INTERNATIONAL ISO STANDARD 28520 First edition 2009-02-15 Shipsandmarinetechnology- Lubricatingoilsystems-Guidancefor gradesofcleanlinessandflushing Navireset technologiemaritime-Circuitsd'huile degraissage- Guide relatif aux degresde propreteet derincage Reference number ISO28520:2009(E) ISO 2009
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ISO 28520:2009(E) Contents Page Foreword.. iv 1 Scope 1 2 Normativereferences.. 1 3 Terms and definitions. 1 4 Remended degreesofpipe cleaning. 2 4.1 Degrees of pipe cleaning during/after prefabrication.. 2 4.2 Inside surfacetreatment... 2 5 Cleaningof systemponents 2 5.1 Pumps valves filtersoil coolers et.. Engine crankcase. 3 5.2 3 5.3 Gearbox. 3 5.4 Tanks. 6 5.5 Special ments 6 Flushing. 6 6.1 Flushing practice(2-stroke engine).. 6.2 4-stroke engines(practicalexecution). 12 6.3 Flushingexecution... 12 6.4 Flushing practice (turbines and turbogenerators). 13 7 Approval of flushing... 13 Copyright Intem Snenadoghtsreserved i No neproduction or networking perm OSI 4pm esueog epun SHI q pop mited without Iicense hom IHS
ISO28520:2009(E) Foreword (ISOmemberbodies).The work of preparing International Standardsis normally carriedout through ISO International Electrotechnical Commission(IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote. rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. SC3 Piping and machinery. ISO 2009 All rights reserved ded byHS under loense wth ISO
INTERNATIONALSTANDARD ISO 28520:2009(E) Shipsandmarinetechnology-Lubricatingoil systems- Guidanceforgradesofcleanlinessandflushing 1Scope ThisInternational Standardprovidesguidance forflushing of lubricating oil systems,and grading of the resultant cleanliness. The flushing process is twofold: -to remove dirt from the erection and installation and to demonstrate that the pipes and the system as a whole is sufficiently clean. Crankcase and,where applicable,gearboxetc.arecleaned separatelybeforeflushing andrequirements relating tothis are alsospecified in thisInternationalStandard.Similar considerations apply to the system tank and other ponents of the system. number Re is ≤3 000 and "flushing" when the R.
≥ 3 000. NOTElf available,any original equipmentmanufacturerrequirements for flushing take precedenceover the requirements outlined in this International Standard. 2Normativereferences references,only the edition citedapplies.For undatedreferences,thelatest edition of thereferenced document (including any amendments)applies. ISO4406 Hydraulicfluid power-Fluids-Methodforcoding thelevel of contaminationby solid particles ISO8501-1,Preparationofsteelsubstratesbeforeapplicationofpaintsandrelatedproducts-Visual substratesandofsteelsubstratesafteroverallremovalofpreviouscoatings ISO285211) Ships andmarine technology-Hydraulic oil systems-Guidance for grades of cleanliness and flushing 3Termsanddefinitions For the purposes of this document the following terms and definitions apply. 1)To be published. Copratlrghtsreserved 6803100