BS 5588 10 1991 建筑物设计、施工和使用中的防火注意事项 第10部分 购物中心实务守则.pdf


BRITISHSTANDARD BS5588-10:1991 Incorporating Amendment No. 1 Fire precautions in the design construction and use ofbuildings - Part10:Codeofpracticeforshopping plexes ICS 13.220.01; 91.040.20 BSi Cogyigt Brish Standsyds irdits NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW British Standards Niu rapreducioe or natworking parmited Siatfar Resale
BS 5588-10:1991 Committeesresponsibleforthis BritishStandard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Fire Stanards Policy Committee (FSM/-) to Technical Committee FSM/14 upon which the following bodies were represented: Association of Metropolitan Authorities British Fire Services’ Association British Gas ple British Retailers Association British Telemunications ple Building Employers Confederation Chartered Institution of Building Servioes Engineers Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers’ Association Consumer Policy Committee of BSI Department of Education and Science Department of Health Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment) (Fire Research Station) Department of the Environment (Property Services Agency) Department of the Environment (Construction Directorate) Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland Eleetricity Industry in UK Fire Brigades Union Health and Safety Executive Home Offie Incorporated Asociation of Architects and Surveyors Institute of Building Control Institution of Fire Engineers Institution of Gas Engineers Institution of Structural Bngineers London Fire and Civil Defence Authority Loss Prevention Council National Association of Fire Offioers National Couneil of Building Material Produoers Royal Institute of British Architects Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Scottish Office (Building Directorate) Society of Chief Building Regulation Offoers Timber Research and Development Association The following bodies were alorepresented in the drafting of the stanard through subeommittees and panels: Aocess Committee for England Association of Consulting Engineers British Automatic Sprinkler Association British Couneil of Sbopping Centres British Fire Protection Systems Association Ltd. British Property Federation Hevac Association Flat Glass Manufacturers’ Association London Distriet Surveyors Association Intumescent Fire Seals Association This British Standard having been prepared under the Warrington Fire Research Centre Society of Fire Safety Engineers Policy Commitee was direction of the Fire Standards of the Standards Board and published under tbe authority on 20 December 1991 es into effect BSI 8 December 2004 Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date Comments The following BSI references relate to the work on this 14994 8 December 2004 See national foreword British Standard: Committee reference FSM/14 Draft for ment 87/43818 DC ISBN 0 580 19814 6 Cyig Ss ice Napdice or naipmitd wlhou ica lnS Ragidacad bHS uner loe h EG Usclad Cp Notfr Resle
BS 5588-10:1991 Contents Page Committees responsible Inside front cover Foreword Seetion 1. General 1 Scope 1 2 Definitions 1 3 Use of this code 6 Section 2. Analysis of the problem 4 Planning in relation to fire 9 5 Escape from fire 10 6 Uncovered shopping plexes small shopping developments and refurbishment of existing shopping plexes 12 Section 3. Facilities for the fire service 7 Facilities for the fire service 13 Section 4. Planning of escape 8 General 27 6 Escape routes serving units and other occupancies 28 10 Escape routes serving other public facilities 36 11 Escape routes serving non-public mon areas and aneillary acmodation 38 12 Stairs and final exits 39 13 Wayfinding and spatial orientation (architeetural design fire safety signs and messages) 46 Section 5. Construetion 14 Construction 47 Section 6.Fire proteetion facilities 15 General 57 16 Fire detection and alarm systems 57 17 Control of evacuation in a fire 60 18 Automatic fire protection systems and special risk protection 64 19 Manual firefighting equipment 66 20 Smoke control provisions 67 Section 7. Engineering services 21 General 77 22 Boilerrooms fl storae areastransfomerbattery and withgear rooms and rooms housing fixed internal bustion engines 78 23 Waste storage and treatment 79 24 Gas services 79 25 Electrical services 79 26 Lighting 82 27 Heating mechanical ventilation and air conditioning systems 88 28 Lifts and escalators 85 29 Incinerators 98 Section 8. Management 87 Cosytgt BsSsas aiv I 8 December 2004 epg 81
