英文版 GB 50202-2018 建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收标准.pdf


UDC NationalStandardofthePeople'sRepublicofChina P GB50202-2018 Standard for acceptance of construction quality of building foundation 建筑地基基础工程施工质量验收标准 (English Translation) Issuedate:2018-03-16 Implementationdate:2018-10-01 Issued by theMinistryof Housing andUrban-Rural Developmentof the People'sRepublicof China theGeneral Administration Quality Supervision Inspectionand Quarantineof thePeople'sRepublicof China
NationalStandardofthePeople'sRepublicofChina Standardforacceptanceofconstructionquality ofbuildingfoundation GB 50202-2018 Developed by: Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the Peoples Republic of China Approved by: Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China ImplementationDate: October 1 2018 China Planning Press 2018 Beijing
AnnouncementoftheMinistryofHousingand Urban-RuralDevelopmentofthePeople's RepublicofChina 2018 No.23 Announcement of theMinistry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of thePeople's Republic of China onpublishing thenational standard Standardforacceptanceofconstructionqualityofbuildingfoundation Standard for acceptance of construction quality of building foundation has been approved as a national standard with a serial number of GB 50202-2018 and shall be implemented from October 1 2018 thereof 5.1.3 is pulsory and must be enforced strictly. The former standard GB 50202-2002 Codie for acceptance of construction quality of building foundation shall be abolished simultaneously. This standard is published on the portal website (.mohurd.gov.cn) of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China and is published and distributed by China Planning Press as authorized by the Research Development of the People's Republic of China. China March16 2018
Foreword In accordance with the requirements of Notice on printing and distributing the development and revision plan on engineering construction standards and codes in 2012 (JIANBIAO[2012] No. 5) issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development the drafting group of this standard has revised GB 50202-2002 Code for acceptance of construction quality of building foundation through the extensive investigation and study careful summarization of practical experience and reference to relevant international and foreign advanced standards and on the basis of widely soliciting for opinions. The newly revised standard is divided into 10 clauses and 1 annex with main technical engineering. groundwater control earthwork slope engineering etc. The main technical contents revised in this standard are: 1. the arrangement of clauses is adjusted; 2. terms of specific foundation names in the former standard are deleted while are improved; the information submitted for acceptance and the procedures contents and evaluation criteria of acceptance are added; 4. the vibro-replacement foundation and sand pile foundation are bined into stone column posite foundation; 5. acceptance requirements for non-reinforced spread foundation reinforced concrete spread foundation raft and box foundations anchor foundation etc. are added; 6. acceptance requirements for foundation pit supporting bining secant pile wall soil foundation engineering are added; 8. acceptance requirements for groundwater control and slope engineering are added; 9. requirements for ground inspecting points are added; 10. requirements inconsistent with specific acceptance contents in the former standard are deleted. poue aq isnw pue osjnduo ae piepuis su u edi pioq u pud suosod a strictly. Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development is in charge of the administration of this standard and the explanation of the pulsory provisions; Shanghai Foundation Engineering Group Co. Ltd. is responsible for the explanation of specific technical contents. Any ment or suggestion during the process of implementing this standard shall be posted to Shanghai Foundation Engineering Group Co. Ltd. (Address: No. 406 Middle Jiangxi Road Shanghai; 200002).
Contents Foreword. 1General provisions. 2Terms... 1 3Basic requirements 2 4Ground engineering 3 4.1 General requirements. 4.2 Soil and lime-soil foundation... 4 4.3 Sand and sandstone foundation. ..5 4.4 Geosynthetics foundation. ..6 4.5 Flyash foundation 7 4.6 Dynamic consolidation foundation..... 4.7 Grouting consolidated foundation..... .. 4.8 Preloading ground . ...10 4.9S Stone column posite foundation. ...11 4.10Jet grouting posite foundation. ..13 4.11 Cement-soil mixing pile posite foundation.... ..14 4.12 Soil-lime pacted pile posite foundation... ...15 4.13Cement flyash and gravel pile posite foundation... ..17 4.14 Tamping soil-cement pile posite foundation . ..18 5Foundation engineering... ... 5.1General requirements. ...1.9 5.2 Non-reinforced spread foundation... ...1 5.3Reinforced concrete spread foundation. ..2 5.4 Raft and box foundations.... ...23 5.5 Reinforced concrete precast pile.... ..24 5.6 Cast-in-situ pile with mud protection wall ..6 5.7 Dry drilling cast-in-situ pile. ...8 5.8 Long spiral drill hole grouting pile . ..31. 5.9 Driven cast-in-situ pile .31. 5.10 Steel pile .... ..2 5.11 Static press anchored pil.. ... 5.12 Foundation on rock-anchor system... ...36 5.13 Sunk well and caisson. .6 6Special soil foundation engineering. ...9 6.1 General requirements. ...9 6.2 Collapsible loess. ..39 6.3 Frozen soil ..43 6.4 Expansive soil. ...47 6.5 Saline soil. ...48 7Foundation pit supporting engineering ..49 7.1General requirements. 49





