2020年09月 - 关于世界遗产的“关键术语表” - 英文.pdf


a Educational Scientific and United Nations Heritage puoM Cultural Organization Convention B List of Key Terms Periodic Reporting e Questionnaire
Periodic Reporting Index of Key Terms ListofKeyTermsinthePeriodicReportingQuestionnaire
Periodic Reporting Index of Key Terms Reporting questionnaire.The explanations are derivedfrom a widerangeof sources including World Heritagepublications UNESCO webpages UNwebsites the Operational Guidelines for the implementation of the World Heritage Convention etc.These designations and descriptions part of UNESCO and do notmit the Organization.
Periodic Reporting Index of Key Terms Term Definition 1954 Hague The Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict was Conventionforthe adopted at The Hague (Netherlands) in 1954 in the wake of massive destruction of cultural Protection of heritage during the Second World War.It is the first international treaty with a worldwide Cultural Property vocation focusing exclusively on the protection of cultural heritage in the event of armed in the Event of conflict. Armed Conflict This Convention is an intermational cooperation framework against the illicit traficking of cultural property requiring States Parties to take preventative measures and adhere to restitution provisions. lt covers immovable and movable cultural heritage including monuments of architecture art or history archaeological sites works of art manuscripts books and other objects of artistic historical orarchaeological interestas well as scientific collections of llkinds regardless of their origin or ownership. Read the full text of the Convention. Source(s): .unesco.org/new/en/culture/themes/armed-conflict-and- heritage/convention-and-protocols/1954-hague-convention/ 1970 Convention The objectives of the 1970 Convention are to protect and safeguard the world cultural property Prohibiting and on the Means of againstdamagethfclandestinexcavationsillicitmportxporand transferfwersh Preventing the to establish a moral and ethical code for the acquisition of cultural property to provide a Illicit Import platform among State Parties to the Convention for facilitating the recovery and retum of Export and stolen illicitly excavated or illicitly exported cultural property and to promote international cooperation and assistance. Ownership of Cultural Property For more information visit the 1970 Convention webpage. Source(s): .unesco.org/new/en/culture/themes/illicit-traficking-of-cultural- property/1970-convention/ 1972 The same General Conference that adopted the Convention concerning the Protection of Remendation World Cultural and Natural Heritage (the World Heritage Convention) in 1972 also adopted concerning the the Remendation concermingtheProtection at National Level of the Culturaland Natural Protection at the Heritage. National level of the Cultural and Natural Heritage According to this Remendation “ln conformity with their jurisdictional and legislative whose principal aim should be to co-ordinate and make use of all scientific technical cultural and other resources available to secure the effective protection conservation and (e epg ood euogn ) eueu enu pue qesnno eu jo uoesed The Remendation also encourages States to organise their public services and take appropriate protective legal and financial measures that will contribute to the protection of cultural and natural heritage and to undertake educational campaigns to inform the public needed. Source(s): https:/whc.unesco.org/en/convention/
Periodic Reporting Index of Key Terms 2001 Convention on theProtection Cultural Heritage of theUnderwater cultural heritage the prioritization of in-situ preservation and the stipulation that underwater cultural heritage should not be mercially exploited for trade or speculation and that it should not be irretrievably dispersed. For more information visit the website of the 2001 Convention. Source(s): .unesco.org/new/en/culture/themes/underwater-cultural- heritage/2001-convention/ 2003 Convention The main goal of the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage is to forthe safeguard the practices representations expressions knowledge and skills that munities Safeguarding of groups and in some cases individuals recognize as part of their cultural heritage. the Intangible Cultural Heritage and the universe and traditional craftsmanship. This definition provided in Article 2 of the Convention also includes the instruments objects artefacts and cultural spaces associated with intangible cultural heritage. For more information visit the website of the 2003 Convention. Source(s): https:/ich.unesco.org/en/working-towards-a-convention-00004 2005 Convention The Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions on theProtection adopted in 2005 by the UNESCO General Conference is a binding international legal andPromotionof instrument. Its goal is to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions particularly the Diversity of as embodied and conveyed in cultural activities goods and services which are the vehicles Cultural of contemporary culture.lt sets out to create a legal framework favourable to all with regard Expressions cultural expressions of diverse origin. The Convention highlights the decisive role of cultural policies and defines the rights and obligations of Parties withregard to the protection andpromotion of the diversity of cultural expressions both nationally and internationally. States have agreed on the urgent need for this instrument given that the accelerating processes of globalization tend to heighten the disparities between those countries lacking and those possessing the capacity to create produce and disseminate their cultural expressions. For more information visit the website of the 2005 Convention. Source(s): .unesco.org/new/en/culture/themes/cultural-diversity/cultural- expressions/the-convention/faq





