BETTATI ANTINCENDIO halocarbon设计手册 用于卤代碳气体系统 HFC 227EA-HFC 125-HFC 23.pdf
bettati Via Disraeli 8 42124 REGGIO EMILIA - ITALY Tel. 39 0522 369711 Fax 39 0522 791052 E-mail: ANTINCENDIO P.IVA C.F. 01979170352 DESIGNMANUAL FORHALOCARBONGASSYSTEM HFC227EA-HFC 125-HFC 23 BETTATI ANTINCENDIO s.r.l. Via Disraeli 8 - 42124 RE Tel. 39 0522 / 369711 (R.A.) - fax 39 0522 / 791052 E-mail: P.IVA 01979170352 C.F. 01979170352 Revised 05/2010
bettati Via Disraeli 8 42124 REGGIO EMILIA - ITALY Tel. 39 0522 369711 Fax 39 0522 791052 E-mail: ANTINCENDIO P.IVA C.F. 01979170352 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.. jenueu jo asodund pue adoos .4 1.1 Standards and Code of practice... .4 1.2 .. 1.3 Approval / Certification of agent.. ..4 1.4 Terminology and Definitions .4 1.5 Unit of measurement system. ..6 1.6 Contacts. ..6 2 USE AND LIMITATIONS OF EXTINGUISHING AGENTS. 2.1 Introduction.... .7 2.2 Extinguishing agents and chemical and physical properties .7 2.3 Applications... .8 2.4 The extinguishing agent effects on personell (Ref. Annex G EN 15004 Ed. 2008) .8 2.5 Hazards to personnel (Reference: EN-15004 ed 2008 ANNEX G).. Physiological Effects of Halocarbon Agents... .8 2.6 .9 2.7 Safe Exposure Guidelines for Halocarbon Agents (Rif. Annex G EN 15004-1 Ed. 2008). .9 2.7.1 For spaces that are normally occupied . 10 2.7.2 For spaces that are not normally occupied. 10 2.7.3 Spaces that CANNOT be occupied 11 2.7.4 Safety precautions for personnel.. 11 2.8 Hazard to environment . .11 2.9 Hazard from electrostatic discharge in igniting flammable atmosphere . .12 BASIS OF HALOCARBON SYSTEMS DESIGN... 13 3.1 Hazard Analysis.. .13 3.2 Design Concentration... .13 3.3 Required Agent quantity... .14 3.4 Additional Considerations . .16 3.4.1 Altitude Correction Factors. 16 3.5 Discharge Time (ref. EN 15004-1:2008 chapter 7.9) .17 3.6 Duration of Protection (*Door Fan Test") (ref. EN 15004-1:2008 chapter 7.8). .17 3.7 Overpressure in the enclosure volume ... .21 3.8 Nozzle selection and location (ref. EN 15004:1 chapter 6.3.6) .27 3.9 Pipeline and Fitting.... .31 3.10 Tee Orientation .32 3.11 Estimating Pipe Sizes. .32 3.12 Pipes Hangers and Support (EN 15004-1 chapter. 6.3.4) .32 3.13 Design example calculation according to EN 15004.. ..3 3.13.1 Inspection.. 3.13.2 Risk analisys 34 3.13.3 Gas extinguishing choosing- 34 3.13.4 Choice of system ponents EN12094 and CE marked PED TPED .34 3.13.5 Preliminary calculation of the quantity of gas extinguishing. 35 3.13.6 Design of distribution network . 38 3.13.7 Verification of the above by hydraulic calculation software 41 3.13.8 System installation.. 48 3.13.9 System start-up ... ...48 3.13.10 Carry out the door fan integrity test... 48 3.13.11 (uaue eupoxa pue epo a) awale 48 Revised 05/2010
bettati Via Disraeli 8 42124 REGGIO EMILIA - ITALY Tel. 39 0522 369711 Fax 39 0522 791052 E-mail: ANTINCENDIO P.IVA C.F. 01979170352 1 Introduction 1.1 Scope and purpose of manual This manual is a prehensive guide containing all remendations necessary to design and install the o sn s e a aee ae i s ala e p o sappeaa Furthermore the manual includes some information about *HFC125* “HFC227ea” e “HFC23° chemical and physical characteristics and contains design technical specifications and safety requirements. Users of this manual are assumed to be petent fire engineers with a basic knowledge of such systems 1.2 Standards and Code of practice to these standards: EN 15004-1:2008 “Fixed firefighting systems. Gas extinguishing systems. Part 1: Design installation and maintenance*. EN 15004-4:2008 *Fixed firefighting systems. Gas extinguishing systems. Part 4: Physical EN 15004-5:2008 “Fixed firefighting systems. Gas extinguishing systems Part 5: Physical xaea ss a isaps pe sa EN 15004-6:2008 *Fixed firefighting systems. Gas extinguishing systems - Part 6: Physical properties and system design of gas extinguishing systems for HFC 23 extinguishant”. meet the requirements of the following standards: EN 12094-4:2004 “Fixed firefighting systems. Components for gas extinguishing systems. EN 12094-5:2004 “Fixed firefighting systems. Components for gas extinguishing systems. Requirements and test methods for container valve assemblies and their actuators°. Requirements and test methods for high and low pressure selector valves and their actuators". EN 12094-6:2006 “Fixed firefighting systems. Components for gas extinguishing systems. EN 12094-8:2006 “Fixed firefighting systems. Components for gas extinguishing systems. Requirements and test methods for non-electrical disable devices". EN 12094-10:2004 *Fixed firefighting systems - Components for gas extinguishing systems Requirements and test methods for flexible connectors*. Requirements and test