P 72 SH 备案号:J2001-2015 中华人民共和国石油化工行业标准 SH/T35552014 石油化工工程钢脚手架搭设 安全技术规范 Technical specificationfor constructionsafety of steel scaffold building in petrochemical industry 2014-07-09发布 2014-11-01实施 中华人民共和国工业和信息化部 发布
SH/T 3555-2014 目次 前言. 1范围 2规范性引用文件 3术语和符号 3.1术语.. 3.2符号 3 4材料与构配件 4. 1 一般规定 ..8 4.2扣件式钢管脚手架材料 ..8 4.3碗扣式钢管脚手架材料 8. 4.4门式钢管脚手架材料 4.5承插型盘扣式钢管支架材料 4.6直插式轻钢脚手架材料 4.7脚手架其他材料 6 0.. 5通用脚手架构造形式和构造要求 .10 5.1通用脚手架的构造形式 ..10 5.2脚手架搭设高度及计算范围 ..16 5.3通用脚手架构造要求. 6专业脚手架结构设计 26 6.1建筑物脚手.. ...26 6.2构筑物脚手架 ..26 6.3管廊脚手架 6.4 钢结构安装脚手架. ..9 6.5立式设备安装脚手架 .30 6.6 反应再生系统安装脚手架 .33 6.7 炉类设备安装脚手架 ..4. 6.8 储罐与气柜安装脚手架 .*35 6.9工艺管道安装脚手架. -37 6.10电仪工程安装脚手架 6.11 防腐、绝热与防火工程脚手架. ...38 6.12无损检测作业脚手架 88 6.13拆除工程脚手架 88.... 7聊手架的设计计算 7.1 一般规定 7.2荷载 -40 7.3设计计算
SH/T 35552014 8脚手架施工与管理 56 8.1脚手架管理和作业人员要求 56 8.2脚手架搭设方案 *57 8.3材料管理 57 8.4脚手架搭设 *57 8.5脚手架验收 ..57 8.6脚手架使用 57 8.7脚手架拆除 8.8标识 58 8.9使用过程的变更 58 附录A(规范性附录)通用计算用表 *59 附录B(规范性附录)扣件式钢管脚手架计算用表 62 附录C(规范性附录)碗扣式铜管脚手架计算用表 --69 附录D(规范性附录)门式钢管脚手架计算用表 71 附录E(资料性附录)脚手架搭设标识牌 ..75 本规范用词说明 -77 附:条文说明..
SH/T 3555-2014 Contents Foreword- V 1Scopc 2Normative references 3Terms and definitions* 3.1 Glossay 3.2 Symbol. 4 Material and ponent/fittings 4.1 General..... 4.2 Coupler steel tubular scaffolding material .8 4. 3Cuplock steel tubular scaffolding material. 8.. 4. 4 Tubular steel frame scaffolding materil. .8 4.5 Disk lock steel tubular scaffolding material. 4.6 Ring system light steel scaffolding material 6. 4.7Other scaffolding material. 5 Fom and requirement on structure of scaffold for general service 5. 1Form of structure of scaffold for general service 0.. 5. 2Height and calculation scope of scaffold building .16 5.3 Construction of general scaffolding .17 6Construction design of disciplinary scaffolding .-.26 6. 1Scaffolding for building.... ..6 6. 2 Scaffolding for structure ..6 6.3 Scaffolding for piperack. ..27 6.4 Scaffolding for ecrection of structural steel.. 6. 5 Scaffolding for crection of vertical equipment. 6.6Scaffolding for reaction and re-generation system construction.. 6.7 Scaffold for fumance cquipment instaltion. 34 6. 8Scaffolding for erection of storage tank and gas holde --.35 6. 9Scaffolding for crection of process piping. ..37 6. 10Scaffolding for erection of electrical/instrument ...37 6. 11Scaffolding for painting insulation and fire-proofing 6. 12 Scaffolding for NDT work.. 38 ..*38 6. 13 Dismantling of scaffolding 89... 7 Design and calculation for scaffolding 7.1 General 7.2 Loads. 7.3 Design and calculation* 40 "T
SH/T 3555-2014 8Scaffolding construction and management* 8. 1 Requirement on staff and workers concermed scaffold work* 56 8. 2 Scaffold building scheme 57 8.3Mmaterial management... ..57 8.4Scaffol building 57 8. 5Scaffold inspection and acceptance* ..57 8.6Scaffold application 57 8.7Scaffold dismantle 58 8.8 Identification 8. 9Variation while application- .58 Annex A (Normative) General table for calculation* -59 Annex B (Normative) Calculation shcet for coupler steel tubular scaffolding- 29.. Annex C (Normative) Calculation sheet for cuplock steel tubular scafolding. 69. Annex D (Normative) Calculation sheet for tubular steel frame scaffolding Annex E (Informative) Identification marks for scaffold building -75 Explanation of wording in this specification* LL- Add: Explanation of articles.* -79
SH/T 3555-2014 石油化工工程钢脚手架搭设安全技术规范.pdf