BS 5588 4 1998 建筑物设计、施工和使用中的防火注意事项 第4部分 使用压差控制烟雾的操作守则.pdf


BRITISHSTANDARD BS5588-4:1998 Incorporating Amendments Nos. I and 2 and Corrigendum No. 1 Fire precautions in the design construction and use of buildings Part4:Codeofpracticeforsmoke controlusingpressuredifferentials IC8 13.220.20; 91.040.01 BS NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT ASPERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW BritishStandards
BS 5588-4:1998 Committeesresponsibleforthis BritishStandard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical Committee FSH/14 Fire precautions in buildings upon which the following bodies were represented: British Gas plc British Retail Consortium British Standards Society British Telemunications ple Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers'Association Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers Consumer Policy Committee of BSI Department for Education Department of Health Department of the Environment (Building Research Establishment) Department of the Environment (Property and Buildings Directorate) Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland District Surveyors’ Association Health and Safety Executive Fire Brigades Union Home Office Institution of Gas Engineers Institute of Building Control Institution of Structural Engineers London Fire and Civil Defence Authority Loss Prevention Council National Couneil of Building Material Producers National Association of Fire Officers Seottish Office (Building Directorate) Royal Institute of British Architects Timber Research and Development Association The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard through submittees and panels: Access Committee for England Association of Consulting Engineers Association of Building Engineers British Automatic Sprinkler Association British Council of Shopping Centres British Fire Protection Systems Association Ltd. British Fire Services' Association This British Standard having British Property Federation been prepared under the Flat Glass Manufacturers' Association Building Services Research and Information Association Systems Sector Board was direction of the Management Hevac Association published under tbe authority Institute of Fire Safety of the Standards Board and Institution of Fire Engineers es into effect on 15 March 1998 Nationwide Fire Services Intumescent Fire Seals Association BSI 8 December 2004 Warrington Fire Research Centre Steel Window Association First published June 1978 Amendments issued since publication Second edition March 1998 Amd. No. Date Comments The following BSI referemces 10019 April 1998 Unit corrected relate to the work on this Corrigendum. No. 1 British Standard: Committee reference FSH/14 13868 4 December 2002 See national foreword Draft for ment 92/39700 DC 14989 8 December 2004 See national foreword ISBN 0 580 26246 4 luced by IHS und
BS 5588-4:1998 Contents Page Committees responsible Inside front cover Foreword 运 Introduction 1 1 Scope 1 2 References 3 Definitions 1 4 Analysis of the problem 6 5 System classification 8 9 Equipment 17 7 Actuation of pressure differential system 20 8 Electrical installations 21 6 Smoke control using pressure differentials 10 Design procedures 47 11 Installation and missioning 49 12 Testing and maintenance 51 13 Documentation 52 14 Design calculations 52 atrium buildings Annex A (normative) Smoke control using pressure differentials in 62 Annex B (normative) Test method for measuring the opening force at a 100p 63 Annex C (normative) Interaction of pressure differential systems with normal HVAC installations 64 Annex D (informative) Air leakage data 66 Annex E (normative) Test method for measuring the pressure differentials under closed door conditions 89 Annex F (normative) Test method for measuring air velocities 68 Annex G (informative) Possible solutions for inability to obtain design pressure differential 69 Annex H (informative) Design calculations requirements 70 List of references 72 Figure 1 Design conditions for class A systems 9 Figure 2 - Design conditions for class B systems 11 Figure 3 - Design conditions for class C systems 13 Figure 4 - Design conditions for class D systems 15 Figure 5 - Design conditions for class E systems 17 Figure 6 Pressure differences at an internal door 25 Figure 7a - Principles of a typical stair pressure differential system for means of escape 29 Figure 7b Principles of a typical stair pressure differential system for a firefighting shaft 31 Figure 8 Airflow patterns for pressure differential systems 34 Figure 9 - Stair pressure differential system configurations 37 Figure 10 - Pressurization of refuges and central control rooms 40 Figure 11 Features of a depressurization system 42 Figure 12 - Configuration of zoned smoke control system 44 Figure 13 - Leakage paths in series 55 Figure 14 - Leakage paths in parallel 55 Figure 15 - Combination of series and parallel leakage paths 56 C[8 Demh 2004 iced by IHS uno
BS 5588-4:1998 Page Table 1 - Classification of buildings for smoke control using pressure differentials 8 Table 2 - Minimum pressure differentials between specified areas for class B systems 10 Table 3 - Minimum pressure differentials for class C systems 12 Table 4 Minimum pressure differentials for class D systems 14 Table 5 - Minimum pressure differentials for class E systems 16 Table 6 Minimum temperature/time design criteria for fans and HVAC ductwork used for air/smoke release 19 Table 7 Provision of stand-by pressure differential system equipment 19 Table 8 - Frequency of maintenance and funetional testing of pressure differential system plant 52 Table 9 - Airflow velocities through gaps and large openings 53 Table 10 - Values of K 59 Table D.1 - Air leakage data for doors 66 Table D.2 - Air leakage data for windows 67 Table D.3 - Air leakage data for walls and floors 67 C BSI 8 December 2004
BS 5588-4:1998 Foreword This code of practice was prepared under the direction of Technical Committee FSH/14. It supersedes BS 5588-4:1978 which is withdrawn. The start and finish of text introduced or altered by amendment is indicated in the text by tags E . Tags indicating changes to text carry the number of the amendment. For example text altered by Amendment No. 1 is indicated by The other parts which prise BS 5588 are as follows: Part O: Guide to fire safety codes of practice for particular premiseslapplications; Part I: Code of practice for residential buildings; -Part 5: Code of praetice for firefighting stairs and lifts; --Part 6: Code of praetice for places of assembly; -Part 7: Code of praetice for the incorporation of atria in buildings Part 8: Code of practice for means of escape for disabled people; -Part 9: Code of practice for ventilation and air conditioning ductoork; Part 10: Code of practice for shopping plexes; Part 11: Code of practice for shops offices industrial storage and other similar buildings; Part 12: Managing fire safety. It has been assumed in the drafting of this code that the execution of its provisions will be entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced people. As a code of practice this British Standard takes the form of guidance and remendations. It should not be quoted as if it were a specification and particular care should be taken to ensure that claims of pliance are not misleading. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document prises a front cover an inside front cover pages i to iv pages 1 to 73 and a back cover. The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued. 00g soquaog s I. ii





