英文版 GB 50021-2009 岩土工程勘察规范.pdf


UDC NATIONALSTANDARD OFTHEPEOPLE'SREPUBLICOFCHINA 中华人民共和国国家标准 P GB S0021-2001 CodeforInvestigation ofGeotechnicalEngineering 岩土工程勘察规范 (2009 Edition) Issued on; January 10 2001 Implemented on:March 1 2002 Jointly Issued by Ministry ot Construetion of the People's Republie of China General Administration of Quality Supervision Inspeetion and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China
NATIONALSTANDARD OF THEPEOPLE'SREPUBLICOFCHINA 中华人民共和国国家标准 Code for Investigation of Geotechnical Engineering 岩土工程勘察规范 GB 500212001 (2009 Edition) Chief Developrment Department: Ministry of Construction of the People's Republie of China Approval Department: Ministry of Construction of the People's Republie of China Implementstion Date: March 1 2002 China Planning Press 中国计划虫版社 Beijing 2009
Introduction This version is one of Chins’s engineering construetion standards in English serie8 which in pliance with the relevant procedures and stipulations has been organised to translate by China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization (CECS) authborized by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Developement (MOHURD) of the People's Republic of China On December 4 Z008 MOHURD published it by meens of Announcement of No. 177. The English version hax been transleted directly from the Chinese Standard “Code for lnvestigation of Geotechnical Engineering GB 50021 2001 (2009 Edition) pub- lished by China Architeeture &. Building Press The copyright is owned by MOHURD. In the event of any discrepancy in the process of iroplesmentation the Chinese version shall prevail. Many thsnks should go to the organizations like Beijing Urlan Construetion Explo- ration &. Surveying Design Research Institute CO. I.TT) who have offered strong sup- port during the course of translation and revision of this version and also to staff from the relevant standsrd Geveloptment organizations and groups who have provided practical sssistance through their hard work. For the sake of inproving its quality. any kind of constructive criticism ments znd suggestions in zssociation with this vesion is weleom. It would be grealy appreciated if they could be fed back to CECS. Post Adress; China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization (CECS) No. 9 Sanlihe Rd Haidian District Beijing 10083S China Website; cecs org. cn E-mail: cecs(§mnil ein gov cn The English translation was done by Liu Zhiqinng Guo Hongmei Ma Xuemei Wang Jinxia Sun Changqing Revised by Jin Huai He Cuixiang Department of Standards and Norms Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China
翻译出版说明 本译本为中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部委托中国工程建设标准化协会按照有 关程序和规定,统一组织翻译的中国工程建设标准英文版系列译本之一.

2008年12月 4日,住房和城乡建设部以第177号公告予以公布.

本译本是根据中国建筑工业出版社出版的(岩土工程勘察规范)GB50021一2001 (2009年版)翻译的,著作权归中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部,在使用过程中, 如出现异议,以中文版为准.

本译本在翻译和审核过程中,得到了北京城建勘察设计研究院等单位的大力支持, 本规范编制单位及编制组有关成员给予了积极协, 为不断提高本译本的质量,欢迎使用者提出意见和建议,并反锁给中圆工程建设标 准化协会.

地址:北京市海淀区三里河路9号中国工程建设标准化协会 28001 址 : cecs. org. cn E-mailcecsmail cin. gov cn 本译本翻泽人员:刘志强、郭红梅、马然梅、王管霞、孙常青 本译本审核人员:金淮、何肇香 中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部标准定额司
Announcement ofPublishing thePartialRevisionof National Standard of “Code for Investigation of GeotechnicalEngineering No.314 "Code for Investigation of Geotechnical Engineering" has been approved as a na- tional steedard with a serial number of GB 50021 2001 and will be implemented on July 1 2009. Therein. Cleuses 1. 0. 3. 4. 1. 18 (1. 2. 3 snd 4) 4. 1. 20 (1. 2 and 3) 4 8. 5 5 7 2 and 7 2. 2 are polsory provisions snd must be enforced strictly. The former clawses shell be abolished sinsultaneously. Partial revision clauses and specific content will be published on the recent publice- tions “Engineering Construetion Standardizstion". Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China May 19 2009





