Vickers@ Accessories EAON Subplates and Connection Plates forFour-Port Directional Valves ISO4401 02/03/05/07/08 General Description This range of subplates and auxillary Size 02 中 connection plates offers an economical AB way of mounting the range of Vickers directional control valves and associated stackable auxiliary valves. Size 03 The 2 to 6 multi-station subplates P Φ available on sizes 02 and 03 provide B very pact control assemblies when used together with Vickers 0 SystemStak a valves. The varied maximum pressure ratings of Size 05 this current range of subplates etc. are clearly indicated in the °Schedule of Plates and Subplates* for each size. Plates having machined O-seal recesses are supplied plete with Φ O-seals. AlI Vickers 02 and 03 valves and Size 07 auxiliary plates are fitted with a location pin to ensure correct orientation of the mounting surfaces. When a subplate is not used a machined pad must be provided for the valve mounting. This pad must be flat within 0 01 mm per 100 mm (0.0001" per 1°) and smooth within 0 8 μm (32 μin) over the area designated in the appropriate ISO 4401 standard. Size 08 VICKERS March 1996 GB-2425
TableofContents-Size02 Description and Mass kg (Ib) Functional Symbol Model Code Max.Pressure Mounting Surface to ISO 4401 Blanking plate DGMA-2-B-1* Cast iron 0 24 (0.53) Crossover plate P-A; B-T DGMA-2-C1-1* 250 bar (3600 psi) Cast iron 0 21 (0.46) Crossover plate P-B; A-T DGMA-2-C2-1* 250bar(3600psi) Cast iron 0 21 (0.46) Tapping plate ports A and B DGMA-2-T1-1RA DGMA-2-T1-1-S 250 bar (3600 psi) Cast iron 0 28 (0.62) Tapping plate ports P and T DGMA-2-T2-1-RA DGMA-2-T2-1*S 250 bar (3600 psi) Cast iron 0 28 (0.62) p B A Orifice plate DGOM-2-1*-R▲ 250 bar (3600 psi) Cast iron 0 12 (0.27) p B Adaptor plate DG4M4 to size 02 A Size 2 DGAM-2-4-10-RA 8 250 bar (3600 psi) Cast iron 0 6 (1.2) B A DGAM-2-4-10-S p DG4M4 T B Adaptor plate size 03 to 02 Size 2 DGAM-2-3-1*-R DGAM-2-3-1*-S 250 bar (3600 psi) Cast iron 0 43 (0.95) p Size 3 T A Single-station subplate; DGMS-2-1E-1*-S DGMS-2-1E-1*-R▲250 bar (3600 psi) side ports P T A B Aluminium 0 13 (0.29) Multi-station subplate/manifold; side ports P T A B Ag B2 etc. Valve station 1 Valve stations 2-3 2-station P_TBA_P2T2 BA DGMS-2-2E-1*-RA DGMS-2-2E-1*-S 250 bar (3600 psi) Aluminium 1 36 (3.0) 3-station Aluminium 1 85 (4.1) B1A1 B2 A2 DGMS-2-3E-1*-S Multi-station subplate/manifold; Valve station 1 Valve stations 2-6 DGMS-2-4E-1-R side ports P T A B Az B2 etc. P. 1 B 16 Bg DGMS-2-4E-1*-SA 4-station Aluminium 2 36 (5.2) DGMS-2-5E-1*-RA 250 bar (3600 psi) 5-station Aluminium 2 87 (6.3) 6-station Aluminium 3 37 (7.4) DGMS-2-5E-1*-S DGMS-2-6E-1*-S DGMS-2-6E-1*-R Design number subject o change. No change of instaflation dimensions for design numbers SsuffixSAE/UNC ports andrUNCfxing bol appingsandrorifice plugs as aprapriate. 10 to 19 ar 21 to 29inclsive. > R° ISO 228 (BSPF) ports andarmetric fiong bolf tapings andor orice plugs as appropriae 2
TableofContents-Size03 Description and Mass kg (Ib) Functional Symbol Model Code Max.Pressure 8 Mounting Surface to ISO 4401 Blanking plate DGMA-3-B-1* 350 bar (5000 psi) Cast iron 0 5 (1.1) B 工 A Crossover plate P-A; B-T DGMA-3-C1-1* :-: 350 bar (5000 psi) Cast iron 0 5 (1.1) Crossover plate P-B; A-T DGMA-3-C2-1* 350 bar (5000 psi) Cast iron 0 5 (1.1) Tapping plate ports A and B DGMA-3-T1-1*-BA H 350 bar (5000 psi) Cast iron 0 5 (1.1) DGMA-3-T1-2′-S Tapping plate ports P and T 83 DGMA-3-T2-1*-BA DGMA-3-T2-2′-S 350 bar (5000 psi) Cast iron 0 5 (1.1) Single-station subplate; DGVM-3-1*-RA 8 250 bar (3600 psi) rear pors P T. A B Cast iron 1 3 (2.9) DGVM-3-1*-S Single-station subplate; KDGVM-3-1*-RA 250 bar (3600 psi) rear ports P T A B; side port L KDGVM-3-676803-1 Cast iron 1 3 (2.9) (SAE/UNF ports) 8 Single-station subplate; DGMS-3-1E-1*-RA 250 bar (3600 psi) side ports P T A B DGMS-3-1E(Y)-1*-S Cast iron 1 3 (2.9) DGAM-3-01-1RA A Adaptor size 05 to 03 Size 03 210 bar (3000 psi) Cast iron 0 6 (1.3) DGAM-3-01-1*(UNC* valve