英文版 GB 50053-2013 20kV及以下变电所设计规范.pdf


UDC NATIONALSTANDARDOF THEPEOPLE'SREPUBLICOFCHINA 中华人民共和国国家标准 P GB 50053-2013 CodeforDesignof20kVandBelow Substation 20kV及以下变电所设计规范 Issued on: December 19 2013 Implemented on: July 01 2014 Jointly issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD)and the General Administration of Quality Supervision Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ)of the People's Republic of China
NationalStandard of thePeople'sRepublic of China 中华人民共和国国家标准 CodeforDesign of 20kV andBelowSubstation 20kV及以下变电所设计规范 GB 50053-2013 Chief Development Department: China Machinery Industry Federation Approval Department: Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China Implementation Date: July 1 2014 China Planning Press 中国计划出版社 2013 Beijing
Announcement of theMinistry ofHousing andUrban-Rural Development of thePeople'sRepublicof China No.268 Announcement on Publishing the National Standard "Code for Design of 20kV and Below Substation" "Code for Design of 20k V and Below Substation" is now approved as a national standard with a serial number of GB 50053-2013 and shall be implemented from July 1 2014. Wherein Articles 2.0.2 4.1.3 4.2.3 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.1.3 6.1.5 6.1.6 6.1.7 and 6.1.9 are pulsory provisions and shall be implanted strictly. The former one (GB 50053-94) shall be abolished at the same time. Authorized by the Standard Rating Research Institute of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China this standard is published by China Planning Press. Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China December19 2013
Foreword This code is revised from the original national standard “Code for Design of 10kV & under Electric Substation" (GB 50053-94) jointly by China Electric Design & Research Institute Co. Ltd. and other organizations concerned according to the requirements of the former Ministry of Construction-"Notice on Printing Development and Revision Plan of National Engineering Construction Standards in 2001~2002" (JIANBIAO [2002] No. 85). The drafting group of this code formulated and finalized this code by conducting extensive investigations carnestly summarizing the practical experiences making reference to the related international standards and foreign advanced standards as well as extensively soliciting opinions. This code prises 6 chapters with the main contents as follows: general provisions selection of substation location electrical part layout of switchgear and transformer shunt capacitor and requirements on relevant specialties. There have been some significant changes in this code in the following technical aspects: 1 Code name was changed into “Code for Design of 20kV and Below Substation° from "Code for Design of 10kV & under Electric Substation"; pe oo usponpd semp s oos uogejsqns spun pue Ao1 wong _uoeysqns 3Technical requirements for aspects of design of 20kV substation were added; 4 Design requirements and fire protection requirements for substations in high-rise civil buildings were added; 5 Contents of "prefabricated substation" were added; 6Provision for new type operational power supply of substation was added; 7 Provision for engineering design of shunt capacitor was supplemented; 8Provisions for design of substation over aspects such as fire protection and building were supplemented improved and modified; 9 Other provisions of the former code were supplemented improved and modified. Provisions printed in bold type are pulsory ones and must be enforced strictly. Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development is in charge of the administration of this standard and the explanation of the pulsory provisions; China Machinery Industry Federation is responsible for daily management and China Electric Design & Research Institute Co. Ltd. is responsible for the explanation of specific technical contents. During the process of implementing this code if contents that need modification or supplementation are found please send opinions and suggestions to China Electric Design & Research Institute Co. Ltd. (addres: China Electrical Engineering Building No. 9 Shouti South Road Haidian District 100048 Beijing). drafting staffs and chief examiners of this code: Chief development organization: China Electric Design & Research Institute Co. Ltd. Participating development organizations: China National Electric Engineering Co. Ltd. China Aviation Planning and Construction Development Co. Ltd.
China Nuclear Power Engincering Co. Ltd. Beijing Institute of Architectural Design Asian Copper DECO Alliance Chief drafting staffs: Huang Baosheng Yao Dalin Yuan Ying Yang Weixun Cui Yuzhong Yao Jiahui Su Biping Ma Jianzhong Wang Zengyao Xu Hui Ding Jie Wang Dagang Chai Bing Chief examiners: Wang Suying Li Daoben Lin Lanlan Mao Wenzhong Huang Miaoqing Xu Xiaoman Fan Jingchang Gao Xiaoping Hu Jianhui Han Jingjun Yu Xiaojun Zhang Qing Sun Meijun Ma Jingbo Xu Hua Chen Jiliang Zhou Anping





