ICS 91.080 P 72 HS 备案号:J1781-2014 中华人民共和国石油化工行业标准 SH3076-2013 代替SH3076-1996 石油化工建筑物结构设计规范 Design specification for building structure in petrochemical industry 2013-10-17发布 2014-03-01实施 中华人民共和国工业和信息化部 发布
SH 30762013 目次 前言 1范. 2规范性引用文件 3主要符号 3.1作用和作用效应符号 2 3.2材料性能 -2 3.3几何参数 3.4其他 4基本规定 5荷载. 5.1 一般规定 5.2楼面活荷载 5.3屋面荷载 5.4动力荷载 5 5.5其他荷载及温度作用. 5 6地基与基础 5 6.1一般规定 .5 6.2基础选型 6.3地基基础的计算 7 6.4基础的构造 -10 7结构选型 -12 7.1结构选型原则 12 7.2结构选型 12 8单层钢筋混凝土柱厂房 13 8.1一般规定 13 8.2计算要点 14 8.3.. -17 8.4支撑系统 8.5屋面结构 --21 8.6吊车梁 -22 8.7围护结构及其他 -22 9钢筋混凝土多层厂房 23 9.1 一般规定 23 9.2框架结构内力分析 23
SH 3076-2013 10单层钢结构厂房 24 10.1一般规定 -24 10.2钢材及连接材料 25 10.3计算要点. .-.25 10.4 ..27 10.5支撑系统. 10.6屋面结构 34 10.7吊车梁 10.8围护结构. -34 10.9防火和防腐 34 11砌体结构房屋 -35 11.1一般规定 -35 11.2砌体结构材料分类及强度等级 -35 11.3计算规定 35 11.4构造要求 .-36 12半地下泵房 12.1一般规定 -38 12.2计算规定 -38 12.3构造要求. -38 附录A(规范性附录)动力系数u值 40 附录B(资料性附录)常用柱截面尺寸 42 本规范用词说明. 43 附:条文说明 45
SH3076-2013 Contents Foreword Scope- 2Normative references 3Main signs 3. 1Signs of action and action effect 3.2Material property -2 3.3Geometric parameters 3.4Others 4Basic requirements 5.1 General requirements 5.2Floor live load 5.3Roof load 5.4Dynamic load 5.5Other loads and temperature effect 6Base and foundation 6.1General requirements 5 6.2Foundation type 6 6.3Calculation of foundation 6.4Constructional measures 10 7Structure type 12 7.1Principle of structure selection 12 7.2Structure type 12 8Single-story factory building with reinforced concrete column 13 8.1General requirements 13 8.2Essentials in calculation 14 8.3Colum 17 8.4Bracing system.. 18 8.5Roof structure 21 8.6Crane beam .. 22 8.7Envelope structure and others 22 9Multi-story reinforced concrete factory building 23 9.1General requirements 23 9. 2Interal force analysis of framed structure -23
SH 3076-2013 10 Single-story steel structure factory building** 10.1General requirements 24 10.2 Material 25 10.3 Essentials in calculation 25 10.4Column.. 10.5Bracing system -32 10.6Roof structure 34 10.7Crane beam -34 10.8Envelope structure 34 10.9Fireproofing and anticorrosion 34 11Masonry structure 35 11.1General requirements 35 11. 2Material classification and strength grade 35 11. 3Calculation requirements -35 11. 4 Constructional measures 36 12 Semi-underground pumping shelte 38 12.1General requirements 38 12.2 Calculation requirements... -38 12.3Constructional measures 38 Annex A (Normative) Dynamicl coefficient μ 40 Annex B (Informative) Reference of column section sizes Z1 Explanation of wording in this specification.. 43 Add: Explanation of articles AI