南京江宁主城中心区城市设计国际咨询 .
博览 未来
见证未来抵达 成就时空格局之变
江宁之未来 有关干年繁华的延续和时空格局之变 prosperity and the change of time and space patterm The future of Jiangning. about the continuation of Millennium 我们理解,这是一个跟时空格局和床来发展关系密切的课题.
时间的维度, 首先指向辉煌的历史.
我们尝试总结时间背后有关 南京和江宁繁华兴盛的深层逐幅一-物产富度和交通便利带来人口的聚案,人口基数又带来人才的绝对数量,而人才是维系紧 江宁也在过去的发展中沉淀了丰厚的产业资本,更为重要的,无论为产业助力的智能催化,还是科研文教机构大量入驻带来的 荣,推动发展的源动力,这些叠加在一起或就了“天下文枢“的六朝古都.
时至今日,长三角的塞应和南京的要塞地位只增不减, 人才吸聚,都让江宁在时间维度上传承着蒙华的基因,也超续看成长的势能.
我们把时间在江宁的投射,以及江宁对历史的传承, 称为 江宁性 它指向南京这座伟大城市的空间格局之安.
南京拥有可以姐美任何一座城市的强中心,它是千百年不间断紧华盛最的叠加,特 空间的维度, 及城市空间的外向扩展,单一的强中心已经无法负荷全城聚集.
成长中的南京需要全新的离势能城市核心区,它们为发展中的 色解明,充满活力,也因此拥有强大的吸引力,中国飞速发展的城市化,随看城市人口的加速聚集,经济体量的不断壮大, 以 南京深度献能,并成就更健康,强壮的”大城格局”.
另一方面,生产力以及科技交革,也在生全新的城市系统与末来的生产 关节之中,以及未来点之上的江宁(南站、秦淮词-)责无旁贷,也得天独厚,它的或长和前景,将关乎南京的未来,我 和生活方式相匹配,城市系统的升级已经在弦上,似乎全球都在等特一个末来城市的范本,面对这两个诉求,本就长在格局 们称之方江宁的未来性 引债“未来的南京”,也是让“南京见证末来挺达的地方”.
We believe that this is a subject closely related to the space-time pattern and future development. Firstly the glorious history. No matter Nanjing Jangning or Qinhuai River and Bajia Lake they allhave profound and The dimension of time asting tme indeW ytsurdelgiindthprserty fNjadgingth and convenient transportation bring about the gathering of populaon which causes the absolutenumber f talents andtlenanmintnrsryndptedevpenogethhnntapitasTiW were foedodaythroserityf angterirtaadforresstatusfanjinglkeprwinjangningalo accumulate the lucrative industry capital in the past. More importantly intellgent industrial power and a large number ofscenadutnlntmajngnigihgtrerusgenmoking Character of Sangring se afeuxq fuufuey po Auosqu aq se [pm se fuufuey u awg po uogood aug e am X5uua eguegod po ugmoub The dimension of space I points to the changes in the spaal pattem of Nanjng a great city Nanjng has a strong center parabie to any <iy Itis a superposition of thousands of years of uninterupted prosperous sceneries. t isdstinctive and full of vitalty and ntiusrndrifceinrnn supprttheiitgrngwingjngedbrnewigtireh deeply empowers the developing Nanjing and achieves a heathier and stronger big City pattem'. On the other hand protiynehgialhangeaapingwuattathehtnd y ntheaceof thesdndangingtRawytoihReriadytheints estyehe pgrade f the nsystemis surelyinthefngseems that the wrdiswaingformdlf thfuue the patten and above the turning point in the future is incumbent and uniquely endowed. Its growth and prospects will be aurgny s furufuey ge ay t6ufueN ypo anun; oug o popeaj The above is what we are trying to do in this project-to create a new Jiangning central area that reshapes the time-space paen of aning and cates a sueratractihoogrpic landsae.It wllad he fuure of Nanjing