mounting bolts) Size 05 Muli-station subplate/manifold; side ports P T A B Ag B2 etc. Valve station 1Valve station 2 2-station PTBAPTBA DGMS-3-2E-1*-RA 250 bar (3600 psi) Cast iron 4 0 (8.8) TD 十. DGMS-3-2E(X)-1*-S 3-station B A1 B2 Az DGMS-3-3E-1*-RA Cast iron 5 5 (12.1) DGMS-3-3E(X)-1*-S Throughconnection P and T ports on lypes DGMS-3-2EX-1-* and DGMS-3-3EX-1-. Multi-station subplate/manifold; side ports P T A B Ag B2 etc. 4-station Valve station 1 Valve stafion 6 DGMS-3-4E-1*-RA PTBAPoTo_BsAs 250 bar (3600 psi) Cast iron 7 0 (15.4) DGMS-3-5E-1*-R DGMS-3-4E-1*-S 5-station Cast iron 8 5 (18.7) TD T 6-station BA Bg A6 DGMS-3-6E-1*-S DGMS-3-6E-1*-RA Cast iron 10 0 (22.0) Design number subject o change. No change of instalatin dimensians for design numbers S"suffi =SAE/UNCports andor UNC fxing bol tappings androrifice plugs as appropriate. 10 to 19 ar 21 to 29 inclusive. sind uo pue sue qSupy upue suod So as appropriale. 3
TableofContents-Size05 Description and Mass kg (Ib) Functional Symbol Model Code Max. Pressure i ons unw Blanking plate DGMA-5-B-1* * 315 bar (4500 psi) Cast iron 2 9 (6.4) TA B A Crossover plate P-A; B-T DGMA-5-C1-1* =-= 315 bar (4500 psi) Cast iron 2 9 (6.4) p 81 TA B A Crossover plate P-B; A-T DGMA-5-C2-1* 315 bar (4500 psi) Cast iron 2 9 (6.4) L 81 A Tapping plate ports A and B Cast iron 0 5 (1.1) P TBTA Tapping plate ports P and T DGMA-5-T2-1′-B == 315 bar (4500 psi) Cast iron 0 5 (1.1) A Tapping plate ports P A and B DGMA-5-T3-1′-B 315 bar (4500 psi) Cast iron 0 5 (1.1) Adlaptor plate for pilot ports DGAM-5-1*-R▲ 210 bar (3000 psi) pue X DGAM-5-1*-S▲ Cast iron 1 4 (3.1) p To A Single-station subplate; DGSME-01-2*-T8▲ ** 210 bar (3000 psi) side ports P T A B p Cast iron 2 0 (4.4) T Single-station subplate; DGSM-01-2*-T8A EDGSM-01-1*-RA 210 bar (3000 psi) rear ports PT A、B 280 bar (4000 psi) Cast iron 2 0 (4.4) B A EDGSM-01Y-1*-R Single-station subplate; (SAE/UNF ports) KDGSM-5-676805-2* 210 bar (3000 psi) rear ports P T A B; and port L (side or rear) Cast iron 1 3 (2.9) B A L KDGSM-5-615225-1* 315 bar (4500 psi) KDGSM-5-615226-1* (1/2 BSPF ports) (3/4° BSPF ports) P B EKDGSM-01Y-1R 280 bar (4000 psi) Single-station subplate; EDGSM-03-1*-R▲ 210 bar (3000 psi) rear ports P T A B plus X and Y EDGSM-03X-1*-RA Cast iron 2 0 (4.4) EDGSM-03X-1*-S XP B AY Designnumber subject to change. No change of instaflation dimensions for design numbers 10 fo 19 ar 21 to 29 inclusive. s snyd au su uy puso S xs S. R° or B° = ISO 228 (BSPF) povts and/or metric fixing bot tappings and/or orifice plugs appropriafe. as appropriate. 4
TableofContents-Sizes07and08 Description and Mass kg (Ib) Functional Symbol Model Code Max. Pressure Mounting Surface to ISO 4401 Single-station subplate Cast iron 3 8 (8.4) DGSM-04 210 bar (3000 psi) Cast iron 3 8 (8.4) EDGVM-7X 350 bar (5000 psi) Cast iron 6 1 (13.4) EDGVM-7Y/7Z 350 bar (5000 psi) Cast iron 5 0 (11) X L P T B A Y DGSM-8 210 bar (3000 psi) Cast iron 5 0 (11) EDGVM-8X 350 bar (5000 psi) Cast iron 13 (28.6) EDGVM-8Y/8Z 350 bar (5000 psi) OperatingData Maximum fiow rates No functional limitations: dependent on valves used Hydraulic fluids Compatible with all fluids remended for Vickers sizes 02 03 05 07 and 08 valves Temperature limits As for valves subject to limits: 20°C to 70°C (4°F to 158°F) Mounting attitude No restrictions other than for valves fitted Bolt Kits for Mounting Valves Valve Size Bolt Threads Torque (threads lubricated) Metric Inch 02 M5-6H #10-24 UNC-2B 5-7 Nm (44-62 Ibf in) 0 M5-6H #10-24 UNC-2B 7-9 Nm (62-79 Ibf in) 05 M6-16H 1/°-20 UNC-2B 9-14 Nm (79-124 Ibf in) 07 M10 3/g°-16 UNC-2B 1/-20 UNC-2B 49-59 Nm (434-522 Ibf in) M6 9-14 Nm (79-124 Ilbf in) 80 M12-6H 1/2-13 UNC-2B 103-127 Nm (912-1124 Ibf in) Note:if nof using Vckers remended boit kis bolls used shouk be o ISO 898 class 12.9 or better ensd uumspds uosnynm Bolt extenders avalable for use with size 05 valves cannot be used with size 05 auxiiary piates featured in tfhis cataiog.
ISO4401 各式底板.pdf