methods for pressure gauges and pressure switches EN 12094-13:2002 “Fixed firefighting systems. Components for gas extinguishing systems. Requirements and test methods for check valves and non-return valves". s o s according to these standards: EN 15004-1:2008 "Fixed firefighting systems. Gas extinguishing systems. Part 1: Design UNI 11280 (italian standard) “preliminary inspection and maintenance of the gaseous fire- installation and maintenance*. Chapter.9 extinguishing system. (this standord is more stringent pared to the EN 15004:2008-I and ISO 14520:2006:1) 1.3 Approval/Certificationofagent q sase Suusingxa ue se panode aa a ea 1 ● EPA (Environmental Protection Agency USA) ●UL (Underwriters Laboratories) 1.4 Terminology and Definitions For the purposes of this manual the following terms and definitions apply: Revised 05/2010
bettati Via Disraeli 8 42124 REGGIO EMILIA - ITALY Tel. 39 0522 369711 Fax 39 0522 791052 E-mail: ANTINCENDIO P.IVA - C.F. 01979170352 -Approved: acceptable to a relevant authority. se o a snpd o s o eae a ua authority may base acceptance on pliance with the appropriate standards. -Authority: organisation office or individual responsible for approving equipment installation or procedures. -Automotic/Manual switch: means of converting the system from automatic to manual actuation. interlock. In all cases this changes the actuation mode of the system from automatic and manual to manual only or vice versa. -Extinguishant: electrically non-conducting gaseous fire extinguishant that does not leave a residue upon evaporation. -Extinguishing Concentration: minimum concentration of extinguishant required to extinguish fire involving particular fuel under defined experimental conditions excluding any safety factor. e uno psp s Aeao os eunxa jo Addns a ym u wass ss paaug system of pipe and nozzles in which the size of each section of pipe and nozzle orifice has been calculated in accordance with relevant parts of EN 15004. -Design Concentration: concentration of extinguishant including a safety factor required for system design purpose. -Maximum Concentration: concentration achieved from the actual extinguishant quantity at the maximum ambient temperature in the protected area. -Maximum Working Pressure: equiibrium pressure within a container at the maximum working temperature. -Fl dlensity: mass of extinguishant per unit volume of container. -Liquefiled gos: gas or gas mixture (normally a halocarbon) which is liquid at the container pressurization -Non Liquefied Gas: gas or gas mixture which under service pressure and allowable service temperature conditions is always present in the gaseous form. -Flooding Quontity: mass or volume of extinguishant required to achieve the design concentration within the protected volume within the specified dlischarge time. -Protected Volume: volume enclosed by the building elements around the protected enclosure minus the volume of any permanent impermeable building elements within the enclosure. -Hold Time: period of time during which a concentration of extinguishant greater than the fire extinguishing concentration surround the hazard -LOAEL (lowest observed adverse effect level): lowest concentration at which an adverse toxicological or physiological effect has been observed. -NOAEL (no observed odverse effect level): highest concentration at which no adverse toxicological or physiological effect has been observed. Revised 05/2010
bettati Via Disraeli 8 42124 REGGIO EMILIA - ITALY Tel. 39 0522 369711 Fax 39 0522 791052 E-mail: ANTINCENDIO P.IVA C.F. 01979170352 -Normolly Unoccupied Areo: area not normally occupied by people but which may entered occasionally for brief periods. -Selector Valve: valve installed in the discharge piping downstream of the extinguishant containers to direct the extinguishant to the appropriate hazard enclosure. -Total Flooding System: system arranged to discharge extinguishant into an enclosed space to achieve the appropriate design concentration. 1.5 Unit of measurement system The units of measurement are plying to the modern metric system known as International System of Unit (Sl).Two units (litre and bar) are not included into SI but acknowledged by it and they are generally used in fire-fighting field as well 1.6 Contacts Technical data of this manual are given for information only. Bettati Antincendio S.r. ensures that information contained in this manual are careful and disclaims all responsibility about a not correct use of data here displayed. If you cannot understand any part of this manual or you have any queries concerning a system please contact: BETTATI ANTINCENDIO srl 42124Reggio Emilia Via B. Disraeli 8 A-B Tel. 39 0522/369711 Fax. 39 0522/791052 Revised 05/2010