ICS 29.240 DL D14 Record No.J801-2008 ElectricPower Industry Standard of thePeople'sRepublic of China P DL/T5076-2008 To replace DL/T 5076-1997 and DL/T 5146- 2001 Technical Code of Exploration and Surveying for 220kV and Lower Level Overhead TransmissionLine Issue Date:June 04 2008 ImplementationDate:November01 2008 Issued bytheNationalDevelopment andReformCommissionof thePeople'sRepublicofChina
ElectricPower Industry Standard of thePeople'sRepublic of China P DL/T5076-2008 To replace DL/T 5076 -1997 and DL/T 5146- 2001 Technical Code of Exploration and Surveying for 220kV and Lower Level Overhead Transmission Line Translation sponsored by: China Electric Power Planning & Engineering Association Translated by: SUNTHER Consulting Co. Ltd. Reviewed by: Northeast Electric Power Design Institute Shanxi Electric Power Exploration and Design Institute and Shandong Electric Power Engineering Consulting Institute Co. Ltd. CHINAELECTRICPOWERPRESS BEIJING 2013
图书在版编目(CIP)数据 DL/T5076-2008220kV及以下架空送电线路勘测技术规程: 代替DL/T5076-1997和DL/T5146-2001=Technicalcode of exploration and surveying for 220kV and lower level overhead transmission line:英文/中华人民共和国国家发展和改革委员会发布.一北京: ,2013.5 ISBN 9787512346079 I.①D.ⅡI.①中IⅢL.①架空线路-输配电线路-线路勘 测-规程-英文IV.①TM757.1-65 中国版本图书馆CIP数据核字(2013)第134937号 出版 北京博图彩色印刷有限公司印刷 * 2013年5月第一版2013年5月北京第一次印刷 850毫米×1168毫米32开本4.75印张117千字2插页 敬告读者 本书封底贴有防伪标签,刮开涂层可查询真伪 本书如有印装质量问题,我社发行部负责退换
DL/T5076-2008 Contents Foreword.... 1Scope... 2 Normative References 3 GeneralProvisions 4 Exploration in Feasibility Study Stage 4 5 Exploration in Preliminary Design Stage.. 8- 6 ExplorationinConstructionDrawingsDesignStage... 19 7 Aerial Photographing and Surveying ...41 8 GPSSurvey 53 9 Complicated Geological Conditions 60 10 Hydrological Investigation.. 71 11 Design Flood Analysis and Computation 78 12 AnalysisonRiverbedEvolvement..... 90 Appendix A (Informative)Cartographic Symbols of Plan and Section Maps of Transmission Lines. ..93 Appendix B (Informative)Sample of Plan and Section Maps of Transmission Lines... (见插页) Appendix C(Informative)Sample of Plan of Crowded Sections.... 108 Appendix D (Informative) Sample of Ining/Outgoing Lines Plan of Substations.. 109 Appendix E (Informative)Sample of Section Map of TowerFoundations 110 I
DL/T5076-2008 Appendix F (Informative) )Classification of Engineering Geology of the Sections Along the Lines in Terms of Complexity ..-111 Appendix G (Informative) CharacteristicValue of Soil (Rock) Bearing Capacity... 112 Appendix H (Informative) Classification and Identification of Rock-soil.... 117 Appendix J(Informative)Allowable Rock and Soil Slopes..121 AppendixK (Informative)The Shear Strength Indicator of Ordinary Cohesive Soil and SandySoil.. 123 Appendix L (Informative) The Frost Heaving Classification of Seasonally Frozen Soil and SeasonallyThawed Layer. 125 Appendix M (Informative) Classification of Saline Soils.... 128 Appendix N (Informative)Classification of Collapse Degree and Collapse Clas.. Appendix P(Informative) )Field HydrologicalInvestigation Record..... 131 AppendixQ(Informative)EvaluationStandardof Reliability of FloodMarks.. 132 Appendix R (Informative) Flood Recurrence Interval of the Designed Highest Navigable WaterLevel ofNatural Rivers ...133 Appendix S (Informative) River Channel RoughnessTable....134 Appendix T (Informative)River Bottomland Roughness Table..137 Appendix U (Informative)Detailed List of Hydrological Exploration Results for River-crossing TowerLocations.. .... 140 IⅡI
英文版 DL/T 5076-2008 220kV及以下架空送电线路勘测技术规程.pdf