BS 5306 2 1990 水灭火系统设计 一般要求.pdf


BS 5306:Part 2:1990 Specification. Section one Sectionone.General 0Introduction In some life safetyapplications anauthoritymay require sprinkler protetion only in certain designated areas and solely to maintain safe conditions for the evacuation of and one or more sprinkler installations;each installation persons fromthe sprinklers protectedareas.Suchasystem consists of a set of installation main control valves and a may not provide protection against a fire which starts ina non-sprinklered part of the premises and develops to some are fitted at specified locations at the roof orceiling. size before spreading to the sprinkled parts and for more and where necessary between racks below shelves and in ovens or stoves. The main elements of a typical installation plete protection the sprinkler system is extended throughout the premises with only limited exceptions. are shown in figure 1. It should not be assumed that the provision of a sprinkler The sprinklers operate at predetermined temperatures to system entirely obviates the need for other means of fight- discharge water over the affected part of the area below ing fires and it is important to consider the fire precautions the flow of water through the alarm valve initiating a fire in the premises as a whole. alarm The operating temperature is generally selected to Structurlfireresistnescaeoutesfirelamsstms suit ambient temperature conditions. Only sprinklers in the vicinity of the fire i.e. those which provision of hosereels and fire hydrants and portable fire particular hazards needing other fire protection methods bee sufficientlyhetedperate. extinguishers etc. safe working and goods handling Range pipes Sprinkler head Range Riser Pipe A pipes Design point Distribution pipe do0 Armpipe (horizontal) Riser Installation- Main distributior pipe as o (alorm vulve and main stop valve) Figure 1. Main elements of a sprinkler installation 6
BS5306:Part 2:1990 Sectionone G 0 0 G 0 G 0 0 0 G 0 G 0 G (a)Two endside with centrel feed (b) Three end-side with end feed 0 G 0 0 0 0 - G 0 0 -e- G 0 G G G (c) Three end-centre with central feed Id) Two end-centre with end feed Figure 2. Examples of range pipe arrays 2.21 detector sprinkler A sealed sprinkler mounted on a 2.24 drencher.A sprayer used to distribute water over a pressurized pipeline used to control a deluge valve. surface to provide protection against fire exposure. Operation of the detector sprinkler causes loss of air pressure to open the valve. 2.25 drop. A vertical pipe feeding a distribution or range 2.22 distribution pipe. A pipe feeding either a range pipe pipe. directly orsingle prinkler onanon-terminal range pipe 2.26 end-centre array.A pipe array with range pipes on more than 300mm long. both sides of a distribution pipe (see figure 2). 2.23 distribution pipe spur.A distribution pipe from a 2.27 end-side array.A pipe array with range pipes on main distribution pipe to a terminal branched pipe array ( n a) dd unqp eo A{uo ps auo (see figure 30). 8
Issue 2 January 1998 BS 5306 : Part 2: 1990 Section one 2.28 exhauster. A device to exhaust the air from a dry 2.44 jockey pump. A small pump used to replenish minor or.alternate installation to atmosphere on sprinkler water loss to avoid starting an automatic suction or booster pump unnecessarily. 2.29 fter.A device forattaching pipe hanger 2.45 life safety.A term applied to sprinkler systems ponents to a buiiding structure or racking. forming an integral pert of measuresrequired for the 2.30 fire door.A door and frame of specified fire resistance protection of life. 2.46 looped configuration A pipe array in which there is (a) BS 476 : Part 8 : 1972; or (b) BS 476 : Part 22 : 1987 (unbo)dd uo m e with respect to integrity. 2.47 low-rlse system.Sprinkler systemin which the 2.31 fire reistance.The ability of a ponent or the highest sprinkler is not more than 45 m above the lowest construction of a building to satisfy for a stated period of sprinkler or the sprinkler pumps whichever is the lower. time the appropriate criteria specified in the relevant part 2.48 main distribution pipe. A pipe feeding a distribution of BS 476. pipe (see figure 1). 2.32 fire shutter.A shutter and frame of specified fire 2.49 mechanical pipe joint.A ponent part of pipework resistance plying with either: other than threaded tubulars screwed fittings lead or (a) BS 476 : Part 8 : 1972; or pound sealed spigots and socket and flanged joint (b) BS 476 : Part 22 : 1987: eoqsdop p with respect to integrity. unnoen pue aunssaud 2.50 multiple control. A valve normally heid closed by a 2.33 (fully) hydraulically calculeted A term applied to temperature-sensitive element suitable for use in a deluge pipework sized as specified in 18.1(a) or an installation in system or for the operation of a pressure switch. which allthe pipework downstream of themain installation control valve set is sized as specified in 18.1 (a). 2.51 node.A point in pipework at which pressure and flow(s) are calculated; each node is a datum point for the 2.34 gridded configuration pipe array.A pipe array in purpose of hydraulic calculations in the installation. which water flows to each sprinkler by more than one route (see figure 37). 2.52 pipe aray. The pipes feeding group of sprinklers. 2.35 hanger An assembly for suspending pipework from or brenched (see figure 35). elements of building structure. 