钢结构构件的扭转分析 理论与设计 英文 陈骥编著 13819006.pdf


中国科学院教材建设专家委员会立项项目 土木工程科学研究暨研究生教学丛书 TORSIONAL ANALYSIS OF STEELSTRUCTURALMEMBERSTHEORYANDDESIGN 钢结构构件的扭转分析 理论与设计) CHENJI 陈骥 编著 锌学出版社
中国科字院教材建设专家委员会立项项目 土木工程科学研究暨研究生教学丛书 TORSIONALANALYSISOFSTEEL STRUCTURALMEMBERSTHEORY ANDDESIGN (钢结构构件的扭转分析-理论与设计) CHENJI 陈骥编著 斜学出版社 北京
内容简介 本书介绍了薄壁开口截面扭转屈曲或弯扭屈曲、畸变屈曲、扭转塑性破坏, 即均匀扭转量性破坏和翘曲扭转塑性破坏的理论分析、试验研究和设计间题, 包括均匀受扭、约束受扭、沙堆比拟方法和翘曲扭转诸多试验研究和设计问题.

本书给出了两端简支焊接工形截面,轴心受压柱的扭转屈曲荷载和轴心受 压冷弯开口加劲卷边槽钢构件的弹性畸变屈曲荷载的计算实例,并按照澳大利 亚冷弯薄壁规范AS/NZS4600-20052EL确定弹性畸变屈曲荷载的计算实例.

本书可作为高等院校土建类和力学类专业的研究生教材,也可供相关 领域的工程技术人员和科研人员学习和参考, 图书在版编目(CIP)数据 钢结构构件的扭转分析:理论与设计一Torsionalanalysisofsteelstruc turalmembers theoryanddesign:英文/陈旗编著,-北京:科学出版 社,2014 (中国科学院教材建设专家委员会立项项目土本工程科学研究暨研究 生教学丛书) ISBN 978-7-03-041732-9 I.①钢I.①陈Ⅲ.①钢结构-结构构件-英文IV.①TU391 中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2014)第198730号 责任编辑:童安齐国洪霞吴卓品/贵任校对:马英前 责任印制:品春展/封面设计:桥者设计工作室 科号社出版 北京东黄城板北街16号 p//ww. xing.om 邮成编码:100717 北京京华建彩印制有限公司印刷 科学出版社发行各地新华书店经销 2014年9月第一版开本:B5(720×1000) 2014年9月第次印刷印张:61/2 000 001 定价:80.00元 (如有印装质量问题,我社负责调换(靠华龙移>) 费部电话010-62136131编辑部电话010-62137026(BA08) , :010-64030229:010-64034315;13501151303
PREFACE With the enhanced property of steel materials and design requirements of twisting members in steel systems thin-walled cold-formed steel structures are widely used in practical engineering projects. Therefore teaching and engineer- ing technical staffs who are engaged in the theoretical research and design of steel structures urgently need to understand the torsional flexural-torsional and dis- tortional buckling in terms of bending and torsion of thin-walled members This text book is written towards post-graduates who major in steel structure Commonly. readers deal with the torsional and flexural-torsional buckling of thin-walled members while ignoring the distortional buckling. So staffs of steel structures need to have full master of the buckling modes of thin-walled mem- bers In order to address this need bined with years of practical teaching experience and engineering design projects Professor Chen Ji stresses much importance on the elastic and elastic-plastic theoretical analysis of thin-walled torsional members which can make the attention of readers towards the distor- tional buckling. The changes inside the structure and manifestation form of deformation of members under various external force are stressed in this book to predict the failure modes of structures. The contents in this book are as follows; Torsion of thin-walled cold-formed open section elastic torsion and bending-torsion of axial pression members distortional buckling of cold-formed lipped channel section distortional buckling under in-plane uniform bending of monosymmetric and bisymmetric I-shape beams and the latest scientific research results Also contained in this book are references related of each chapter The contents in this book have a mon focal point that post-graduates should pay attention to the study of fundamental theory and practical use. The examples in this book have detailed explanation and pro vide readers with elaborate deriving processes making readers fully understand the probletms of thin-walled members Xu S.J. Song,W.J. 2014.5
.FOREWORD This book is written for graduate students in colleges and universities as a text book and also can be used by structural engineers and researchers since the various design provisions of specifications are discussed in this book such as AS/ NZS 4600-2005n Ed. Standards Australian/ New Zealand Stand on Cold-Formed Steel Structures Sydney Australin 2005 CSA Standards S16-2009 Design of Steel Structures Canadian Standards Association Mississauga Ontario 2009;Din 18800-2; Stahbauten Stabilitatsfalle knicken von Staben und Stabwerken 1990;GB 50017-2014 Code for the Design of Steel Structures China Plan Press Beijing.2014 (in Chinese)and GB 50018-2013 Specification of the De- sign of Cold-From Thin Walled Steel Structures China Plan Press Beijing 2013 (in Chinese). There are eleven chapters in this book Chapter 1 includes the history of tor- sion of steel structural members such as the sand-heap analogy for the full plas- tic torque of solid section beam developed by Nadai in 1931. Chapter 2 Intro- duction gives the elastic-torsion shear and warping torsion stresses of I-section thin-walled steel member from Trahair N. S. and Pi Y. L. in 1997 Chapter 3 provides the linear elastic torsional behavior of I-section thin-walled steel mem- ber in which the expression of thin-walled open cross-section member under tor- sion graduated student on study Xu S. J. gives a good suggestion Chapter 4 gives the elastic torsional buckling of axial pression under the twisting de- formation as the angle α between the inclining fiber and the vertical line in which the effect of residual stress distribution and end boundary conditions on elastic torsional buckling load are considered. Chapter 5 explains the elastic section dis- tortional buckling stress of the cold-formed lipped channel involved the twist ro- tation and the lateral bending displacement of the pression flange For calcu- lation an equilibrium method and a numerical method are used. Chapter 6 shows the simply supported bi-symmetrically welded I-beam under in-plane uniform bending in order to explain its distortional buckling. In 1995 Papangelis J. P. Hancock G. J. and Trahair N S. and in 2006 Samanta A. and Kumar A. indicate that. for the short mono-symmetric I-section beam the distortional





