BRITISHSTANDARD BS 5588-12: 2004 Fireprecautions in the design construction and use of buildings - Part12:Managingfire safety ICS 13.220.01; 91.040.01 BSi Cogyigt BrhStds Is NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW British Standards Niu rapreducioe or natworking parmited Siatfar Resale
BS 5588-12:2004 Committeesresponsibleforthis BritishStandard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical Committee FSH/14 Fire precautions in buildings upon which the following bodies were represented: Association of British Fire Trades Association of Building Engineers Association of British Theatre Technicians Association of Corporate Approved Inspectors Association of Specialist Fire Protection British Standards Society British Cables Association Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers Association Consumer Policy Committee of BSI Department for Education and Skills Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland Department of Health - NHS Estates District Surveyors Association Door and Shutter Manufacturers' Association Fire Brigades Union Fire Safety Development Group Guild of Architectural Ironmongers Health and Safety Executive Heating and Ventilating Contractors’ Association Institution of Fire Engineers Institute of Structural Engineers Line of Fire London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority Ministry of Defence UK Defence Standardization National House Building Council Nuclear Industry Office of the Deputy Prime Minister Building Division Royal Institute of British Architects Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors - Building Control Forum Scottish Executive - Construction and Building Steel Window Association Co-opted members This British Standard was published under tbe authority Strategy Committee of the Standards Policy and on 26 November 2004 BSI 26 November 2004 Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date Comments The following BSI references relate to the work on this British Standard: Committee reference FSH/14 Draft for ment 01/540751 DC ISBN 0 580 44586 0 Cyig Ss ice Notfr Resle
BS 5588-12:2004 Contents Page Foreword i Introduction 1 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references 2 3 Terms and definitions 3 4 General 7 5 Developing management levels 10 6 Fire safety manual 13 7 Designing so that a building can be managed 13 8 Commissioning and hand-over 20 9 Managing occupied buildings 21 10 Fire prevention 25 11 Ensuring that systems respond properly in an emergency 28 12 Planning the response to a fire 30 13 Emergency actions 35 14 Evacuation of disabled people 39 15 Management of fire safety prior to full occupation of abuilding 41 16 Building works alterations demissioning and demolition 42 Annex A (normative) Fire safety manual 45 Annex B (normative) Fire control centre and evacuation management 50 Annex C (informative) Fire safety equipment facilities and systems 51 Annex D (informative) Signs and signage 54 Annex E (normative) Commissioning and hand-over of smoke control systems 55 Annex F (normative) Training 56 Annex G (normative) Control of conditions in public areas 58 Annex H (normative) Remendations for owners of multi-occupancy residential buildings 60 Annex I (informative) Advice to occupiers of domestie residential buildings 62 Annex J (informative) Examples of fire instruction notices 63 Annex K (normative) Audience/crowd control 67 Annex L (normative) Routine inspection and maintenance of fire safety installations 69 Annex M (normative) Routine inspection and maintenance of ventilation and air conditioning ductwork 73 Annex N (normative) Phased evacuation 74 Annex O (informative) Examples of evacuation strategies 77 Annex P (informative) Example messages for use in a phased evacuation 78 Annex Q (normative) Operational information (emergency packs) for the fire service 79 Annex R (normative) Hot work 80 Bibliography 81 Figure J.1 - Example of a fire instruction notice for use in flats and maisonettes 64 Figure J.2 Example of a fire instruction notice for use in other residential buildings 65 Figure J.3 Example of a fire instruction notice for use in buildings provided with a single-stage alarm system 66 Figure J.4 Example of a fire instruction notice for use in buildings provided with a two-stage alarm system 67 Table 1 - Manngement levels 10 Table 2- Occupancy levels 11 Caytgt BSs aiv I 26 November 2004 i Nistfar Resale
