BS 5588 1 1990 建筑物设计、施工和使用中的防火注意事项 第1部分 住宅建筑实践规范.pdf


BRITISHSTANDARD BS5588-1:1990 Reprinted incorporating Amendments Nos. I and 2 Fire precautions in the design construction and use ofbuildings - Part1:Codeofpracticeforresidential buildings ICS 13.220.01; 91.040.30 BSi Cogyigt Brish Standsrds irdits NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW BritishStandards Nia raproducioe or natworling parmited: Satfar Resale
BS 5588-1:1990 Committeesresponsibleforthis BritishStandard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Fire Standards Policy Committee (FSM/.) to Technical Committee FSM/14 upon which the following bodies were represented: Association of Metropolitan Authorities British Fire Services’ Association British Gas plc Building Employers’ Confederation British Retailers’ Association Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers’ Association Consumer Policy Committee of BSI Department of Health Department of Education and Science Department of the Environment [Building Research Establishment (Fire Research Station)] Department of the Environment (Construction Industries Directorate) Department of the Environment (Property Services Ageney) Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland Electricity Supply Industry in England and Wales Health and Safety Executive Fire Brigades’ Union Home Office Incorporated Association of Architects and Surveyors Institute of Building Control Institution of Fire Bngineers Institution of Gas Engineers Institution of Struetural Engineers London Fire and Civil Defence Authority Loss Prevention Council National Council of Building Materials Producers Royal Institute of British Architects Scotish Development Department Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Timber Research and Development Association This British Standard having The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard through been prepared under the submittees and panels: direction of the Fire Standards Policy Committee Access Committee for England was published under the Association of British Theatre Technicians authority of the Board of BSI Cinematograph Bxhibitors' Association of Great Britain and Ireland and es into effeet Hevac Association Flat Glass Manufacturers’ Association on 31 August 1990 C BSI 8 December 2004 National House-Building Council Intumescent Fire Seals Association First published as CP 3: Recreation and Leisure Trade Association Chapter IV 1948 Steel Window Association Sports Council Second edition as CP 3: Chapter IV:Par 1 Theatres Advisory Council Oetober 1971 and BS 5588-1.1 June 1984 Third edition as BS 5588-1 Amendments issued since publication August 1990 Amd Date Comments No. The following BSI references relate to the work on this September 1993 British Standard: Committee reference FSM/14 14988 8 December 2004 Indicated by a sideline Draft for ment 87/35000 DC ISBN 0 580 18604 0 Cogyig Ss iice Napdice or naipmitd wlhou ica lnS Ragredaced by IHS undsrlioeese vith ESI Uscgstrilad Copy Notfr Resle
BS 5588-1:1990 Contents Page Committees responsible Inside front cover Foreword i Section 1. General Scope 1 2 Definitions 1 3 Analysis of the problem and use of the code 5 Section 2. Single-family dwelling houses 4 Means of escape and provision for rescue 9 5 Automatic fire detection and alarm 11 9 Ducted warm air heating systems 12 Section 3. Flats and maisonettes 7 Escape from fire 13 8 Automatic fire detection and alarm 14 6 Internal planning of flats 15 10 Internal planning of maisonettes 22 11 Alternative exits from dwellings and doors and windows for escape or rescue purposes 22 12 Escape routes from dwellings with corridor or lobby approach 26 13 Escape routes from dwellings with balcony or deck approach 27 14 Stairs and final exits 32 15 Ducted warm air heating systems 36 16 Fire safety signs 36 17 Sheltered housing 37 Section 4. Construction 18 Construction 39 Section 5. Acmodation ancillary to flats and maisonettes 19 General 47 20 Boiler rooms fuel storage areas and transformer battery and switchgear rooms 49 21 Refuse disposal and storage 49 22 Car parks 50 Section 6. Engineering services in buildings containing flats or maisonettes 23 General 51 24 Gas services 51 25 Electrical services 52 26 Lighting 52 27 Heating systems 53 28 Mechanical ventilation and air conditioning 54 29 Refuse incinerators 54 100g squaa( 8 Ippapse eg 8
