BS 5588 2 1985 建筑物设计、施工和使用中的防火注意事项 第2部分 商店业务守则.pdf


NIGCIGS BSI BS*556:PART*2651b24bb00285902 BSI BS5588:Part2:1985 UDC 614 841 334 : 699.81 : (725.21 725.71] (Reprinted incorporating Amendment No. 1) Brtih Star nision in writieg of BSI BritishStandard Fireprecautionsinthedesignand constructionof buildings Part2.Codeofpracticeforshops (Formerly CP 3 : Chapter IV : Part 2) Regles de prevention des incendies dans la conception et la construction des bitiments Partie 2. Code de bonne pratique dans les boutiques et magasins Brandschutzmaβnahmen bei Planung und Errichtung von Gebiuden Teil 2. Leitfaden fur Liden BritishStandardsInstitution Copyright by the Brish Stondords instition Sun Sep 26 11:42:43 2004
NIGC-IGS BSI BS*5586: PART*2 85M1624bG9 0028594 BS 5588 : Part 2:1985 Foreword This code of practice prepared under the direction f the Fire Standards Committee is a revision of CP 3 : Chapter IV : Part 2 : 196B which is withdrawn. In acordance with current BS1 practice this revised code is published as a Part of BS 5588. In adidition to the existing BS 5588 : Part 1 : Section 1.1 BS 655B8 : Part 3 and BS 5588 : Part 4 other Parts wi include new codes for fire-fighting lifts and stairways and for the precautions to CP 3 : Chapter IV : Part 1 Flats and maisonettes (in blocks be taken in plaoes of public assembly and the revision of over two storeys) which will appear as BS 5588 : Part 1 : Section 1.2. developments tht includ shoppingmalls. It is intended to prepare a Part to cover shopping Other Parts may be added to BS 5588. Some of the more important changes from the text of CP 3 : Chapter IV : Part 2 are as follows. (a] In sections three four five and six the mentary on the relevant principles is followed by any remend. ations that are made. The specific remendations do not form a seperate section of the code as previously. The mentary on the relevant principles is intended to provide an explanatory beckground to any rem- endations that are made especially if the reend- ations might otherwise appear to be arbitrary. Structural puu aq o eu e iuee suoneod for example those in building regulations if discussed are not repeated as remendations but reference may be made to them if the regulations are not consistent in all parts of the UK. (b) Diagrams have been included. ()heubdivisinfecaperoutesntofirst sta cision into horizontal travel and travel down or up second stage and third stage has been superseded by a stairways. qo pus instead reference is made to their performance in fire tests. (e) The term 'departmental stores' hes been removed from the title and in the scope clause the meaning of sheps-has been clarified to include departmental stores. It has been assumed in the drafting of this code that the qulifled end experienoed people. execution of its provisions will be entrusted to appropriately Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer mmunity fromlegal obligations.In particular attention is drawn to 3.5 and 25.1. Copyright by the Brish Stndords nstitution Sun Sep 26 11:43:55 2004
NIGC-IGS BSI BS*5566:PART*2853b24bb9 0026592b BS 5588 : Part 2 : 1985 Contents Page 31 Smoke control provisions other than for Page Foreword Inside front cower Committees responsible Back cover 32 Plans for fire brigade use firefighting shafs 39 40 Code of practice Appendix Sectin one. General A Acvice to management and procedure in case 1 Soope of fire 41 2Definitions 2 3 Use of this code 2 Tables 3 1 Maximum permitted distanoes of travel in a Seotion two. Analysis of the problem storey 2 Floor space fectors 9 4 Planning in relation to fire 3Capcitiesofescape routes withinstoreyand 12 ay wuouj odeosg 9 5 7 of any exit leading therefrom 4 Capecity ofa stairway 12 Section three. Planning of escape from public ereas 6 Maximum permitted distances of travel in 5Table deleted 14 7Escaerots within and exits from store 6 General 8 8 7 Limltations on non-insulating glazod elements small shops Stainways and finl exits 18 9 Small shops 13 17 installed in stairways lobbies and corridors' Seetion four. Construetion and fire safety signs Maximum permitted partf travel distance in = 21 and notices 9Struturl fire protction ofaresof ancillry certain areas of ancillary acmodation 27 10 Construction 11 Fire safety signs and notices 20 24 acmodation 27 Setin five Enginering srvices (other than fire protection faeilities and ancillary aomodation 12 General 13 Electrical sarvices 25 14Lighting 29 Figures 15 Heting and fue storagg 29 1 Travel distance and diroct distance 30 2 Direct distance 10 9 16 Mechanical ventilation air conditioning and pressurization 31 3 Direct distance in association with a dead end 4Direct distance in open storey (horizontal) 10 18Wastestoragnd retentdininratos 17 Lifts 31 planning salesareasat groun level 32 5 Smal two or thre-storey shop with a single 11 19 Main storage ares (inluding reciving and dispatch areas} and covered loading bays 32 protected stairway to each storey 6 Small two-storey shop with a single open 18 20 Car parks 21 Repair or maintenance workshops 33 33 stairway 7 Small three-storey shop with e single stairway 19 22Kitchnstaff restaurants nd cantens 23 Dsta processing areas 33 33 8Subdivision of dead end corridors to each storey 19 9Figure delted 26 Seotion six. Fire protaction faelities 24 General 10 Figure deleted 25 Flre alarms and fire detection and alarm 34 11 Figure deleted 26 Automatic fire extinguishing systems and systems 34 27 Manual fire-fighting equipment spectial risk protectlon 35 28 Wleter supplies for fire-fighting 36 29 Firemenemerency snitches for discharge 37 30 Acoesforfirefighting tighting installations 37 37 Index 45 Coyright by the Bih Stnords sitton Sun Sep 26 11:44:03 2004