2.53 precalculeted. A term applied to pipework sized as 2.36 high-rise syetem A sprinkler system in which the specified in 18.1 (b) or an installation in which pipes down- highest sprinkler is more than 45 m above the lowest stream of the design point are sized as specified in 18.1(b). sprinkler or the sprinkier pumps whichever is the lower. 2.37hydraulic alarm intermittent.Sounding fn arm pipes of restricted length. hydraulic water motor alarm gong for intervals totalling less than the alarm period. 2.55 riser. A vertical pipe feeding distribution or range 2.38 installation (sprinkler instelletion). Part of a sprinkler pipe above. system prising a set of installation main control valves 2.56 rosette (sprinkler rosette).A plate covering the gap the associated downstream pipes and sprinkiers. between the shank or body of a sprinkler projecting through a suspended ceiling. and the ceiling. 2.39 installetion alternate.An installation in which the pipework is selectively charged with either water or air 2.57 seetion.That part (which may be one or more zones) according to ambient temperature conditions. of an installtion ona particular fioorfed bya particular riser. 2.40 installetion dry (pipe).Aninstallation in which the pipework is charged with air under pressure. 2.58 sling rod. A rod with a sling eye or screwed ends for 2.41Installatlonpre-ctlon.Dry oraitenate in dy supporting pipe clips rings band hanger etc. 2.59 sprayer.A sprinkler that gives a downward conical by an independent fire detection system in the protected pattern discharge. Iarea. 2.60 sprayer high veloeity.An open nozzle used to 2.42 installation,recyeling.A pre-action installation in extinguish fires of high flashpoint liquids. which thealarmvalve canbe openedand closedrepeatedly 2.61sprayer medium velocity.A sprayer of sealed or open by a heat detection system. type used to control fires of lower flashpoint liquids and 2.43 installation wet (pipe). An installation in which the gases or to cool surfaces. pipework is always charged with water. C BSI 1998 9
BS 5306 : Part 2 : 1990 Issue 2 January 1998 Section two 2.62sprinkler (automtie).A temperature-sensitive sealing2.80 sprinkleryoke (arms).The part of a sprinklerthat retains the heat-sensitive element in load-bearing contact NOTE.Thetemautomticsprinklerisnowrarelyusd.The term with the sprinkier head valve. 2.63 sprinkler ceiling or flush pettem.A pendent sprinkler 2.81 staggared (sprinkler) layout. An off-set layout with the sprinklers displaced one-half pitch along the range for fitting partly above but with the temperature-sensitive element below the lower plane of the ceiling. 2.64 sprinkler concealed.A recessed sprinkler with a cover 2.82 standard (aprinkler) layout.A rectilinear layout with the sprinklers aligned perpendicular to the run of the ranges plate that disengeges when heat is applied. (see figure 3B(a). 2.65 sprinkier conventional pattern. A sprinkler that gives 2.83 suetion pump. An automatic pump supplying water a spherical pattern of water discharge. to a sprinkler system from a suction tank river lake See also: or canal. cut-off sprinkler (2.16): 2.84 suitable for sprinkler use. A term applled to detector sprinkler (2.21). equpment or ponents accepted by the authorities as 2.66sprinkler dry pendent pattem.A unit prising a sprinkier and a dry drop pipe unit with a valve at the head of the pipe held closed by a device maintained in position general criteria. by the sprinkler head valve. in sprinkler systems. NOTE. The LPC publishes a list of ponents suitable fer use 2.87sprinkler dry upright pettern.A unitrising 2.85 supply pipe.A pipe connecting a water supply toa sprinkler and dry rise pipe unit with a valve at the base of the pipe held closed by a device maintained in position trunk main or the installation main control valve set(s); by the sprinkler head valve. or a pipe supplying water to a private reservoir suction tank or gravity tank. 2.68 sprinkler fusible link. A sprinkler which opens when a ponent provided for the purpose melts. 2.86 suspended open cellcailingA ceiling of regular open cell construction through which water from sprinklers can 2.69 sprinkler glas bulb.A sprinkler which opens when be discharged freely. a liquid-filled glass bulb bursts. 2.87 tall-end alternate (wet and dry pipe) extenslon. A 2.70 sprinker horizontal. A sprinkler in which the nozzle part of a wet installation that is selectively charged with directs water horizontally. water or air according to ambient temperature conditions. 2.71 sprinkier intermediate. A sprinkler installed below and additional to the roof or ceiling sprinklers. 2.72 sprinkler open.A device otherwise like a sprinkler 2.88 tai-end dry extension. A part of a wet or alternate (automatic sprinkler) not sealed by a temperature-sensitive installation that is charged permanently with air under element. pressure. 2.73prinker pendent.A sprinkler in which the nozzle 2.89 terminal main configuration. A pipe array with only directs water downwards. one water supply route to each range pipe. 2.74 sprinkler recessed. A sprinkler in which all or part of 2.90 terminal range configuration.A pipe array with only the heat-sensing element is above the plane of the ceiling. one water supply route from a distribution pipe. 2.75 sprinkler roof or ceiling.A sprinkler protectingthe 2.91 toggle support. A swivel device for securing hangers roof or ceiling. to hollow section ceilings or roofs. 