BS 5588-1:1990 Page Section 7. Fire protection facilities for buildings containing flats or maisonettes 30 General 55 31 Fire detection and alarm systems 55 32 Special risk protection 56 33 Manual firefighting equipment 57 34 Water supplies for firefighting 57 35 Access for firefighting 58 36 Smoke control for means of escape 89 37 Smoke control for firefighting 60 88 Plans for fire service use 61 Section 8. Advice to owners and occupiers of flats and maisonettes 63 Appendix A Bibliography 65 Appendix B Deleted 65 Appendix C Development of fire 66 Appendix D Smoke alarms in the home 67 Publications referred to 75 Figure 1 - Alternative arrangements for escape via the ground storey in houses exceeding 4.5 m in height 10 Figure 2 - Fire separation in houses exceeding 4.5 m in height by more than one floor level 12 Figure 3 - Flat with an alternative exit 17 Figure 4 Flat with a protected entrance hall and restricted travel distance 18 Figure 5 - Flat with restricted travel distance 18 Figure 6 Flat (entered from above or below) with an alternative exit 19 Figure 7 - Flat (entered from below) with a protected entrance hall and restricted travel distance 20 Figure 8 Flat (entered from below) with a restricted travel distance 21 Figure 9 - Maisonette with alternative exits from each rom not on the floor of entrance Figure 10 - Maisonette with protected entrance hall and landing 24 Figure 11 - Open-plan maisonette 25 Figure 12 Common escape routes in single stair buildings more than 11 m in height 28 Figure 13 - Common escape routes in multi-stair buildings Figure 14 - Common escape routes in small single stair buildings 30 Figure 15 Common escape routes in balcony/deck approach buildings 31 Figure 16 - Fire resistance of areas adjacent to external stairs 35 Figure 17 - Furnished areas in sheltered housing corridors 38 Table 1 - Limitations on non-insulating fire-resisting glazed elements installed in buildings containing flats or maisonettes 41 Table 2 Maximum travel distances in areas of ancillary acmodation 48 Table 3 - Structural fire protection of areas of ancillary acmodation 48 C BSI 8 December 2004 Notfr Resle
BS 5588-1:1990 Foreword This part of BS 5588 prepared under the direction of the Fire Standards Policy Committee is a revision of BS 5588-1.1:1984 and CP 3:Chapter IV-1:1971 which are withdrawn. All matters dealing with fire safety management are now located in BS 5588-12. Other parts of BS 5588 which are already published are as follows: Part O: Guidle to fire safety codes of practice for particular premiseslapplications; Part 4: Code of practice for smoke control using pressure differentials; Part 5: Code of practice for firefighting stairs and lifts; --Part 6: Codle of praetice for places of assembly; -Part 7: Code of practice for the incorporation of atria in buildings; - Part 8: Code of practice for means of escape for disabled people; -Part 9: Code of praetice for ventilation and air conditioning ductuork; -Part 10: Code of practice for shopping plexes; Part 11: Code of practice for shops offices industrial storage and other similar buildings Part 12: Managing fire safety. The only significant change from the text of BS 5588-1.1:1984 is the additioniof a remendation for the provision of some form of automatic fire detection and alarm equipment. Some of the more important changes from the text of CP 3:Chapter IV-1:1971 are as follows. a) This code covers flats and maisonettes in any type of building and in blocks were previously covered in CP 3:Chapter IV:1948. of any height including flats in blocks of not more than two storeys which b) This code ineludes remendations specific to sheltered housing. c) In Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 and Section 7 the mentary on the relevant principles is followed by any remendations that are made. The specific remendations do not form a separate section of the code as in CP 3:Chapter IV-1. The mentary on the relevant principles is intended to provide an explanatory background to any remendations which might otherwise appear to be arbitrary. Structural precautions against fire that have to be implemented for example those required in connection with building regulations if discussed are not repeated as remendations but reference may be made to them if the requirements are not consistent in all parts of the UK. d) Although CP 3:Chapter IV-1 included details of two alternative methods of horizontal escape routes from dwellings to stairways both methods had smoke control termed “smoke containment” and “smoke dispersal" for the disadvantages (e.g. the provision of cross-corridor doors and/or permanent ventilation) which were subject to abuse by building occupiers. Improved fire doors incorporating smoke seals that secure a high degree of protection against the ingress of smoke are now available and this code the one hand seek to maximize the satisfactory operation of its ponent therefore incorporates provisions for smoke control in these areas which on parts and on the other reflect the lower risk involved. NOTE The omision of *smoke containment* and “smolke dispersal° does not mean that these methods will not be satisfactory. CatgBsSsa aivI 8 December 2004 iii Niotfar Resale





