BS 5588 11 1997 建筑物设计、施工和使用中的防火注意事项 第11部分 商店、办公室、工业、仓储和其他类似建筑物的操作守则.pdf


BRITISHSTANDARD BS5588-11:1997 Incorporating Amendments Nos.1 2and 3 Fire precautions in the design construction and use ofbuildings- Part1l:Codeofpracticeforshops offices industrial storageandother similarbuildings ICS 13.220.01; 91.040.20 BSi Cogyigt BrhStds Is NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW British Standards Niu rapreducioe or natworking parmited Sintfor Resle
BS 5588-11:1997 Committeesresponsibleforthis BritishStandard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical Committe FSH/14 upon which the following bodies were represented: Association of Building Engineers British Retail Consortium British Standards Society British Telemunications plc Chartered Institution of Building Serrioes Engineers Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers Association Consumer Policy Committee of BSI Department for Education Department of Health Department of the Environment - Building Research Establishment Department of the Environment - Construction Sponsorship Directorate Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland District Surveyors Association Blectricity Association Health and Safety Executive Fire Brigades Union Home Office Institute of Building Control Institution of Gas Engineers Institution of Structural Engineers London Fire and Civil Defence Authority Loss Prevention Council Royal Institute of British Architects National Association of Fire Offioers Scottish Offce-Building Directorate Timber Research and Development Association The followingbodies were alorepresented in the drafing of the stanard through subeommittees and panels: Acess Committee for England Association of British Theatre Technicians British Automatic Sprinkler Association British Woodworking Federation Cinema Exhibitors Association Guild of Architectural Ironmongers Flat Glass Manufacturers’ Association Hevac Association Institute of Fire Safety Institution of Fire Engineers National House-building Couneil Intumescent Fire Seals Association Steel Window Association Theatres Advisory Council This British Standard having direction of the Sector Board been prepared under the for Health and Environment was published under the authority of the Standards Board and es into effect on 15 July 1997 C BSI 8 December 2004 Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date Comments The following BSI references relate to the work on this 9838 January 1998 British Standard: Committee reference FSH/14 10213 January 1999 Draf for ment 91/46632 DC 14995 8 December 2004 Indicated by a sideline ISBN 0 580 27659 7 Cpyigt BrhSt ice Napdcice or naipmitd wlhou ica lnS Ragidacad bHS under loe h EG Usctlad Cpy Notfr Resle
BS 5588-11:1997 Contents Page Committees responsible Inside front cover Foreword iv Section 1. General 1 Scope 1 2 References 1 3 Definitions 2 4 Use of this code 7 Section 2. Analysis of the problem 5 Planning in relation to fire 11 9 Escape from fire 14 Section 3. Planning of escape 7 General 15 8 Escape routes within and exits from a storey 16 6 Stairs 34 10 Small premises 45 11 Process plant and struetures 51 12 Wayfinding and spatial orientation (architectural design fire safety signs and messages) 55 Section 4. Construction 13 Construction 57 Section 5. Acmodation ancillary to the main use of the building 14 General 69 15 Means of escape provisions for aneillary acmodation 69 16 Engineering services installations rooms 72 17 Walk-in refrigerated cold rooms and associated systems 18 Boiler rooms fuel storage areas transformer battery and switchgear rooms and rooms housing internal bustion engines 73 19 Waste storage and treatment 74 20 Main storage areas (including receiving and dispatch areas) 75 21 Remendations for car parks 75 22 Repair or maintenance workshops and reprographic rooms 75 23 Data processing areas 76 24 Laboratories 76 Section 6. Engineering services 25 General 77 26 Engineering services for means of escape 77 27 Enclosure of engineering services 80 28 Gas services 80 29 Electrical services 81 30 Lighting 84 31 Heating systems 85 32 Lifts escalators and conveyor systems 85 33 Incinerators 98 100g squaa( 8 Iappapse epg 1
BS 5588-11:1997 Page Section 7. Fire protection facilities 34 General 87 35 Fire protection faeilities for means of escape 87 36 Fire detection and alarm systems 90 37 Automatic fire protection systems and special risk protection 91 88 Portable firefighting equipment 92 39 Smoke control provisions 93 40 Facilities for the fire service 96 Section 8. Management 109 Annex A (normative) Commissioning and hand-over of smoke control systems 111 List of references 112 Figure 1 - Height and depth of a building 6 Figure 2 - Travel distance and direct distance 9 Figure 3 - Direct distance: central core with open storey planning 18 Figure 4- Dead ends 19 Figure 5Escape routes less than45° apart separated byfire resisting construction 19 Figure 6 - Travel distances from within rooms 22 Figure 7 -- Escape from mezzanines 24 Figure 8 - Corridor layouts: central core Figure 9 - Corridors connecting alternative exits Figure 10 - Recesses off corridors Figure 11 Extension of corridor beyond a protected stairway 31 Figure 12 - External protection to protected stairways 36 Figure 13 Fire resistance of areas adjacent to external stairs 44 Figure 14 Maximum direet distances in a small two- or three-storey premises with a single protected stairway to each storey 48 Figure 15 Maximum direct distance in a small two-storey premises with a single open stair 49 Figure 16 Maximum travel distance in a small three-storey premises with a single stair to each storey 50 Figure 17 - Access to floor areas in single-storey plexes with wet fire main 97 Figure 18 Access to floor areas in single-storey plexes with no fire main 97 Figure 19- Access to fire main inlets in multi-storey plexes 99 Figure 20 - Deleted 101 Figure 21 1 -Ventilation provisions for basement rooms 104 C BSI S December 2004 eg
BS5588-11:1997 Page Table 1 - Maximum distances of travel in a storey 17 Table 2 - Suggested floor space factors 25 leading therefrom Table 3 - Capacities of escape routes within a storey and of any exit 26 Table 4 Capacity of a stair or section per floor for simultaneous evacuation of a building 39 Table 5 Capacity of a stair in an office building for evacuation of two adjacent floors at a time 39 Table 6 - Maximum distances of travel in small premises 46 Table 7 Maximum distances of travel for weather housed plant buildings weather protected plant and external plant 54 Table 8 Limitations on non-insulating fire resisting glazed elements 61 Table 9 - Performance of fire doors 64 Table 10 Maximum travel distances in areas of ancillary acmodation 70 Table 11 - Structural fire protection of areas of ancillary acmodation 72 Table 12 - Minimum number of firefighting shafts in buildings fitted with sprinklers 100 100g squaa( 8 Ippe ii epg 810