2.76 sprinkler sidewall pettern. A sprinkler that gives 2.92 trunk main A pipe connecting two or more water an outward half-paraboloid discharge. supply pipes to the installation main control valve set(s). 2.77 sprinker spraypttern.A sprinkler thatgive 2.93 user. The person responsible for or having effective downward paraboloid pattern discharge. control over the fire safety provision adopted in or appro- priate to the premises or the building. 2.78 sprinkder upright. A sprinkler in which the nozzle 2.94 zone. A subdivision of an installation fitted with a directs water upwards. o one do e 2.79 sprinkler system. The entire means of providing more sprinkier installations the pipework to the installations and the water supply/supplies except town mains and bodies of water such as lakes or canals. 10 BSI 1998
BS 5306 : Part 2 : 1990 Section two (g) staircases washrooms toilets and wCs external or COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON 5.1.Hazard internal to the sprinkler-protected building which form classification provides the basis for the design of sprinkler means of munication between the sprinklered systemsandisa skilled operationwhichisbest carried out building and a non-sprinklered building. In any such by the authorities(see 2.13).Therange of occupanciesand hazards encountered is extremelylarge and itmay be into the municating area from the sprinklered and necesarytoclassifyaparticularcasebyanalogy.Theclassi by tire doors ofnotless than1hfireresistance. from the non-sprinklered building shall be protected ficationaffects thechoice ofinstallation operational method water supply arrangements ponents pipework design etc. considered for but need not be provided in the following. Although this specification deals mainly with sprinkler (a)Ingeneraromsdjacenttoreaerelife Ane eq pnb s ss auds es properyinfiresomesrinklersytemsareinstalledwich solely to maintain safe conditions for the evacuation of additionallymay serve for the protectionoflife.In parti. persons from the sprinkler-protected areas. Any part not provided with sprinkler protection shall be enclosed measures approved by thefire authorityfor theprotection by walls ceilings and floors with a fire resistance of not of life for example in covered and enclosed shopping less than 1 h in which any openings are fitted with plexes whereautomaticsprinklersystemsserveo cut-off sprinklers on the non-sprinklered side and either preventthespread offireanditsproductstoadjacent with a fire door or fire shutter with afire resistance off exit routes (see BS 5588:Part 10°). not less than 30 min. Where a system isa high-rise system ora life safety system (b) Audi toria in theatres with separated stages (i.e. where reliability although the hazard is clesified in the nonmal torium) where a life safety sprinkler system is required Ajos ee q Ssa in the appropriate sections. maintain safe conditions for the evacuation of persons from the theatre.Where sprinkler protectionisnot be used in the process of classification. provided in the auditorium the safety curtain shall be provided with a line of drenchers controlled by a quick 5.2 Light hazard opening valve (e.g. a plug valve) fitted in an accessible In non-industrial occupancies where the quantity and positionThe water supplyforthe drenchers shallnot be notmore than126minareaand bounded by elements bustibility of the contents are low rooms and corridors taken downstream of any sprinkler installation valve set. COMMENTARYAND RECOMMENDATIONS ON4.2.2.3. pzu l se pse aq eu o of construction witha fire resistance ofnot less than In theatres witha separated stageitmaybenecessary. in order to satisfy the requirerments of some licensing COMMENTARYAND RECOMMENDATIONS ONS.2.TyPica/ authoritiestoprovidesprinklersthroughout thestageand light-hazard occupancies are given in figure 3. No room acitedareasincluingwrkhpsreingrooms may have more than six sprinklers (see 14.2). scenery and otherstorerooms butnotintheauditorium Rooms larger than126m²or with walls of lower fire etc.The licensing authoritieswill nomallyrequire drenchers to be fitted as specified here. resistance are clasified as ordinary hazard group1. Subjoct to therequireents of the authoritiesit isre 5.3 Ordinary hezard mended thatlifesafetysprinklersystemsbeextendedto all areas except those specified in 4.2.1 and 5.3.1 In non-industrial occupancies rooms which exceed the limits specified in 5 2 for light-hazard classification 5 Classification of occupancies and fire shall be clessified as ordinary hazard group 1. hazards 5.3.2 Commercial and industrial occupancies involving the 5.1 General bustible materials which are unlikely to develop Occupancies or parts thereof shall be classified as: classified as: intensely burning fires in the initial stages shall be light hazard;or ordinary hazard; or ordinary hazerd group l; or high hazard. de ordinary hazard group ll; or Ordinary-and high-hazard occupancies shall in addition be assessed for anyspecial variation to normal requirements ‘(ds 11 dnof) S11 dno6pezey Aeupuo specified in 5.5. COMMENTARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON5.3.Tab/e 2 In storage areas the goods including any packaging shall be gives ex amples of goods categories. categorized as category 1 11 1l1 or IV (see tables 1 and 2). Examplesof the fourordinary-hazardoccupancygroups are given in table 3. in preperation. 13