NIGCIGS BSI BS*5566:PART*2651b24bb9D028593 BS 5588 : Part 2 : 1985 Code of practico. Soction one Sectionone.General 1 Scope This code is not intended to apply to buildings during the This code of praetice provides guidance for designers and precgutions in such bulldings is avaltable from HMSOf. course of construction or alteration Guidance on fire the buillding construction team In their task of incorporating In those cases where a building is in course of construetion into new buildings or alterations to existing buildings or alteration and is in part used guidance for management of the pulic andstaff in shops of alsizesandheights nd measures that should in the event of fire safeguard the lives is given in appendix A. NOTEhts ofteplitie tinth against the effects of fire. that may help to protect the building and its contents linted en poge 52. This code broadly cors premises that wouldbe classeas shops in the Offices Shops and Railway Premises Act 1963. 2 Definitions It includes shops in the everyday stnse of the word to which the publie or a seotion of the publie normally have For thepurposes of this ode the follwng dfinitions sccess in addition it covers the followring: apply. (n) Iarger premses such as department stores variety 2.1accesroom.Aroom that forms the only escaperoute stores supermarkets and hypermarkets; from an inner room. [b] premises where goods may not neoessarily be sold 2.2acmodation stairway.A stairway additional to over the counter but in which a trade or business is thatrthsrqirdfrcsiddft carried out such as hairdressers’ salons television rental convenience of ocoupants: shops or auction rooms; 2.3 dead end. A place from which escape is possible in one (c) cafes restaurants public houses and other places of direction only or in directions les than 45° spart that are refreshment; not separated by fire resisting construetion. [d) premises where goods are received for trestment or 2.4 direct distanoe. The shortest distante from any point repairs such as dry cleaners Iaunderettes and shoe repair within the floor area measured within the external shops. enolores of thebullding to theearest storey exit Premises where the activity is more akin to that of an ignoring walls partitions and fittings other than the office such as bankcs and state agnts are considered as enclosing wall/partitions to protected stairways. offices and are dealt with in BS 5588 : Part 3 Office 2.5esape lihtinLightingforuse when thenal acmodation that is anoillary to a shop is dealt with lightingfilprovided to nsure that themeans of sa In 12.4. can be safely and effectively used. This oodedoesnt provid guidane nfireprecationsn 2.6 final exit. The termination of an escape route from a the design and construction of covered and enclosed acoes building gving drect ces to street pasagway areas for pedestrians that are mon to a number of shops. disperal f personsfrom tevicinityfabuildingsothat walkway or open space and sited to ensure the rapid Guidance on fire precautions in such ooes areas is avallable from the Home Office and Scottish Home and Health thoy are no longer in danger from fire and/or smoke. Department*. 2.7fire doorA door or hutter rvidedforthe pae d pue uons d sp s of persons air or things which together with its frame and for fire safety nd the provision of escape routes in casef fire in new shops and in alterations and extensions to toresist the passage f fireand/r gaseus produts of existing shopsIt nclues themeasures andqupment bustion and is capable of meeting specified performance requlred to asist fire-fightingin buildings wih uppr necessary for preventing the rapid spread of fire and those 2 8firefighting staiway. A protected staiway criteria to those ends. outside the bullding. This code makes specific remend- municating with the acmodation only through ations in terms of protection number end position of exits a firefighting lobby. providesguidne ndesignprinciplesfor preventing the 2.9 fire resistance. The sbility of a ponent or sred offirendindiats thfi pretionsss construction of a building to satisfy for a stated period of in these buildings. time the appropriate criteria specified in the relevent Part Appendix A provides guidance for managers of shops to of BS 476. aid them in making the best use of these design features 2.10 fireresstanoe The ability of cmonn r of the building and acts as a guide to designers in passing construti of ablding t stisfyforsted period f to their efients information about the fire precautions timc theappropriate criteria specifledin the relevant Part aeyo se e pngeuBupnqeu puap of BS 476. fire certificate the advice glven may have to be varied in accordanoe with the conditions of the fire ertificate Fire Prevention Guide No. 1 Fie precsutions o towm ontre medevelopment HMSO. Environt (P51 HMSO. randrfeprt rbe kb cottr n bg nnk for te Deprmt f te 2 Copyright by the Brlish Stndords institution Sun Sep 26 11:44:09 2004
