正式版 SH/T 3507-2024 石油化工钢结构工程施工及验收规范.pdf


ICS 75. 020 P 72 HS 中华人民共和国石油化工行业标准 SH/T3507-2024 代替SH/T3507-2011、SH/T 3607-2011 石油化工钢结构工程施工及验收规范 Specificationfor theconstruction andacceptance of steel structureinpetrochemical industry 2024-07-05发布 2025-01-01实施 中华人民共和国工业和信息化部 发布
SH/T 3507-2024 目 前言 A 1范围.. 1 2规范性引用文件 ..1 3术语和定义 1 4基本规定 2 5材料. 5.1钢材 .3 5.2 焊接材料 .. 5.3 连接用紧固件 5.4 钢格栅板 .4 5.5 压型金属板 ..4 5.6涂装材料 ..5 5.7 材料保存 ..5 6钢结构工厂化制造 6.1排料 6 6.2放样和号料 ... 6.3 切割和边缘加工, 6.4 矫正和成型. ..8 6.5 制孔 ..1. 6.6 焊接H型钢 10 6.7 管筒 11 8°9 塔架 ..11 6.9 箱型钢.. 11 6.10钢构件 6.11端部铣平和摩擦面处理 ..13 6.12钢零件、钢部件与钢构件出厂 13 7钢构件拼装 ..14. 8基础验收与准备.. .15 8.1基础验收 ..5 8.2基础准备 ..16 9钢结构安装 16 9.1钢构件复查.. ..1.7 9.2塔架安装 ..17 9.3 框架、管廊安装.

..7 9.4 钢平台、钢梯和防护栏杆安装 .18 9.5 钢格栅板安装 .18 9.6压型金属板安装 19 9.7其他构件安装 ..19 10焊接和热处理 .20
SH/T3507-2024 10.1焊接准备 20 10.2焊接要求 20 10.3焊接质量检验 21 10.4热处理 23 11紧固件连接 .23 11.1普通螺栓连接 23 11.2高强度螺栓连接 23 12涂装 ..25 12.1防腐涂料涂装 25 12.2防火涂料涂装 .25 13钢结构模块化施工 25 13.1实施准备 25 13.2模块制作与验收 26 13.3模块运输与安装 26 14交工技术文件 26 本标准用词说明. .28 条文说明.. 29
SH/T 3507-2024 Contents Foreword. 1Scope.. 2Normative references.. 3Terms and definitions.. Basic requirements I 4 .2 5Materials. 3 5.1Steel materials m 5.2Welding materials. 5.3Fasteners for connections .4 5.4Steel grating plate .4 5.5Profiled metal sheet .4 5.6Coating materials 5 5.7Material storagc .5 6Steel structure shop fabrication... .6 6.1 Layout 6 6.2 Setting out and marking-off .6 6.3 Cutting and trimming of edges .7 6.4 Rectification and formation ..8 6.5 Holing 01 6.6 Welded H-shaped steel 01 6.7 Welded barrel .11 6.8 Flare structure 11 6.9Box shape steel 11 6.10 Steelelements .11 119 Milling of element ends and friction surface treatment 13 6.12Ex-shop fabrication of partsponents and elements ..13 7Assembling of steel elements.. 14 8Acceptance and trcatment of foundation 15 8.1Acceptance of foundation 15 8.2Treatment of foundation 16 9Installation of steel structure 9.1 Recheck of steel elements 17 9.2Installation of flare structure 17 9.3 Installation of frame and pipe rack ..17 9.4 Installation of steel platform stairs and railing ..18 9.5 Installation of steel grid sheet .18 9.6Installation of profiled metal sheet .19 9.7Installation of other elements 19 m
SH/T 3507-2024 10Welding and heat-treatment 20 10.1Welding preparation .20 10.2Welding requirements 20 10.3 Inspection of welding quality 21 10.4Heat-treatment 23 11 Connection of fasteners .23 11.1Connection of ordinary bolts 23 11.2 Connection of high strength bolts .23 12 Coating.. 25 12.1Anticorrosive coating .25 12.2 Fireproof coating 25 13Modular construction of steel structure... 25 13.1 Implementation Preparation 25 13.2Module Fabrication and Acceptance 26 13.3Module Transport and Installation 26 14Handover technical documentation. 26 Explanation of wording in this specification. Addition:Explanation of provisions. 29 AI





