ISO4401 各式底板.pdf


Vickers@ Accessories EAON Subplates and Connection Plates forFour-Port Directional Valves ISO4401 02/03/05/07/08 General Description This range of subplates and auxillary Size 02 中 connection plates offers an economical AB way of mounting the range of Vickers directional control valves and associated stackable auxiliary valves. Size 03 The 2 to 6 multi-station subplates P Φ available on sizes 02 and 03 provide B very pact control assemblies when used together with Vickers 0 SystemStak a valves. The varied maximum pressure ratings of Size 05 this current range of subplates etc. are clearly indicated in the °Schedule of Plates and Subplates* for each size. Plates having machined O-seal recesses are supplied plete with Φ O-seals. AlI Vickers 02 and 03 valves and Size 07 auxiliary plates are fitted with a location pin to ensure correct orientation of the mounting surfaces. When a subplate is not used a machined pad must be provided for the valve mounting. This pad must be flat within 0 01 mm per 100 mm (0.0001" per 1°) and smooth within 0 8 μm (32 μin) over the area designated in the appropriate ISO 4401 standard. Size 08 VICKERS March 1996 GB-2425
TableofContents-Size02 Description and Mass kg (Ib) Functional Symbol Model Code Max.Pressure Mounting Surface to ISO 4401 Blanking plate DGMA-2-B-1* Cast iron 0 24 (0.53) Crossover plate P-A; B-T DGMA-2-C1-1* 250 bar (3600 psi) Cast iron 0 21 (0.46) Crossover plate P-B; A-T DGMA-2-C2-1* 250bar(3600psi) Cast iron 0 21 (0.46) Tapping plate ports A and B DGMA-2-T1-1RA DGMA-2-T1-1-S 250 bar (3600 psi) Cast iron 0 28 (0.62) Tapping plate ports P and T DGMA-2-T2-1-RA DGMA-2-T2-1*S 250 bar (3600 psi) Cast iron 0 28 (0.62) p B A Orifice plate DGOM-2-1*-R▲ 250 bar (3600 psi) Cast iron 0 12 (0.27) p B Adaptor plate DG4M4 to size 02 A Size 2 DGAM-2-4-10-RA 8 250 bar (3600 psi) Cast iron 0 6 (1.2) B A DGAM-2-4-10-S p DG4M4 T B Adaptor plate size 03 to 02 Size 2 DGAM-2-3-1*-R DGAM-2-3-1*-S 250 bar (3600 psi) Cast iron 0 43 (0.95) p Size 3 T A Single-station subplate; DGMS-2-1E-1*-S DGMS-2-1E-1*-R▲250 bar (3600 psi) side ports P T A B Aluminium 0 13 (0.29) Multi-station subplate/manifold; side ports P T A B Ag B2 etc. Valve station 1 Valve stations 2-3 2-station P_TBA_P2T2 BA DGMS-2-2E-1*-RA DGMS-2-2E-1*-S 250 bar (3600 psi) Aluminium 1 36 (3.0) 3-station Aluminium 1 85 (4.1) B1A1 B2 A2 DGMS-2-3E-1*-S Multi-station subplate/manifold; Valve station 1 Valve stations 2-6 DGMS-2-4E-1-R side ports P T A B Az B2 etc. P. 1 B 16 Bg DGMS-2-4E-1*-SA 4-station Aluminium 2 36 (5.2) DGMS-2-5E-1*-RA 250 bar (3600 psi) 5-station Aluminium 2 87 (6.3) 6-station Aluminium 3 37 (7.4) DGMS-2-5E-1*-S DGMS-2-6E-1*-S DGMS-2-6E-1*-R Design number subject o change. No change of instaflation dimensions for design numbers SsuffixSAE/UNC ports andrUNCfxing bol appingsandrorifice plugs as aprapriate. 10 to 19 ar 21 to 29inclsive. > R° ISO 228 (BSPF) ports andarmetric fiong bolf tapings andor orice plugs as appropriae 2
TableofContents-Size03 Description and Mass kg (Ib) Functional Symbol Model Code Max.Pressure 8 Mounting Surface to ISO 4401 Blanking plate DGMA-3-B-1* 350 bar (5000 psi) Cast iron 0 5 (1.1) B 工 A Crossover plate P-A; B-T DGMA-3-C1-1* :-: 350 bar (5000 psi) Cast iron 0 5 (1.1) Crossover plate P-B; A-T DGMA-3-C2-1* 350 bar (5000 psi) Cast iron 0 5 (1.1) Tapping plate ports A and B DGMA-3-T1-1*-BA H 350 bar (5000 psi) Cast iron 0 5 (1.1) DGMA-3-T1-2′-S Tapping plate ports P and T 83 DGMA-3-T2-1*-BA DGMA-3-T2-2′-S 350 bar (5000 psi) Cast iron 0 5 (1.1) Single-station subplate; DGVM-3-1*-RA 8 250 bar (3600 psi) rear pors P T. A B Cast iron 1 3 (2.9) DGVM-3-1*-S Single-station subplate; KDGVM-3-1*-RA 250 bar (3600 psi) rear ports P T A B; side port L KDGVM-3-676803-1 Cast iron 1 3 (2.9) (SAE/UNF ports) 8 Single-station subplate; DGMS-3-1E-1*-RA 250 bar (3600 psi) side ports P T A B DGMS-3-1E(Y)-1*-S Cast iron 1 3 (2.9) DGAM-3-01-1RA A Adaptor size 05 to 03 Size 03 210 bar (3000 psi) Cast iron 0 6 (1.3) DGAM-3-01-1*(UNC* valve mounting bolts) Size 05 Muli-station subplate/manifold; side ports P T A B Ag B2 etc. Valve station 1Valve station 2 2-station PTBAPTBA DGMS-3-2E-1*-RA 250 bar (3600 psi) Cast iron 4 0 (8.8) TD 十. DGMS-3-2E(X)-1*-S 3-station B A1 B2 Az DGMS-3-3E-1*-RA Cast iron 5 5 (12.1) DGMS-3-3E(X)-1*-S Throughconnection P and T ports on lypes DGMS-3-2EX-1-* and DGMS-3-3EX-1-. Multi-station subplate/manifold; side ports P T A B Ag B2 etc. 4-station Valve station 1 Valve stafion 6 DGMS-3-4E-1*-RA PTBAPoTo_BsAs 250 bar (3600 psi) Cast iron 7 0 (15.4) DGMS-3-5E-1*-R DGMS-3-4E-1*-S 5-station Cast iron 8 5 (18.7) TD T 6-station BA Bg A6 DGMS-3-6E-1*-S DGMS-3-6E-1*-RA Cast iron 10 0 (22.0) Design number subject o change. No change of instalatin dimensians for design numbers S"suffi =SAE/UNCports andor UNC fxing bol tappings androrifice plugs as appropriate. 10 to 19 ar 21 to 29 inclusive. sind uo pue sue qSupy upue suod So as appropriale. 3
TableofContents-Size05 Description and Mass kg (Ib) Functional Symbol Model Code Max. Pressure i ons unw Blanking plate DGMA-5-B-1* * 315 bar (4500 psi) Cast iron 2 9 (6.4) TA B A Crossover plate P-A; B-T DGMA-5-C1-1* =-= 315 bar (4500 psi) Cast iron 2 9 (6.4) p 81 TA B A Crossover plate P-B; A-T DGMA-5-C2-1* 315 bar (4500 psi) Cast iron 2 9 (6.4) L 81 A Tapping plate ports A and B Cast iron 0 5 (1.1) P TBTA Tapping plate ports P and T DGMA-5-T2-1′-B == 315 bar (4500 psi) Cast iron 0 5 (1.1) A Tapping plate ports P A and B DGMA-5-T3-1′-B 315 bar (4500 psi) Cast iron 0 5 (1.1) Adlaptor plate for pilot ports DGAM-5-1*-R▲ 210 bar (3000 psi) pue X DGAM-5-1*-S▲ Cast iron 1 4 (3.1) p To A Single-station subplate; DGSME-01-2*-T8▲ ** 210 bar (3000 psi) side ports P T A B p Cast iron 2 0 (4.4) T Single-station subplate; DGSM-01-2*-T8A EDGSM-01-1*-RA 210 bar (3000 psi) rear ports PT A、B 280 bar (4000 psi) Cast iron 2 0 (4.4) B A EDGSM-01Y-1*-R Single-station subplate; (SAE/UNF ports) KDGSM-5-676805-2* 210 bar (3000 psi) rear ports P T A B; and port L (side or rear) Cast iron 1 3 (2.9) B A L KDGSM-5-615225-1* 315 bar (4500 psi) KDGSM-5-615226-1* (1/2 BSPF ports) (3/4° BSPF ports) P B EKDGSM-01Y-1R 280 bar (4000 psi) Single-station subplate; EDGSM-03-1*-R▲ 210 bar (3000 psi) rear ports P T A B plus X and Y EDGSM-03X-1*-RA Cast iron 2 0 (4.4) EDGSM-03X-1*-S XP B AY Designnumber subject to change. No change of instaflation dimensions for design numbers 10 fo 19 ar 21 to 29 inclusive. s snyd au su uy puso S xs S. R° or B° = ISO 228 (BSPF) povts and/or metric fixing bot tappings and/or orifice plugs appropriafe. as appropriate. 4
TableofContents-Sizes07and08 Description and Mass kg (Ib) Functional Symbol Model Code Max. Pressure Mounting Surface to ISO 4401 Single-station subplate Cast iron 3 8 (8.4) DGSM-04 210 bar (3000 psi) Cast iron 3 8 (8.4) EDGVM-7X 350 bar (5000 psi) Cast iron 6 1 (13.4) EDGVM-7Y/7Z 350 bar (5000 psi) Cast iron 5 0 (11) X L P T B A Y DGSM-8 210 bar (3000 psi) Cast iron 5 0 (11) EDGVM-8X 350 bar (5000 psi) Cast iron 13 (28.6) EDGVM-8Y/8Z 350 bar (5000 psi) OperatingData Maximum fiow rates No functional limitations: dependent on valves used Hydraulic fluids Compatible with all fluids remended for Vickers sizes 02 03 05 07 and 08 valves Temperature limits As for valves subject to limits: 20°C to 70°C (4°F to 158°F) Mounting attitude No restrictions other than for valves fitted Bolt Kits for Mounting Valves Valve Size Bolt Threads Torque (threads lubricated) Metric Inch 02 M5-6H #10-24 UNC-2B 5-7 Nm (44-62 Ibf in) 0 M5-6H #10-24 UNC-2B 7-9 Nm (62-79 Ibf in) 05 M6-16H 1/°-20 UNC-2B 9-14 Nm (79-124 Ibf in) 07 M10 3/g°-16 UNC-2B 1/-20 UNC-2B 49-59 Nm (434-522 Ibf in) M6 9-14 Nm (79-124 Ilbf in) 80 M12-6H 1/2-13 UNC-2B 103-127 Nm (912-1124 Ibf in) Note:if nof using Vckers remended boit kis bolls used shouk be o ISO 898 class 12.9 or better ensd uumspds uosnynm Bolt extenders avalable for use with size 05 valves cannot be used with size 05 auxiiary piates featured in tfhis cataiog.





