

硕士学位论文 轻钢龙骨外墙与钢框架新型连接的开发及性能研究 ResearchonStructuralBehaviorofNewlyDeveloped ConnectionJointbetweenLightSteelKeelExteriorWall andSteelFrame 研究生:吴先成 指导教师:张海霞副教授 学科专业:结构工程 潘惕筑大学 二O一三年十二月
分类号: 学校代码:10153 UDC: 密 级:公开 硕士学位论文 轻钢龙骨外墙与钢框架新型连接的开发及性能研究 作者姓名:吴先成 入学年份:2011年9月 指导教师:张海霞副教授 学科专业:结构工程 申请学位:工学硕士 所在单位:土木工程学院 论文提交日期:2013年11月 论文答瓣日期:2013年12月 学位授予日期:2014年01月 答辩委员会主席:郝喆 答辩委员会组成:郝喆李帼昌王春刚隋伟宁王占飞 论文评阅人:
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硕士研究生学位论文 接要 摘要 现今,复合墙板在国内外建筑领域中得到了广泛的应用与研究,进而发现复合墙板与 铜框架的连接节点对这种结构体系抗震性能有重要的影响,亦是保证复合墙板与钢框架共 同作用、抵抗破坏的关键因素,节点的力学性能会对结构的刚度、稳定性、承载能力产生 直接影响.

若在地震作用下节点发生了破坏,墙板会脱落、坍塌,从而导致严重的次生灾 害.

目前我国关于墙板与钢框架连接节点的研究还够完善,而且连接节点样式繁多,目前在 设计领域中尚未形成统一标准.

因此开展复合墙板与钢框架连接节点的研究分析,对推动 复合墙板钢框架结构体系在行业中的进步发展会产生积极的促进作用.

文中提出种轻 钢龙骨复合墙体与钢框架连接的新型节点,通过设计计算、单调加载试验、往复加载试验, 对复合墙板与钢框架的连接节点的抗震性能进行了细致深入的研究.

本文中提出了一种轻钢龙骨复合墙体与钢框架连接的新型节点,并对与连接节点相关 的构造措施进行了设计说明:按照钢结构设计范中构件设计要求,验算了该连接节点设计 的可行性:在单调加载试验中,采用工程中常用几种外墙龙骨板材号设计节点组合,得到 组合节点在拉仲状态下的受力机理及破坏模式:对几种外墙龙骨与主体钢框架连接节点试 件进行了往复荷载作用下的试验研究.

主要目的是得到组合节点受力机理及破坏模式,对 比了组合节点骨架曲线,分析了延性性能、耗能性能、刚度特性,试验结果表明:该种节 点有良好的承载力和良好的抗震性能.

硕士研究生学位论文 Absract III Abstract Today steel frames infilled with sandwich posite panels have been widely used in steel residential houses then the connections between steel frames and panels have an important influcnce on the seismic behavior of this structure system.The connections are the key factor to ensure walls (panels) and stcel frames work together and resistance to damage its performance affects the stiffiess of structure system the stability and bearing capacity directly.If the connection failure in earthquakes sandwich posite panels will fall off morphology and lead to serious more disasters. There are very little researches on the connections between steel frames and panels in china so far Unified design standards have not formed because of the diversity of the connection. So the connection analysis has positive effects on the further development of the steel frames infilled with sandwich posite panel structural system in the industry.Inthis paper we will put forward anew kind connetionjoint oflight steel keel exterior wall and steel frame calculating the size refer to the specification. The seismic performance of the connection between steel frames and panels were studied through the cyclic loading test and monotonic loading test. This paper put forward a new kind connection joint of light steel keel exterior wall and steel frame. And construction measures for the new connecting node are illustrated. The feasibility of monotonic loading test kinds of exterior wall keel plate monly used in engineering are bined with connection joint in order to find the stress mechanism and failure mode. Under the horizontal low-cyclic loading we pare the skeleton curve of connection joint of light steel keel exteriorwall and steel frame.The main purpose is investigating the failure model and failure characteristic and analyzing the strength ductility and the energy dissipation. The experimental results show that these joints can provide very high shear strength and excellent quake-resist property. Key words: Light steel keel exterior wall steel frames; connection; statie behavior; seismic performance





