BS 5588 8 1999 建筑物设计、施工和使用中的防火注意事项 第8部分 残疾人逃生方法实用规程.pdf


BRITISHSTANDARD BS5588-8:1999 Incorporating Amendment No. 1 Fireprecautionsinthe design construction and use of buildings - Part8:Codeofpracticeformeansof escapefordisabledpeople ICS 13.220.20; 91.040.30 BSi Cogyigt BrhStds Is NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW British Standards Niu rapreducioe or natworking parmited Sintfor Resle
BS 5588-8:1999 Committeesresponsibleforthis BritishStandard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical Committee FSH/14 Fire precautions in buildings upon which the following bodies were represented: Association of British Theatre Technicians British Standards Society Association of Specialist Fire Protection Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers Association Consumer Policy Committee of BSI Department for Education Department of Health (NHS Estates) Department of the Environment Transport and the Regions (Represented by the Building Research Establishment) Department of the Environment Transport and the Regions (Construction Directorate) Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland District Surveyors Association Electricity Association Fire Brigades Union Fire Safety Development Group Guild of Architectural Ironmongers Health and Safety Executive Hevac Association Institute of Building Control Institute of Fire Safety Institution of Fire Engineers Institution of Structural Engineers Line of Fire London Fire and Civil Defence Authority Loss Prevention Council National Association of Fire Officers National House-building Council Royal Institute of British Architects Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Scottish Office (Construction and Building Control Group) Steel Window Association The following bodies were also represented in the drafting of the standard This British Standard having through submittees and panels: been prepared under the direction of the Consumer Committee on Mobility for Disabled People Products and Services Sector Home Office Committee was published under the authority of the Joint Committee on Mobility for the Blind and Partially Sighted Standards Committee and National Federation of the Blind of the United Kingdom es into effect on 15 May 1999 C BSI 8 December 2004 First published February 1988 Amendments issued since publication Second edition May 1999 Amd. No. Date Comments 14992 8 December 2004 See national foreword The following BSI references British Standard: relate to work on this Committee reference FSH/14 Draft for ment 97/543322 DC ISBN 0 580 28262 7 Cogyight Briish Standsrds Initice Niotfar Resale
BS 5588-8:1999 Contents Page Committees responsible Inside front cover Foreword i Introduetion 1 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Definitions 2 4 Use of this code 4 5 Provision for escape 6 6 Escape routes 7 7 Horizontal escape routes 7 Refuges 8 6 Stairways 15 10 Ramps 15 11 Lifts 16 12 Fire safety signs 17 13 Advice to management 17 14 Deleted 17 15 Deleted 17 16 Deleted 17 17 Construetion of refuges and evacuation lift enclosures 17 18 Fire alarm systems 18 Annex A (normative) Application of this part of BS 5588 to existing buildings 20 Annex B (informative) Sources of information 21 Bibliography 23 Figure 1 - Principles of evacuation 6 Figure 2 Exits from same storey with different ground levels 7 Figure 3 Examples of refuges in buildings not provided with evacuation lifts 10 Figure 4 - Examples of refuges in buildings provided with evacuation lifts 12 Figure 5 - Wheelchair spaces in protected stairways 14 Figure 6 - Deleted 17 100g squaa( 8 Iappapse epg 1
BS 5588-8:1999 Foreword This part of BS 5588 was prepared by Technical Committee FSH/14. It supersedes BS 5588-8:1988 which is withdrawn. The start and finish of text introduced or altered by amendment is indicated in the text by tags E) . Tags indicating changes to text carry the number of the amendment. For example text altered by Amendment No. 1 is indicated by All matters dealing with fire safety management are now located in BS 5588-12. The other parts which prise BS 5588 are as follows: Part O: Guide to fire safety codes of practice for particular premises/applications; Part I: Code of practie for residential buildings; Part 4: Code of practice for smoke control using pressure differentials; Part 5: Code of practice for firefighting stairs and lift8; Part 6: Code of practice for places of assembly; Part 7: Code of practice for the incorporation of atria in buildings; -Part 9: Code of practice for ventilation and air conditioning ductwork; -Part Io: Code of practice for shopping plexes; Part I1: Code of practice for shops offices industrial storage and other similar buildings; Part I2: Managing fire safety. The axiom that buildings should be accessible to disabled people is firmly established. In 1967 BSI published CP 96 Access for the disabled to buildings. The Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act [1] was enacted in 1970 (and amended in 1976) with the requirement in Section 4 that buildings to which the public or some sections of the publie have access should wherever practicable and reasonable be accessible. In 1979 CP 96 was revised as BS 5810. The Disabled Persons Act 