

分类号 密级 UDC 学校代码_10497 武汉理工大学 学 位 论 文 题 目 基于强度的预制混凝土夹芯保温墙板连接件设计研究 英 文 Research on design of Connector for Precast Concrete 题 目 SandwichPanel Based onStrengthTheory 研究生姓名 刘若南 指导教师 姓名_ 张开银职称 教授 学位 硕士 单位名称 交通学院 邮编 430063 申请学位级别 博士 _学科专业名称 公路桥梁与渡河工程 论文提交日期2014年03月论文答辨日期 2014年05月 学位授予单位武汉理工大学学位授予日期 答辩委员会主席 评阅人 2014年5月
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摘要 预制混凝土夹芯保温外墙板目前在各国已得到广泛应用,连接件作为连接 墙板的内外两层混凝土的重要预埋件,是影响墙板力学性能和热工性能的关键 因素.

以往主要是采用混凝土肋、桁架式钢筋拉结等传统方式,对热工性能削 弱较多,因此急需新型连接件产品,满足不断提高的热工性能要求.

十二五国 家科技支撑计划项目“新型预制装配式混凝土建筑技术研究与示范”的课题五“装 配式建筑用墙板及构配件生产技术研究"的研究目标之一是对采用不同连接件以 及不同配置设计的预制混凝土夹芯保温墙板的性能以及设计进行系统的研究.

本文以此项目为依托,主要研究内容如下: 1)从预制混凝土夹芯保温墙板的三种受力模型入手展开研究,并针对内外 两层混凝土独立承受外力作用的独立式墙板进行了节点变位试验研究工作,设 计了一个足尺预制混凝土夹芯保温墙板安装在主体结构上的模拟静力试验,研 究表明:当主体结构发生水平位移时,该墙板的四个可滑移节点分别发生了变 位以适应水平位移,墙板本身发生扭转,没有裂缝产生,未对主体结构产生刚 度影响,提出了连接件的弯矩剪力-变形力学模型.

2)从热工性能入手开展对单个连接件的尺寸形状、锚固长度、截面型式和 选用材料入手研究,完成国产连接件的产品设计和定型.

针对设置有四种不同 材质、截面型式以及布置方法的混凝土试件进行了热工性能试验,试验表明, 非金属拉结试件热工性能最好,钢桁架拉结试件热工性能最差.

3)选取前三种连接件设计了两种设置方式(分为金属和非金属两类),分 别进行了力学性能的理论研究、数值模拟和试验验证,获得了试件的荷载位移 曲线、试件面层位移、剪切极限承载力和连接件的荷载应力曲线,验证了理论 模型的正确.


以一个预 制混凝土夹芯保温墙板为例给出设计方法,提出剪力分配系数和拉力分配系数, 并运用力学计算方法给出了其建议值.

最后总结了预制混凝土夹芯保温墙板连接件设计的方法,对规范和设计提 出了一些建议,同时指出了预制混凝土夹芯保温墙板连接件需要进一步研究的 关键问题.

武汉理工大学博士学位论文 Abstract Precast Concrete Sandwich Wall Panel is currently has been widely applied internationally As the important element which connect two concrete layers of the panel the connector is the key factor which effect on thermal performance and mechanical performance. The concrete rib or steel truss was mainly used before but these ways weaken the thermal performance a lot. Therefore it is urgent to develop the research on new type of connector to meet the increasing thermal performance requirements. The third research content of the sub-program Research on the manufacture technology ofthe wallpanel and the relevant element as well for assembly building of Twelve-Five national science and technology support program The Research and the demonstration of the new precast assembly concrete building fechnology is to study the performance and design method of the Precast concrete sandwich wall panel with the different connector. Based on this program The main research is as follows (1) From the research of three kinds of mechanical model of the Precast Concrete Sandwich Wall Panel the testing has been done on the elastic slipping joint of the wall panel a steel truss is used as an analogue of the frame structure to develop a test. In the test one precast concrete exterior wall cladding panel was installed on the steel truss and the connection nodes are designed to be able to slip vertically. Different horizontal forces were exerted on the steel truss to form certain drifts and the deformation of panel and the slipping performance of the connection nodes were explored. It is found that precast concrete exterior wall cladding panel won’t deform under the influence of the drifts while the connection nodes between the frame structure and the panel were found to slip. The results show that the design of slipping connection node has enough reliability. (2) According to the thermal performance the size shape anchor length section pattern and the material were designed to plete the design and styling of the domestic product. The testing has been done to test the thermal performance of the four test specimen with different way using different material section pattern and
武汉理工大学博士学位论文 set ways. The testing result shows that the thermal performance of the nonmetal connector specimen is the best and the thermal performance of the steel truss connector specimen is the worst. (3) Designed two set ways using the three kinds connector which have been chose according to the previous research the two set ways mean that metal connectors set way and nonmetal connectors. The theory analysis the numerical simulation and the testing research have been done and the load-displacement curve the displacement between the two concrete lays of the wall panel and the limit supporting capacity has been obtained finally and the theory model has been tested correct. (4) Based on the research results before in this article the design method with two ways to set the connector has been concluded. Take one precast concrete sandwich wall panel for example to tell the detail of the design method Shearing force non-uniform influence coefficient and tension force non-uniform influence coefficient has been valued by mechanical calculate method. Finally the design method how to set the connectors in the wall panel is determined to make the panel be safe and economic some advise is given to revise the code and put the key problems of the develop research on precast concrete sandwich panel's connectors. Keywords: Precast Concrete Sandwich Wall Panel; connector; thermal performance; mechanical performance; design method.





