ASHRAE 高超高层设计指南 ASHRAE Design Guide for Tall Supertall RP-1673.pdf
RP-1673 ASHRAE Design Guide for Tall Supertall and Megatall Building Systems PeterSimmonds ASHRAE TallBdings
ASHRAE Design Guide for Tall Supertall and Megatall Building Systems
This publication was supported by ASHRAE Research Project RP-1673 under the auspices of ASHRAE Technical Committee TC) 9.12 Tall Buildings.TC 9.12 is concerned with the function operation energy. and human safety forbuildings in excess of 300feet in heigh. Also included is the determination of requiremtsrelated thyralics aflw infratin malsltion watr vaporrearders ronmental control fire and smoke control and maintenance. ABOUTTHEAUTHOR Peter Simmonds is managing director/principal of Building and Systems Analytics LLC based in Marina Del Rey CA and Hong Kong. He has one Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and another in Research and Development from Reading Technical College; a Master's degree from HTS Den Bosch the Netherlands; and a PhD from T.U. Delft. He has been a member of ASHRAE since 1989 and has twice chaired Technical Committee (TC) 9.12 Tall Buildings. He has been involved in the design and operation of tall supertall and megatall buildings around the world for more than 30 years. He is also a recognized authority in the field of radiant heating and cooling systems. The main goals of his research and applications have been to understand the heat transfer and performance of radiant systems for both heating and cooling. His studies related to thermal performance of these systems led to a unique way to enhance these systems. Publications of his work led to the development of radiant systems in the United States and are included in the ASHRAE Handbook. He received the Carter Bronze Medal from the Char- tered Institution of Building Services Engineers in 1993. He has authored or coauthored more than 60 technical papers articles and boks and is amember of several ASHRAE Technical Committees. Peter also teaches graduate and postgraduate architectural stu- dents at the University of Southerm California Los Angeles.
ASHRAE ASHRAE ASHRAE founded in 1894 is a global society advancing human well-being through sustainable technology for the built environment. The Society and its members focus on building systems nergy efficiency indoor air quality refriger- ation and sustainability within the industry. Through research standards writing. publishing and continuing education ASHRAE shapes tomorrow's built environ- ment today. ASHRAE was formed as the American Society of Heating Refriger- ating and Air-Conditioning Engineers by the merger in 1959 of American Society of Heating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHAE) founded in 1894 and The American Society of Refrigerating Engineers (ASRE) founded in 1904. 1791 Tullie Circle NE Atlanta GA 30329 1-800-527-4723 CTBUH TallBlfas The Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat is the world's leading y resource for professionals focused on the inception design construction and operation of tall buildings and future cities. notfor-profit organization founded in 1969 and based at the Ilinois Institute of Technology Chicago CTBUH has an Asia office at Tongji University Shanghai and a research office at luav Univer- sity Venice Italy. CTBUH facilitates the exchange of the latest knowledge avail- able on tall buildings around the world through publications rescarch events working groups web resources and its extensive network of international repre- sentatives. The Council’s research department is spearheading the investigation of the next generation of tall buildings by aiding original research on sustainability and key development issues. The free database on tall buildings The Skyscraper Center is updated daily with detailed information images data and news. The CTBUH also developed the international standards for measuring tall building height and is recognized as the arbiter for bestowing such designations as *The World’s Tallest Building. S.R. Crown Hall Illinois Institute of Technology 3360 South State Street Chicago IL 60616 .skyscrapercenter. ho npnducioe or ntaorlingparritad witau licaraa lon IG by HS a1far Fessle 9976803166