英文版 GB 50984-2014 石油化工工厂布置设计规范.pdf


UDC NationalStandardofthePeople'sRepublicofChina P GB50984-2014 Codefordesignofpetrochemicalplant layout 石油化工工厂布置设计规范 (English translation) Issuedate:2014-03-31 Implementationdate:2014-12-01 Jointly Issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development ofthePeople'sRepublicofChina the GeneralAdministration of Quality Supervision Inspection and Quarantine of thePeople'sRepublicof China
NationalStandardofthePeople'sRepublicofChina Codefordesignofpetrochemicalplantlayout 石油化工工厂布置设计规范 GB 50984-2014 Developed by: China Petrochemical Corporation Approved by: The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China Implementation date: December 1 2014 China Planning Press 2014 Beiljing
AnnouncementoftheMinistryofHousingand Urban-RuralDevelopmentofthePeople's RepublicofChina No.363 Announcement of theMinistry of Housing and Urban-RuralDevelopment of thePeople's Republic of China onpublishing thenational standard Codefordesignofpetrochemicalplantlayout Code for design of petrochemical plant layout has been approved as a national standard with a serial number of GB 50984-2014 and shall be implemented from December 1 2014. Thereinto Subclauses 3.2.16 (1 2 3 4 5) and 5.2.9 are pulsory provisions and must be enforced strictly. Authorized by the Research Institute of Standards and Norms of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China this code is published and distributed by China Planning Press. China March31 2014
Foreword English translation the Chinese original shall be considered authoritative. According to the requirements of Document JIANBIAO [2018] No.105 issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China - Notice on printing and distributing the development and revision plan on engineering construction standards and codes in 2008 (the second batch) this code is prepared by SINOPEC Engineering Incorporation jointly with organizations concerned. During the process of formulating this code the drafting group carried out extensive investigations carefully summarized the practical experience made reference to relevant international standards and foreign advanced standards widely solicited for opinions conducted several times of discussion and coordination on the main problems and finalized this code finally through review. This code prises nine chapters and three annexes with the main technical contents as follows: general provisions terms plant site selection and general planning general layout inter-block channel arrangement grading plan road railway greening etc. eq sn p osn e po s u ad pio u pd susd strictly. The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China is in charge of the administration of this code and the explanation of the pulsory provisions China Petrochemical Corporation is in charge of routine management and SINOPEC Engineering Incorporation is responsible for the explanation of specific technical contents. During the process of implementing this code you are kindly Incorporation (Address: No.21 Anyuan Anhuibeili Chaoyang District Beijing 100101 China) for future reference in revision.
Contents 1General provisions. 1 2Terms.. 2 3Plant site selection and general planning .5 3.1 General requirement... .5 3.2 Plant site selection .... ..5 3.3 General planning.. 3.4 Extemal transportation .... ..9 3.5 Extermal protection 12 4General layout. 15 General requirements. 15 4.2 Plant area layout ...15 4.3 Process device are.. 19 4.4 Storage tank area layout . .21 4.5 Utility and suport facilities. 23 4.6 Storage and transportationfacities. 28 Flare facilities ..31 4.8Administrative facilities... 33 4.9 Boundary wall and gate.... 35 5 Inter-block channel arrangement.. 37 5.1 General requirement... 37 5.2 Integrated arrangement... ..38 5.3Underground pipeline .... ..40 5.4Overground pipeline and trestle. 42 6Grading plan.. .45 6.1 General requirements. 45 6.2Type of grading plan.. 46 6.3 Site rainwater discharge... 47 6.4 Earthwork ..48 6.5 Unit grading plan . 7Road. 53 7.1 General requirements. 53 7.2 Route. ...53 7.3 Route intersection. 57 8Railway. ..58 8.1 General requirements. .58 8.2 Route.. 59 8.3 Ancillary facilities. ..61 9Greening.. ..61 General requirements..... ..61 9.2 Process device area.... 9.3 Storage tank area and loading/unloading facility area. ..63 1





