BS 5588 0 1996 建筑物设计、施工和使用中的防火注意事项 第0部分 特定场所的消防安全实务守则指南.pdf


BRITISHSTANDARD BS5588: Part 0:1996 Fire precautions in the design construction and use of buildings PartO.Guidetofiresafetycodesof practiceforparticular premises/applications ICS 13.220.20; 91.040 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW Cogyigt BrishStandyrds Indisc Niu raproducioe or natworking parmited:
BS 5588 : Part 0 : 1996 Committeesresponsibleforthis British Standard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical Committee FSH/14 Fire precautions in buildings upon which the following bodies were represented: Association of Building Engineers British Gas ple Association of Metropolitan Authorities British Retail Consortium Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers Beritish Telemunciations plc Chief and Asistant Chief Fire Offcers' Assocition Consumer Policy Committee of BSI Department of Health Department for Education Department of the Environment Building Research Establishment) Department of the Environment for Northem Ireland Department of the Environment (Property and Buildings Directorate) Distict SuveyoesAssociation Fire Brigades Union Electricity Association Health and Safety Executive Hevac Association Institute of Buslding Control Home Office Institution of Gas Engineers London Fire and Civl Defence Authority Institution of Structural Engineers Loss Prevention Coumeil National Council of Building Material Producers National Association of Fire Oficers Royal Institute of Beritish Architects Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Timber Research and Development Association Scottish Office (Building Directorate) The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard through submittees and panels Access Committee for England British Automatic Sprinkler Association Association of British Theatre Technicians British Woodworking Pederation Flat Glass Manufacturers' Association Cinena Exhibitors" Association This British Standard having been prepared under the Guild of Architectural Ironmongers direction of the Management Institute of Fire Safety Systems Sector Board was Institution of Fire Engineers published under the authority of National House Building Council Intumescent Fire Seals Association the Standards Board and es into effect on Theatres Advisory Council Steel Window Association 15 September 1996 BSI 1996 Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date Text affected The following BSI references relate to the work on this Committee reference PSH/14 standard: Draft for mrnt 95/540427 DC ISBN 0 580 25861 0 Cogyig B Sads ice e pgud0 ue Proldadb HGuderawhSI trem IHS Notfr Resle
BS 5588 : Part 0: 1996 Contents Page Committees responsible Inside front cover Foreword i Guide Scope 1 2 Use of this guide 1 3 Arson Prevention Bureau 1 4 British Standards Institution 1 5 Department for Education and Employment 9 6 Department of the Environment and the Welsh Office 9 7 Department of the Environment for Northerm Ireland 10 8 Department of Health 11 9 Health and Safety Executive 12 10 Home Office 14 11 London District Surveyors Association/London Fire Brigade/Greater London Council 15 12 Loss Prevention Council/Fire Protection Association 16 13 Scottish Office 17 14 Miscellaneous 18 Annex A Previous regulations codes of practice standards and guides published in connection with fire safety in premises in the UK 21 9ws e pgufo 0 2ru eg 1
BS 5588 : Part 0 : 1996 Foreword po p a a pad sem a s identifies the various documents dealing with fire safety. Annex A provides a list of former regulations codes of practice standards and guides pertaining to all kinds of premises including residential mercial and industrial and where applicable gives details of current legislation and publications which have superseded or replaced them. The other Parts which prise BS 5588 are as follows. Part 1 Code of practice for residential buildings Part 2 Code of practicefor shopst) Part 3 Codeofpraticeforoffcebuildingsl Part 4 Code of practicefor smoke control in protected escaperoutes using pressurization Part 5 Code of practice for places of assembly Code of practiceforfirefighting stairs and lifts Part 6 Part 7 Codeof paticeforincorpratiofatriainbildings) Part 8 Code of practice for meams of escape for disabled people Part 9 Part 10Code of pructice for shopping plezes Codeof practice forventilation and air conditioning ductuork Part 11Codef practicefoshopsfficesnustrialstorage nd ther non-residential baildings2) Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Pat 11 wll icateeviss fBS58: Pats 2d3 wich il e withdr whn Pat is published. 20 In peparation. Cogyig Brsg Sands irdisfoe e pgud 0 rue t Proldadbder epg 810 BSI 1996 # trem IHS
