ICS GB Z NationalStandardofthePeople'sRepublicofChina GB13271-2014 ReplacesGB13271-2001 Emissionstandardofairpollutantsfor boiler 锅炉大气污染物排放标准 (For release) This electronic version is for release. The official standard text published by the China Environmental Science Press shall prevall (English Translation) Issuedate:2014-05-16 Implementationdate:2014-07-01 Issued by theMinistryofEnvironmentalProtection theGeneralAdministrationofQuality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of thePeople'sRepublicof China
Contents Foreword. 1Application scope. 2 Normative references. 3Terms and definitions.. 4 Emission control requirements of air pollutants. 5Requirements for air pollutant monitoring. 6Implementation and supervision..
Foreword This standard is prepared with a view to implementing Environmental Protection Law of and Control of Atmospheric Pollution and Opinions of the State Council on Strengthening Major Environmental Protection Work protecting the environment preventing pollution and promoting the production and operation of boiler and improvement on pollution treatment technology. This standard specifies the emission limitation as well as monitoring and supervising requirements of air pollutant concentration for boiler. Relevant national emission standards of pollutants are applicable to the emitted water pollutants and environmental noises of boiler and relevant national control standards of solid waste pollution are applicable to the identification treatment and disposal of generated solid wastes. This standard was firstly issued in 1983 firstly revised in 1991 secondly revised in 1999 and 2001 and this is the third revision. This standard shall be to revised timely according nation. Main revised contents this time are as follows: --Emission limitation for nitrogen oxides as well as mercury and its pounds for coal-fired boiler are addled; Special limitation for air pollutants are specified; -The requirement that different emission limitations are executed according to functional zone and boiler capacity is cancelled; --Initial emission concentration limitation of flue dust for coal-fired boiler is cancelled; --The emission control requirement for each pollutant is improved. This standard serves as the basic requirements for the emission control of air pollutants for boiler. The provincial people's governments may prepare the local pollutant emission standards regarding pollutant items not specified in this standard and may formulate the local pollutant emission standards stricter than this standard for the pollutant items specified in this standard. In case the requirements of environmental impact assessment documents are stricter than this standard or local standards the approved environmental impact assessment documents shall prevail.
This standard was formulated under organization of the Department of Science Technology and Standards of the Ministry of Environmental Protection. Drafting organizations of this standard: Tianjin Academy of Environmental Sciences and Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Science. This standard was approved by the Ministry of Environmental Protection on April 28 2014. This standard shall be applicable to new boiler from July 1 2014 in-use steam boiler above 10t/h and in-use hot water boiler above 7MW from October 1 2015 and in-use steam boiler of 10t/h or below and in-use hot water boiler of 7MW or below from July 1 2016; GB13271-2001 Emission standard of air pollutants for boiler shall be abolished from July 1 2016. This standard may be implemented in advance if approved by provincial people's govemment at all regions according to the requirements of local environment protection as well as the economic and technical condlitions. The Ministry of Environmental Protection is in charge of the interpretation of this standard.
Emissionstandardofairpollutantsforboiler 1Applicationscope This standard specifies the limitations for maximal allowable emission concentration of particulates sulphur dioxide nitrogen oxides and mercury and its pounds in boiler smoke plume and the limitation of smoke plume blackness. This standard is applicable to the coal-fired oil-fired and gas-fired steam boiler with the production output of unit set of 65t/h or below the hot water boiler and organic fluid boiler with various volumes as well as the layer burning boiler and spreader stoker boiler with various volumes. The boilers adopting coal briquette coal water slurry coal gangue petroleum coke oil shale biomass moulding fuel etc. shall be operated by reference to the emission control requirements for coal-fired boiler in this standard This standard is not applicable to the boiler using domestic wastes and hazardous wastes as the fuel. This standard is applicable to the air pollutant emission management of the in-use boiler the environmental impact assessment of boiler construction project the design of environment protection facilities environmental protection pletion acceptance and the air pollutant emission management after the boiler is put into production. This standard is applicable to pollutant emission behaviors allowed by law; the site selection of the newly established pollution source and the management of the current pollution source in the special protected zone shall be in accordance with the relevant provisions in such laws regulations and rules as Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution Law of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution Marine Environment Protection Law of the People's Republic of China Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste Law of the People's Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Radioactive Pollution and Law of the Peopie's Republic of China on Environmental Impact Assessment. 2Normativereferences The following documents or provisions therein are quoted in this standard. For undated references the valid versions apply. GB5468Measuring method for smoke and dust of boiler emission GB/T 16157The determination of particulates and sampling methods of gaseous 1
英文版 GB 13271-2014 锅炉大气污染物排放标准.pdf