普通高等教育“十一五”规划教材 PUTONG GAODENG JIAOYU SHIYIWU GUIHUA JIAOCAI STABILITYOFSTEELSTRUCTURES THEORYANDDESIGN 钢结构稳定一理论与设计 Ji Chen(Editor-in-Chief);Haojun Chen 陈骥(主编)陈浩军 本国电力出版社 jo.cepp..cn
普通高等教育“十一五”规划教材 PUTONG GAODENG JIAOYU SHIYIWU GUIHUA JIAOCAI STABILITYOFSTEELSTRUCTURES THEORYANDDESIGN 钢结构稳定一理论与设计 Ji Chen(Editor-in-Chief);Haojun Chen 陈骥(主编)陈浩军 jo.oepp..on
内客简介 本书为普通高等教育“十一五”规划教材,全书其八章,主要内容包括以下 几个方面: (1)失稳分类:分盆失稳的类型,极值点失稳和质越失稳.
(2)轴心受压柱,梁柱,刚接和半刚楼架的平面弯曲屈曲性能和实用设计 方法.
(4)薄板的凸曲和应曲后性能,冷弯薄壁板件的局部屈由,畸变遥曲,鉴体感 曲和它们之间的相关用曲,有效宽度和直接强度两种设计方法.
全书内容注重钢结构材料和构件儿何非线性的特点,使之符合实际的结构设 计.
同时,书中还附有依照国内外钢结构设计规意设计的许多钢结构构件和别架有 关理论研究和设计方法的实例.
本书可作为普通高等院校工程结构、工程力学专业研究生的教材,也可作为结 构工程师和研究人员的参考用书.
图书在版编目(CIP)数据 钢结构稳定:理论与设计=Stability ofSteel Structures:Theory andDesign:英文/陈骥,陈浩军主编.一北京:中国电力出版 社,2009.8 普通高等教育“十一五”规划教材 ISBN 978- 7- 5083-8906-6 I.钢.ⅡI.①陈②陈Ⅲ.钢结构一结构稳定性-高等 学校-教材-英文N.TU391.01 中国版本图书馆CIR数据核字(2009)第087135号 出版、发行 (北京三里河路6号100044hmp://ceppom.cn) 北京盛通印股份有限公司印剧 各地新华书店经售 * 2010年3月第一版2010年3月北京第一次印刷 787毫米×1092毫米16开本57印张1333千字 定价110.00元 敬告读者 本书封面贴有防伪标签,加热后中心图案消失 本书如有印装质量问题,我社发行部负资退换
普道高等教育“十一五权划教材 STABILITYOFSTEELSTRUCTURES-THEORYANDDESIGN (钢结构稳定一理论与设计) Preface The theory of structural stability is strictly speaking a branch of structural mechanics. But from the proces of the development it can be observed that this leaming is closely linked with the o s o Stability published in 1936 wrote; “The moderm use of steel and high-strength alloys in engineering structures especially in briges ships and aircraft has made elastic instability a problem of great importance°. This statement made more than 60 years ago is still holding true nowadays whereas buildings and offshore platforms are added to the rank of above structures and plasticity is more involved in stability issues. Constructional steel by itself is an elasto-plastic material welding the contemporary art of connection gives rise to residual stresses which nccentuate the inelastic behavior of steel members. CHEN Haojun not only reflects the up-to-date achievement of this discipline but also proves to be a good integration of stability theory with structure design. The topics have been expanded from traditional analysis of elastic members and plate elements to that of inelastic ones from perfect structural ponents to imperfect ones and from buckling load to post-buckling capacity as well. In the first chapter the concept of stable and unstable bifurcation is introduced and post-buckling -p jo eos o yo siarreue qlnou pareaaau aue suoquu poagadi pure soaad qoq jo aopaeqoq elastic models thus building a wide field of vision to the readers. On the other hand inelastic properties of steel including in the strain-hardening range and the distribution of residual stresses(of both rolled and welded sections)are discussed thoroughly in this chapter laying a solid foundation for seeking the actual behavior of members in practical engineering structures. In the succeeding chapters inelastic problems are solved by considering the effect of the specific residual stresses. This approach is certainly more realistic and rational than simply using tangent modulus in lieu of Young’s modulus. Frames subject solely to loading on top of columns o q e ss e e s q e u the girder. Due consideration of primary moment caused by girder loading in frame buckling analysis is discussed in this book which is another example of close link between theory and practice. Besides prehensive treatment of the basic knowledge of the structural stability theory the authors pay adequate aftention to the application of the theory. As design work always needs recourse to design specification provisions of design code of several countries are introduces to suit the tendency of worid-wide economic unification. Stability assurance to structuralmembers and systems is a predominant task of steel designers. But at the present time the learming of stability theory is not yet widespread among
designers. This gap should be flled the soon the better. The publication of this book provides a useful tool toward this end. CHEN Shaofan 5 August 2008