BS 5588 : Part 0: 1996 Guide 1 Scope 3.2 Factories offices and shops This Part of BS 5588 lists published guidance on fire a) ARSON PREVENTION BUREAU. Prevention safety for particular premises/applications. and control of arson in industrial and mereial premises. London: Arson Prevention 2 Use of this guide Bureau 1992. The guide is intended to assist the management of 2.1 Sources of information am pue s s pue aes na m panies whose premises may be at risk together The various codes guides and other documents available are shown in tables I to 5. surveyors. Table 1 identifies those which deal with residential b) ARSON PREVENTION BUREAU. Prevention buildings; tables 2 and 3 with non-residential and control of arson in retail premises. A buildings; table 4 special applications; and table 5 management guide. London: Arson Prevention flammable substances. Bureau 1995. Each of the documents listed in the tables is The guide is intended for senior management and described in clauses 3 to 14. Before using (or policy makers in the retail trade and for their risk purchasing) any document listed the reader should management fire and security advisers as well as ensure that they have (or obtain) the latest version for those in the fire and police services and as many of these are constantly under review. insurance concermed with retail fire safety. NOTE 1. HMSO publications (except HSE) are available from 3.3 Places of assembly )110011060) ARSON PREVENTION BUREAU. Arson. The major may also be obtained through HMSO accredited agents or any fire threat to places of aworship .. and hone to good boolseller. prevent it. Borehamwood: Arson Prevention NOTE 2 HSE publications are available by mail order from HSE Bureau 1995. Booles PO Box 1999 Sudbury Suffolk CO10 6FS (telephone 01787 881165). HSE priced publications are also available from The leaflet includes guidance on how to assess the boolcstores nationwide. risk of arson and lists 24 ways of preventing it. 2.2 Key to tables 1 to 5 4British StandardsInstitution Clause numbers 3 to 14 NOTE. See back cover for information on how to obtain copies of *Appropriate for new buildings/alterations BSI publications. ↑ Appropriate for existing buildings/buildings in use 4.1 Agricultural buildings Appropriate for new buildings/alterations and BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. Buildings and existing buildings/buildings in use precautions. British Standard BS 5502: Part 23: structaeres for agriculture. Code of practice for fire f Referred to in Approved Document B. 1990. London: BSI 1990. (ISBN 0 580 18396 3) 2.3 Statutory provisions The code gives remendations for fire precautions The designer/project manager should consult the fire for single storey agricultural buildings and structures authority and/or the building authority to make which are exempted under building regulations and certain the building will meet any requirements those which are used for the purposes of horticulture crop authorities may make particularly in those cases and livestock farming. It is not applicable to those where a fire certificate or licence exists (or may be buildings used for the storage of explosives or necessary). mercial quantities of chemicals. 4.2 Air supported structures 3Arson Prevention Bureau BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION. Gaide for NOTE. The following publications are available from the Arson design construction and maintenance of single-skin Prevention Eureau Melrose Avemue Borehamwood Herts air supported structarres. British Standard BS 6661: WD6 2BJ. 1986. London: BSI 1986. (ISBN 0 580 14780 0) 3.1 Educational buildings The guide applies to structures up to 40 m × 120 m ARSON PREVENTION BUREAU. Ho to bat nominal size. Safety remendations are included arson in schools. London: Arson Prevention for the grading of such structures into distinct Bureau 1993. classes based on occupancy and use. The guide explains how the problem of arson should be addressed within the wider context of risk management. It includes two checklists dealing with ‘Strategy for head teachers’' and °Guidance for responsible members of staff. SH wsq epegudm orpue ny Nistfar Resale