BS5588-12:2004 Foreword This part of BS 5588 has been prepared by Technical Committee FSH/14. This part of BS 5588 is concerned with the management of fire safety and provides guidance for building designers and fire safety managers (in smaller premises the fire safety manager is likely to be the owner of the building). Clauses 4 5 and 6 deal with general issues and are of relevance to both building designers and fire safety managers. Clause 7 deals with design issues and is mostly of relevance to building designers. Clause 8 deals with the period prior to occupation of a building and is mostly of relevance to building designers although it is also of some relevance to fire safety managers. Clauses 9 to 16 deal with management issues following occupation of a building and are mostly of relevance to fire safety managers. This part of BS 5588 covers premises of all sizes and plexity and in consequence some material is only applicable to certain sizes or types of premises. Users of this part of BS 5588 should use only those clauses applicable to the premises to which they are dealing e.g. in respect of existing small business premises provisions in Clauses 11 12 13 and 14 need to be tailored to the actual risks and situation present. As a code of practice this part of BS 5588 takes the form of guidance and misleading. particular care should be taken to ensure that claims of pliance are not Assessed capability. Users of this British Standard are advised to consider the desirability of quality system assessment and registration against the appropriate standard in the BS EN ISO 9000 series by an aceredited third-party certification body. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document prises a front cover an inside front cover pages i and i pages 1 to 82 an inside back cover and a back cover. The copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued. C BSI 26 November 2004 Nottor Resls
BS5588-12:2004 Introduction Managing fire safety is the whole process throughout the life of a building starting with the initial design which is intended both to minimize the incidence of fire and to ensure that when a fire does occur fully functional. The management of fire safety is thus an essential element in averting disaster in the event of a fire. Although many buildings will never have a serious life-threatening fire it is essential for fire safety procedures to be planned for every building. raised the occupants of premises be they staffor members of the public react and respond in ways which are different from those assumed or expected by the building designer There are a number of stages by which people react to a fire alarm. Initially they tend to seek information regarding the validity of the warning possibly by asking colleagues. They then gather belongings or seek associates or family. Only then do they seek to travel to a place of safety. The management of fire safety is intended to accelerate these different stages to minimize the threat from the fire. There have been numerous fire incidents both large and small where there have been lives lost or put at risk as a result of the safety systems provided being inappropriate or not being used effectively. In some occupancies (such as football grounds) fire is not always seen as the biggest safety problem and care is needed to avoid it being a neglected issue. It is now widely acknowledged that the design and engineering put into a building for life safety can only do its job properly if it can be managed maintained and tested over the whole life of the building and if the staff are trained to handle ineidents and operate efetive and tested emergency plans. Once the designer or engineer has handed over the building then good management of fire safety bees the key element to fire safety for the life of the building. Effetive management of fire safety can contribute to the protection of the building occupants in many ways: by working to prevent fires occurring in the first place; by being aware of the types of people in the building and any special risks or needs (such as disabled people); by ensuring that all of the fire safety measures in the building are kept in working order and in particular that the means of escape are always available; by training staff and organizing the evacuation plan to ensure that occupants leave quickly if a fire by taking mand in the event of a fire until the fire service arrives. These tasks differ in detail depending on the occupaney of the building. 1Scope This part of BS 5588 gives remendations for the management of fire safety over the lifetime of a building including guidance for designers to ensure that the overall design of a building assists and enhances the management of fire safety. It also provides guidance on fire equipment and fire safety manuals. This part of BS 5588 provides generic guidance on the provision of fire precautions and facilities within a building. It addresses the issues that need to be considered during the design process as well as those that will apply whilst the building is in use or which need to be taken into account when alterations to the building or the use of it are being considered. no sal aes an pu susp uq q uu asn ro pap s g jo ed s delegated representatives. It is also intended for use by building owners who are likely to assume the role of fire safety manager in smaller premises. This part of BS 5588 is not applicable to buildings under construction (i.e. new build prior to partial occupation). Cayegt BrshSdseds inivsc T 26 November 2004 Notr Resle
BS 5588 12 2024 建筑物设计、施工和使用中的防火注意事项 第12部分 消防安全管理.pdf