BS 5588-10:1991 Page Appendix A Uncovered shopping plexes small shopping developments refurbished and existing premises incorporated into shopping plexes 68 Appendix B Impact resistance of partitions 90 Appendix C Commissioning and hand-over of smoke control systems 91 Publications referred to 93 Figure 1 Unit exits small exits storey exits and final exits (plan) 3 Figure 2 - Smoke control zones and smoke reservoirs (cross-section) 5 Figure 3 Access to floor areas in single-storey shopping plexes with no fire main 14 Figure 4- Access to floor areas in single-storey shopping plexes with wet fire main 15 a Access to fire main inlets in multi-storey shopping plexes 16 Figure 6-Deleted 16 Figure 7 Access to floor areas from firefighting shafts in multi-storey shopping plexes 17 Figure 8 Ventilation provisions for basement rooms Figure 9 - Alternative escape routes from units 29 Figure 10 Travel distance in covered malls Figure 11 - Mall widths 32 Figure 12 Example of caleulation of mall exit widths 33 Figure 13 - Service corridors and goods lifts 35 Figure 14 - Escape routes across service areas 98 Figure 15 - Corridors connecting alternative exits 41 Figure 16 Fire resistance of areas adjacent to external stairs 45 Figure 17 - Smoke reservoir mon to several smoke control zones 69 Table 1 - Maximum travel distances in malls 30 Table 2 - Maximum travel distances (other than in malls) 40 Table 3 - Capacities of exits (other than from malls) 40 Table 4 - Capacity of a stair 43 Table 5 - Structural fire protection of certain facilities 51 Table 6 Limitations on non-insulating fire-resisting glazed elements 52 Table 7 Control room indications of status of fire protection equipment 64 Table 8 - Impact resistance tests for partitions 91 C BSI 8 December 2004 Notr Resle
BS 5588-10:1991 Foreword This Code of practice was prepared under the direction of the Fire Standards Policy Committee. It is a revision of Fire Prevention Guide No. 1 “Fire precautions in town centre redevelopment” (HMSO 1972). The start and finish of text introduced or altered by amendment is indicated in the text by tags E . Tags indicating changes to text carry the number of the amendment. For example text altered by Amendment No. 1 is indicated by All matters dealing with fire safety management are now located in BS 5588-12. Other Parts of BS 5588 which are already published are as follows. Part O: Guide to fire safety codes of practice for particular premises/applications; Part 1: Code of practice for residential buildings; -Part 4: Code of practice for smoke control using pressure differentials; Part 5: Code of practice for firefighting stairs and lifts; --Part 6: Codle of practice for places of assembly; -Part 7: Code of practice for the incorporation of atria in buildings; -Part 8: Codle of praetice for means of escape for disabled people -Part 9: Code of practice for ventilation and air conditioning ductwork; similar buildings; Part 11: Code of practice for shops offices industrial storage αnd other Part 12: Managing fire safety. Attention is drawn to 3.3 which discusses the relationship between this code and the other Parts of BS 5588 which deal with fire precautions in the design of specific types of occupancy. In particular this code is closely related to Part 11. In this code a mentary on the relevant principles is followed by any remendations that are made. The mentary is intended to provide an explanatory background to remendations espeeially if the remendations might otherwise appear to be arbitrary. NOTE Commentary text is printed in italics. It has been assumed in the drafting of this code that the execution of its provisions will be entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced people. As a code of practice this British Standard takes the form of guidance and remendations. It should not be quoted as if it were a specification and particular care should be taken to ensure that claims of pliance are not misleading. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. In particular attention is drawn to 3.4 5.5 10.3 and Clauses 16 19 and 24. Summary of pages This document prises a front cover an inside front cover pages i to iv pages 1 to 95 and a back cover. The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued. CatgBsSsa aivI 8 December 2004 iii Nottor Resle





