALHERITAGE United Nations Educational Scientific and .Heritage World Cultural Organization Convention WORLDHERITAGECENTRE
The Operational Guidelines are periodically revised to relect the decisions of the World Heritage Comitte.Pleseverifytht youarusingthlatstversionf the OpratGuideinesbychking the date of the Operational Guidelines on the UNESCO World Heritage Centre website indicated below. The Operational Guidelines (in English and French) the text of the World Heritage Convention (in five languages) and other documents and information concerning World Heritage are available from the World Heritage Centre: UNESCO World Heritage Centre 7. place de Fontenoy 75352 Paris 07 SP France Contact: https:/whc.unesco.org/en/world-heritage-centre Links: https:/whc.unesco.org/ https:/whc.unesco.org/en/guidelines (English) https:/whc.unesco.org/fr/orientations (French) Operariongi Gseidelines for the Implementarion of the World Heritoge Convention
TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Number Paragraph Number(s) ACRONYMSANDABBREVIATIONS I INTRODUCTION LA The Operational Guidelines. ...1-3 LB TheWorldHeritage Convention .. ..4-9 L.C The States Parties to the World Heritage Convention. ...10-16 1D The General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention ..... 17-18 LE The World Heritage Committee.... ... 19-26 LF The Secretariat to the World Heritage Committee (World Heritage Centre)... 27-29 LG The Advisory Bodies to the World Heritage Committe... ...30-37 ICCROM... .32-33 ICOMOS.. ..34-35 IUCN.. ..36-37 LH Other organizations..... ..38 11 Partners in the protection of World Heritage... ... 39-40 1J Other Conventions Remendations and Programmes. 41-44 ⅡI THE WORLD HERITAGELIST ILA Definition of World Heritage .. 45-53 Cultural and Natural Heritage .. .45 Mixed Cultural and Natural Heritage.. ..46 Cultural landscapes. .47 Movable Heritage - ...8 Outstanding Universal Value.... ..49-53 ILB A Representative Balanced and Credible World Heritage List 54-61 The Global Strategy for a Representative Balanced and Credible World Heritage List..... ..55-58 Other measures.. ..59-61 IL.C Tentative Lists.... 62-76 Procedure and Format.... .62-69 Tentative Lists as a planning and evaluation tol.. ...70-73 Assistance and Capacity Building for States Parties in the preparation of Tentative Lists . ..74-76 Operctional Guidelines for the Implememtcion of the World Heritoge Convention
LD Criteria for the assessment of Outstanding Universal Value. 77-78 ILE Authenticity and/or integrity..... ..79-95 Authenticity - ..79-86 Integrit. ..87-95 ILF Protection and management. Legislative regulatory and contractual protection measures ..98 Boundaries for effective protection ...9--102 Buffer zones... ..103--107 Management systems.. 108-118bis Sustainable use.. .119 ⅢI PROCESS FORTHEINSCRIPTION OFPROPERTIES ONTHEWORLD HERITAGE LIST IIILA Preparation of Nominations.... ... 120-128 IIB Format and content of nominations .. .129-133 1. Identification of the propert..... ...1.32.1 2. Description of the propert.. ..132.2 3. Justification for inscriptio... .132.3 4. State of conservation and factors affecting the property ...132.4 5. Protection and management . .132.5 6. Monitoring. .132.6 7. Documentation. ..132.7 8. Contact information of responsible authorities. ..132.8 9. Signature on behalf of the State Party. ..132.9 10. Number of printed copies required (including annexed maps) . ..132.10 11. Paper and electronic formats... ...132.11 12. Sending .... ..132.12 II.C Requirements for the nomination of different types of properties.... . 13-139 Transboundary properties. ..134-136 Serial properties... .137--139 II.D Registration of nominations. .. 140-142 IILE Evaluation of nominations by the Advisory Bodies. . 143-151 IILF Withdrawal of nominations... ..152 IILG Decision of the World Heritage Committee..... .. 153-160 Inscription.. .154-157 Decision not to inscribe.... ..158 Referral of Nominations. .159 Deferral of Nominations.. 160 Operarionci Gueidelines for the Implementcrion of the World Heritoge Cornvention
II.H Nominations to be processed on an emergency basis. ..161-162 II.I Modifications to the boundaries to the criteria used to justify inscription or to the name of a World Heritage property . .. 163-167 Minor modifications to the boundaries .. ..163-164 Significant modifications to the boundaries..... 165 Modifications to the criteria used to justify inscription on the World Heritage List... 166 Modification to the name of a World Heritage property.. 167 IIIJ Timetable overview .. ..168 IIK Financing of evaluation of nominations.. ..168bis IV PROCESSFORMONITORINGTHESTATEOFCONSERVATIONOFWORLD HERITAGEPROPERTIES IV.A Reactive Monitoring... Definition of Reactive Monitoring... ..169 Objective of Reactive Monitoring... ...170-171 Information received from States Parties and/or other sources. .1.7--174 Decision by the World Heritage Committe.... .175-176 IV.B The List of World Heritage in Danger.... ... 177-191 Guidelines for the inscription of properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger... 177 Criteria for the inscription of properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger .. .178-182 Procedure for the inscription of properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger... ..183-189 Regular review of the state of conservation of properties on the List of World Heritage in Danger ..190-191 IV.C Procedure for the eventual deletion of properties from the World Heritage List... ... 192-198 v PERIODICREPORTINGONTHEIMPLEMENTATIONOFTHEWORLD HERITAGECONVENTION V.A Objectives.. ... 199-202 V.B Procedure and Format. ..203-207 V.C Evaluation and Follow-Up. .. 208-210 VI ENCOURAGINGSUPPORTFORTHEWORLDHERITAGECONVENTION VLA Objectives... ..211 VLB Capacity building and research .212-216 The World Heritage Capacity Building Strategy.. .213 National raining strategies and regional cooperation ..214-214bis Research.. ...215 Operarioncl Gseidelines for the Implementcrion of the World Heritage Cornvention
2019年 - 实施《保护世界文化与自然遗产公约》的操作指南(2019)英文版.pdf