ASME B31.4-2019用于液体和浆料的管道运输系统(英文版).pdf


ASMEB31.4-2019 (RevisionofASMEB31.4-2016) Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquids and Slurries ASME Code for Pressure Piping B31 ANINTERNATIONALPIPING CODEO 3 TheAmericanSocietyof 面 MechanicalEngineers
ASME B31.4-2019 (RevisionofASMEB31.4-2016) Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquids and Slurries ASME Code for Pressure Piping B31 ANINTERNATIONALPIPINGCODE? TheAmericanSocietyof Mechanical Engineers TwoParkAvenueNewYork NY 10016USA
Date of Issuance: November 1 2019 The next edition of this Code is scheduled for publication in 2022. This Code willbee effective 6 months after the Date of Issuance. ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects of this Code.Interpretations are publishedonthe Committee of the ASME B31 Committee may be published as Cases. Cases are published on the ASME website under the B31 Committee Page at as they are issued. Errata to codes and standards may be posted on the ASME website under the Committee Pages of the associated codes and standards. Such errata shall be used on the date posted. The B31 Committee Page can be found at associated B31 CommitteePages for each code and standard canbe accessed from thismain page.Thereisan optionavailable to automaticallyreceive ane-mail notification when errata are posted to a particular code or standard. This option can be found on the appropriate Committee Page after selecting “Errata in the “Publication Information” section. ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ThisintenationalcoderstandardwasdevelopedunderproceduresaccreditedasmeetingthecriteraforAmericanNationalStandards anditisanmericanationaStandardheStandardsCommitteethatapprovedthecodeorstandardwasbalancedtoasurethatinividuals frompetent andconcerned interestshavehadanopportunitytoparticipate.The proposed codeorstandard wasmade availableforpublic review andment that provides anopportunity foradditional publicinput fromindustry academia regulatory aencies and the publict- large. ASME does not“approve ”“rate ” or “endorse” any item construction proprietary device or activity. ASME does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with anyitemsmentioned in this document and does not undertake to insure anyone utilizing a standard against liability for infringement of any applicable letters patent nor assume anysuchliability.Users of acode rstandardareexpresslyadvised that determinationof the validityof anysuch patent rights andthe risk of infringement of such rights is entirely their own responsibility. Participation by federal agency representative(s) or person(s) afiliated with industry is not to be interpreted as government or industry endorsement of this code or standard. ASME accepts responsibility for only those interpretations of this document ssued in accordance with the established ASME procedures and policies which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Two Park Avenue New York NY 10016-5990 Copyright 2019 by THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS All rights reserved Printed in U.S.A.
463 External Corrosion Control for Pipelines Exposed to Atmosphere 78 464 Pipelines in Arctic Environments 79 465 Pipelines in High-Temperature Service 79 466 External Corrosion Control for Thermally Insulated Pipelines . . 08 467 Stress Corrosion and Other Phenomena 81 468 81 Chapter IX Offshore Liquid Pipeline Systems. 82 A400 General Statements 82 A401 Loads .. 83 A402 Calculation of Stresses . 85 A403 Criteria for Pipelines . . 68 A404 Criteria for Fittings Assemblies and Other Components (Alternatively Criteria for Components) 89 A405 Pipe - 06 A406 Other Design Considerations 06 A423 Materials General Requirements 91 A434 Construction 91 A436 Inspection 92 A437 Testing. 6 A450 Operation and Maintenance Procedures Affecting the Safety of Liquid and Slurry Transportation Piping Systems . . . A451 Pipeline Operation and Maintenance A452 Pump Station Terminal and Storage Facilities Operation and Maintenance 95 A454 Emergency Plan 95 A460 General 95 A461 External Corrosion Control for Buried or Submerged Pipelines 95 A463 External Corrosion Control for Pipelines Exposed to Atmosphere 96 Chapter X Carbon Dioxide Pipeline Systems B400 General Statements B423 Materials General Requirements B434 Construction.. B437 Testing .. 97 B451 Pipeline Operation and Maintenance. 98 B454 Emergency Plan 86 Chapter XI Slurry Pipeline Systems... 66 C400 General Statements 66 C401 Loads 66 C403 Criteria for Pipelines ... 66 C404 Criteria for Fitings Assemblies and Other Components Alternatively Criteria for 100 C423 Materials - General Requirements 100 C426 Dimensional Requirements for Standard and Nonstandard Piping Components 100 C434 Construction.. 100 C437 Testing 101 C451 Pipeline Operation and Maintenance . 102 C454 Emergency Plan 102 iv
C457 Abandoning a Piping System 102 C460 General 102 C461 External Corrosion Control for Buried or Submerged Pipelines 102 C468 Records ... 102 Mandatory Appendix Referenced Standards 103 Nonmandatory Appendices A Submittal of Technical Inquiries to the B31 Pressure Piping Committee . 107 B Publications That Do Not Appear in the Code or Mandatory Appendix I but May Be of Informational Benefit ... 108 Index 109 Figures 400.1.1-1 Diagram Showing Scope of ASME B31.4 Excluding Carbon Dioxide Pipeline Systems (See Figure 400.1.1-2) . 400.1.1-2 Diagram Showing Scope of ASME B31.4 for Carbon Dioxide Pipeline Systems . . 400.1.1-3 Diagram Showing Scope of ASME B31.4 for Slurry Pipeline Systems . 5 404.3.3.1-1 Reinforced Extruded Outlets.. 27 404.3.4-1 Welding Details for Openings With Complete Encirclement Types of Reinforcement . 30 404.3.4-2 Welding Details for Openings With Localized-Type Reinforcement . 31 404.3.4-3 Welding Details for Openings Without Reinforcement Other Than That in Header and Branch Walls . 32 404.3.5-1 Reinforcement of Branch Connections. 33 434.8.6-1 Acceptable Butt Welded Joint Design for Equal Wall Thicknesses 48 434.8.6-2 Acceptable Butt Welded Joint Design for Unequal Wall Thicknesses . 49 434.8.6-3 Remended Attachment Details of Flanges 50 451.6.2.2-1 Type IInteraction. 65 451.6.2.2-2 Type II Interaction . 65 Tables 402.1-1 Flexibility Factor k and Stress Intensification Factor i . 14 403.2.1-1 Weld Joint Factors Applicable to Common Pipe Specifications . 19 403.3.1-1 Allowable Values for Pipeline System Stresses 20 404.3.4-1 Design Criteria for Welded Branch Connections . 32 423.1-1 Material Standards and Specifications 39 426.1-1 Dimensional Standards 42 434.6-1 Minimum Cover for Buried Pipelines . 45 451.6.2.9-1 Acceptable Pipeline Repair Methods (Nonindented Nonwrinkled and Nonbuckled Pipe)....... 69 451.6.2.9-2 AcceptableiplineRepaiMthodsforentsuckles Riplerinkleeaking Coulin and Defective Prior Repairs ......... 70 A402.3.2-1 Design Factors for Offshore Pipeline Systems . 87