NIGCIGS BSI BS*5566:PART*2 653b24bb9 0026594T 2.11 higher fire risk area.An are with a fire risk higher BS 5588 : Part 2 : 1985 than that of a sales area. Section one 2.12 inner room A room from which escape is possible only by possing through an access room. 2.13mes of capeStructurlmers whereby sf route is provided for persons to travel from eny point in a bullding to a place of safety. 2.14 non-bustible Capable of sstisfying the performance requirements specified in BS 476 : Part 4. {d]) the provislon of means of giving warning of fie and or any material whic when tesed in accordance with 3S 476: Part 11 does not lame n caue any rise in where appropriate of detecting outbreaks f fire temperature on either the centre (specimen) or lurnace useby the staffncontningfireinit rly star (e) the provision of fire-fighting equipment whether for 2.15 open satial (ertlcal planningThe inteal thermocouples. wey of astistance to the fire service or for automatically arrangement ofbuldingn whic several storeys or extinguishing an outbreak of fire working fevels are contained In one undivided volume. 2.16open storey (horizontal) plning.The internal 3.2 Avoidence of manipulative apparatus for means of arrangent of the storeys of a bullding in which almost Reliance for fire sfety on manipulative apparatus fr means escape the wholo area of each storey is undivided by partitions. 2.17 presurization. A method of protecting escape routes ofesaprnexerescue frmthlwerstoreysf against the ingress of smoke by malntaining the alr withln satisfactoryThis code rovidesforthe publanstaffon ou s sappe oqou Susn sojues au oqa Aq upiinq themat preureshigherthnthoslndjcentperts f the buildiog. eny storey of a shop being able to scape safely from tfhe 2.18protected stairway/lobby/corridor.A stairway building without outslde assistance should a fire oocur ineludinganyexltpsaewaydingtherefrm toitfinal exitorlobbyorcorridorenclosed withther thanany 3.3 Use of the principles and remendations part that sanexteal wall of biding fireresisting It is not poible tmake prehense remendations construetion. capable of covering evory possilble risk and an intelligent 2.19 shopping mall. A covered or enelosed scces area for eede pedestrlans mon to a number of shops. rementlations of this code is therefore essential. 2.20 Text deleted. The fire hazard of a partioular shop and its contents have 2.21storey exit A final exlt ororway giving direct Japao u pue fupenq e Suu5isap ueqm paiepaadde aq o1 to use this code effetively the bhviour f fire ccurring access to a protected stairway firefighting lobby or in the building has to be anticipsted according to the external escape route. 2.22 travel distance. The actual distance to be travelled assessment made. o se cog eg um suod ue wou uod e Ag nearest storey exit having regard to the layout of wolls 3.4 Application of all the remendations pertitions and fittings. Individual remendations of this code should not be 2.23firfihtinglobbyAprotectedlobby forproviding applied in isolation. To secure maximum benefit all of the access from a firefighting stairway to the acoommodation remendations should be applied.Although the besic areo end to any associated firefighting lift. principles and remendations for escape from sales areas 2.24dpthofbulding]Thlvel of the surface of the are describedin stetion three themost conscientious oestintftflrfthwestsoreysrdt application of these reoommendations would be undermined the centre of that fooof thebuilding where the ancillary accmmodation constrution engineering unless supported by the necessary measures relating to measurement is greatest from the level of the footway or paving in front of that face or if there is no such footwey four to six. servioes and fire protection facilities set out in sections or peving from the level of the ground. 2.25 material of limited bustibility. Either: (a) a non-bustible material; or 3.5 Relationship with statutory provisions [b] nymaterial of density 300kg/mormore which 3.5.1 Generaf. It is important to appreciate the relationships when tested in accordanoe with BS 476 : Part 11 does between this code and the various statutory provisions not flame and the rise in temperature on the furnace relevant to the design and construction of ew buildings and thermocouple is not more then 20 °C; or to the fire precautions to be provided in existing buildings. (c) any material with a non-bustible core of 8 mm and 3.5 3 has to be plled with in the event of a conflict bothsntorethan5mmthck. thick ormorehevlngbstiblefcingonneor 3Use of thiscode. is that since Acts and Regulations are necessarily drafted in uogese ausuodn o papuau s opoo s 3.1 Means of providing for afety. The remendations In this code are initended to provide different situations one of the objects of this code is to broad terms and cannot deal in detail with a wide variety of safety from fire by means of: (a) planning and protection of escape routes leding to provide guidance for the building designer in matters not safety both horizontally and dowmwards (and/or A u p s up possibly uprds infewspecialciroumstances]from because the objectives of the legislation are mainly any area that may be threatened by fire so enabling any this code is of wider scope and includes matters relevant to concermed with the health and safety of the general public person confronted by an outbreak of fire to turn away and make safe escspe without outside assistance; the protection of the building and its contents from fire as well as the safety of the occupants. (b) construction and finishing with suitable matrials wherethese arenotcovered by buildingreultions snd embodying adequate fire resistance in the structure Copyright by the Brtish Stondords institution 3 Sun Sep 26 11:44:14 2004





