SH/T 3551-2024 石油化工仪表工程施工及验收规范.pdf


ICS 91. 200 CCSP 72 HS 中华人民共和国石油化工行业标准 SH/T 3551-2024 代替SH/T3551-2013 SH/T 35212013 石油化工仪表工程施工及验收规范 Specification for construction and acceptance of instrumentation engineering in petrochemical industry 2024-03-29发布 2024-10-01实施 中华人民共和国工业和信息化部 发布
SH/T 3551-2024 目 次 前言... 1范. 2规范性引用文件.

3术语和定义 4基本规定 5仪表设备和材料的检验和保管.

5 5.1检验 5 5.2保管 6仪表单体校验 6 6. 1 一般规定 6 6.2仅表单体设备 6.3执行器 6.4现场总线仪表 9 7仅表设备安装 9 7.1 一般规定 9 7.2 仪表盘、柜、箱和操作台、 01 7.3 就地仪表盘、箱 10 7. 4 温度仪表, 11 7.5 压力仪表 11 7.6 流量仪表 12 7.7 物位仪表, 15 7.8 分析仪表 16 机械量检测仪表 16 7.10执行器 17 8综合控制系统安装与试验 17 8. 1 一般规定 17 8.2综合控制系统安装、 18 8.3综合控制系统试验. 18 9仪表线路安装 20 9.1 一般规定. 20 9.2 支架制作与安装 21 9. 3 电缆桥架安装, 22 9.4 电缆保护管安装 9.5 电缆敷设 24 9.6 光缆敷设, 25
SH/T 3551-2024 9.7电缆接线. 26 10电气防爆和接地 27 10. 1 一般规定 27 10. 2 爆炸和火灾危险环境的仪表装置施工. ..27 10.3 保护接地. 10. 4 工作接地和屏蔽接地、 29 10. 5 防雷和防静电接地. 10.6接地连接. 29 11测量管道安装 30 11. 1 一般规定. 30 11.2 测量管道安装 32 11.3分析取样管道安装 33 11.4隔离与吹洗管道安装.

11.5测量管道试验. 34 12仪表气源管道和信号管道安装 34 12.1气源管道 34 12.2气动信号管道 35 12.3气动管道的压力试验与吹扫 35 13仪表伴热系统安装 36 13.1一般规定 98 13.2蒸汽、热水伴热、 36 13.3电伴热 36 13.4仅表绝热工程.

37 14仅表系统试验 37 14. 1 一般规定. 37 14.2 回路试验 85 14.3 联锁保护和程序控制系统试验、 15工程验收 39 15.1 交接验收条件.

39 15.2施工过程技术文件和交工技术文件. 40 附录A(资料性附录)常用缩略词对照表. 41 附录B(资料性附录) 仪表校验常用仪器, 45 附录C(规范性附录) 节流装置上下游直管长度 .47 本标准用词说明, 50 附:条文说明. 1S II
SH/T 3551-2024 Contents Foreword. 1Scope 2 Normative references. 3Term and definitions.. 4General requirements. 5 Inspection and storage for instruments & materials. 5.1 Inspection. 5 5.2Storage. 6 6 Calibration and testing of instruments.. 6 6.1 General requirements.. 6 6.2 Single instrument. 7 6.3 Actuators. 6.4 Fieldbus instruments. 9 7 Installation of instrumentation. 9 7.1 General requirements. 9 7.2 Instrument panels cabinets boxes and consoles. 10 7.3 Local control panels and junction boxes.. 10 7.4 Temperature instruments.. 11 7.5 Pressure instruments. .11 7.6 Flow instruments. 12 7.7 Level instruments.. 15 7.8 Analyzers. 16 7.9 Mechanical measuring & detecting instruments. 16 7. 10 Actuators. 17 8 Installation & testing of prehensive control system. 8. 1 General requirements. 17 8. 2 Installation of prehensive control system... 18 8.3 Testing of prehensive control system... 18 9 Installation of instrument cable routing and cabling. 20 9.1 General requirements 20 9.2 Fabrication and installation of supports. . 21 9.3 Cable tray installation. 22 9.4 Conduit installation. 23 9.5 Cable laying.. 24 9. 6 Fiber optical cable laying.. 25
SH/T 3551-2024 9. 7 Cable wiring. 26 10 Electrical explosion protection and earthing. 27 10. 1 General requirements. 27 10. 2 Instrument construction for hazardous area.. .27 10.3 Protective earthing- 28 10. 4 Instrument earthing and shield earthing... 29 10.5 Lightning and electrostatic earthing. 29 10.6 Bounding 29 Installation of instrument impulse line.. 30 11.1 General requirements 30 11.2 Installation ofimpulse line. 32 11.3 Installation of analyzing & sampling line. 11. 4 Installation ofisolating & purging line. ..33 11. 5 Test of impulse line.. .34 12 Installation of instrument air piping and pneumatic signal tubing. 34 12. 1 Air piping... 34 12. 2 Pneumatic signal tubing.. 35 12. 3 Pressure test & purging of instrument air line. 35 13 Installation of instrument heat tracing system. 36 13. 1 General requirements 36 13.2 Steam and hot water heat tracing... 36 13. 3 Electric heat tracing. ...36 13.4 Instrument insulation engineering.. .37 1 4 Testing of instrument system. 37 14.1 General requirements 37 14.2 Loop test.. 38 14. 3 Function test. 39 15 Acceptance of instrument works. 39 15.1 Handover acceptance conditions. ..9 15.2 Construction and handover documentations. 40 Appendix A (Informative) Abbreviations. ..41 Appendix B (Informative) Normal standard apparatus for instrument calibration. 45 Appendix C (Normative) Minimum straight pipe length required for throttling device. 47 Explanation of wording in this specification. 50 Add: Explanation of the specification. .51 IV