1981 [2]included in Section 6 a requirement that provision of access and facilities for disabled people in public buildings should be in accordance with BS 5810 in order that access should be more effectively secured. Following consultations on how Section 6 of the 1981 Act might be implemented the Government decided that the intentions of the legislation would be better satisfied by using building regulations as a control instrument. Regulations came into force in Northern Ireland from December 1984 in Scotland from March 1985 and in England and Wales from August 1985. This has subsequently been reinforced by the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 [3]. A basic tenet of building law is that access provision has to be plemented by egress provision and it is on this acount that this part of BS 5588 has been prepared. It has been assumed in the drafting of this standard that the execution of its provisions will be entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced people. As a code of practice this British Standard takes the form of guidance and remendations. It should not be quoted as if it were a specification and particular care should be taken to ensure that claims of pliance are not misleading. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. In particular attention is drawn to 4.3. Summary of pages This document prises a front cover an inside front cover pages i and i pages 1 to 23 and a back cover. The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued. C BSI 8 December 2004 Nis raproductioe or natworkisg parmited with Ragreduced by IHS under lioense Niatfar Resale
BS 5588-8:1999 Introduction Management systems are an essential part of the means of escape for disabled people and BS 5588-12 provides @ guidance for management to aid it in making the best use of the facilities described in this part of BS 5588. It is envisaged that those responsible for the management of existing buildings would adopt the principles underlying this standard and its remendations as part of their routine administrative procedures. In many instances it would be sufficient simply to take account of the advice to management that is contained in E BS 5588-12 @ to ensure that the use of a building is facilitated notwithstanding an individual's disability. 1Scope This part of BS 5588 provides guidance additional to that in the other parts of BS 5588 for designers the building construction team and building managements on incorporating into new buildings or buildings that are being altered measures that enable disabled people to be assisted to safety in the event of a fire. It applies to all buildings except single-family dwelling houses flats and maisonettes and buildings used as a house in multiple occupation. This part ofBS 5588 isnot applicable to buildings purpose built for disabled people ineludingHealth Care Premises which are covered by specific guidance documents issued by Government Departments and NHS Estates. NOTE1These are usually prvided with means of escape that are more prehensive than those remended in this part of BS 5588. People with learning dificulties are not catered for in this standard as they need to be treated no differently from children or the very elderly with regards to their needs. NOTE 2 Application of this standard to existing buildings is covered in Annex AL 2 Normative references The following normative documents contain provisions which through reference in this text constitute provisions of this British Standard. For dated references subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications do not apply. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies. BS 476-4 Fire tests on building materials and structures Part 4: Non-bustibility test for materials. BS 476-7 Fire tests on building materials and structures - Part 7: Method of test to determine the classification of the surface spread of flame of product8. BS 476-8 Fire tests on building materials and structuresPart 8: Test methods and criteria for the fire resistance of elements of building construction. BS 476-11 Fire tests on building materiais and structures - Part 1l: Method for assessing the heat emission from building materials. BS 476-20 Fire tests on building materials and structures Part 20: Method for determination of the fire resistance of elements of construction (general principles) BS 476-21 Fire tests on building materials and structuresPart 21: Methods for determination of the fire resistance of loadbearing elements of construction. BS 476-22 Fire tests on building materials and structures Part 22: Methods for determination of the fire resistance of non-loadbearing elements of construction. BS 476-23 Fire tests on building materials and structures Part 23: Methods for determination of the contribution of ponents to the fire resistance of α structure. penetration through doorsets and shutter assemblies - Section 31.1 Method of measurement under ambient temperature conditions. BS 5395-2:1988 Stairs ladders and walkaoays - Part 2: Code of practice for the design of helical and spiral stairs. BS 5499-1 Fire safety signs notices and graphic symbols - Part 1: Specification for fire safety sign8. CBSsi[8 Deemher 2004 1 Nottsr Resle





