BSI BS 5306 1 1988 楼宇内的灭火装置及设备 第1部分 水灭火系统、卷盘软管和泡沫.pdf


BRITISHSTANDARD BS 5306-1: 1976 Incorporating amendment No. 1 Confirmed and 2 88611sn8ny CodeofPractice Fire Extinguishing installations and equipment on premises - Part1:Hydrantsystems hosereelsand foaminlets(FormerlyCP402.101) UDC 614.842.6:614.843.1/.8 BSi Cogyigt BrhStss s NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW British Standards Natfar s 08/13/2906 22:60:15 MDT
BS 5306-1:1976 CodedraftingmitteeBLCP/43 Fire extinguishing installations and equipment in building Mr J W Mills (Chairman) Mr L Heaviside British Fire Protection Systems Association Mr T A Andrews Mr H Sandersa British Roiluays Boord Chief and Assistont Chief Fire Officers' Association Fire Advisor to HM Factory Mr R Hirst Confederation of Brizish Indutry Department of Empioyment Inspectorate Mr M A Hallb Deportment of the Encironment Mr P V Pearsond Mr S E Cookr Mr P Nash Depaztment of the Enzironment Joint Fire Research Organisation and Fire Offces’ Committee Mr J E Lodge Mr A G Clarkef Deportment of Trade and Industry (Marine Division) Mr D F Roseh Dr J H Dyert Mr M J Osborne Mr R Mortimerb Fire Extinguishing Trodes Associgtion Mr H Ungeri Mr D H R Willy Mr G C Aekroyd Chief Technical Officer Fire Offices’ Committee Fire Protection Association Mr R J H Millera Greater London Couneil Mr R Peskettr London Fire Brigode Mr C H Gibhs Mr R M Simpson Home Office Mr G Nash Institute of Petroleum The secretary Mr T E Robinsond Institution of Fire Engineers Mr G K Lockyer* Mr C P Barberf London Tronsport Eszcutice Mr F P Rendells Ministry of Defence Mr N S Marsh Mr K R Shutt Mr D A Wilkinson Coopted Mr F C Clarke BSI bResigned Fehruary 1973 Resigned Oetober 1973 bResigned January 1975 Resigned January 1973 Nominated August 1974 From February 1973 until August 1974 Nominated January 1975 Resigned November 1974 From January 1973 to June 1973 •Resigned June 1974 Resigned Oetober 1973 Nominated November 1974 This British standard having been prepared by a h Nominated June 1973 Nominated June 1973 Nominated October 1973 Resigned June 1973 Nominated February 1972 Codes of Practice Committee pqd for tbe Building Industry was of the Executive Board on 27 February 1976 BSI 31 December 2002 April 1932 First published as CP 402.101 9261 enaq First revision as BS 5306-1 Amendments issued since publication Amd. No. Date of issue Comments The following BSI references relate to the work on this 4649 August 1984 standard: 5756 February Indicated by a sideline in the margin Committee reference BLCP/43 Draft for ment 72/11960 DC 1988 ISBN 0 580 08857 X Cyi Ss ce Hang Hang Peyachsis Urw/9976802106
BS 5306-1:1976 Contents Page Code drafting mittee BLCP/43 Inside front cover Foreword 0 Introduction 1 Section 1. General Scope 2 References 1 3 Definitions 1 Section 2. Provision and siting of hydrants and risers 4 Fire hydrants general 3 5 Fire hydrants external 3 6 Rising mains 3 7 Landing valves 4 Section 3. Design considerations for hydrants and risers 8 General 7 6 Water supplies and pumping arrangements 7 10 Identification of fire mains 6 11 Access for fire applianees 6 12 Electrical earthing 10 13 Protection against frost 10 Section 4. Hose reels 14 General considerations 11 15 Provision and siting 11 16 Installation of hose reels 11 17 Co-ordinating spaces for hose reels 12 18 Water supplies for hose reels 13 19 Hose reel notices 13 Section 5. Foam inlets 20 General 17 21 Capability of inlets and lines 17 22 External connections 17 23 Delivery pipe 17 24 Termination of delivery pipe 17 Section 6. Components and materials 25 General conformity with standards 19 26 Particular requirements 19 Section 7. Installation 27 Work on site 21 28 Protection of buildings under construction 21 29 Temporary notices 21 Section 8. Initial inspections and acceptance tests 30 Private underground fire hydrants 23 31 Tests on dry rising mains 23 32 Tests on wet rising mains 24 33 Hose reel tests 24 34 Foam inlet acceptance inspection 24 35 Indemnities 25 36 Test records 25 Cagygt BrsshStadsds rivsce I 31 December 2002 IC8 Hang Hang Pulyachsic Unie/9976803100
BS5306-1:1976 Page Section 9. Maintenance of systems and rectification of defects 37 Fire hydrants 27 88 Rising mains 27 39 Hose reels 27 40 Rectification of defects 28 41 Hose reel accessibility 28 Appendix A Remendations for protecting installed equipment from theft and vandalism 29 Appendix B Matters to be considered relating to the provision of fire fighting installations during construction 30 Figure 1 - Typical layout of pit for underground fire hydrant (brick) 4 Figure 2 - Typical layout of pit for underground fire hydrant (prefabricated) 5 Figure 3 Typical installation for a hose reel 12 Figure 4 Explanation of dimensions 13 Figure 5 Co-ordinating spaces for fixed hose reels 14 Figure 6 - Co-ordinating spaces for swinging arm or recess hose reels 14 Publications referred to 31 C BSI 31 December 2002 Ragrsdaced by IHS underlieese vih ESI - Uscertllad Copy HongKasgPejechsiUhw9NaE2n06
BS 5306-1:1976 Foreword This British Standard code of practice is a revision of CP 402.101:1952 and as part of BST's programme of metrication it is expressed in metric terms. For information on SI units reference should be made to BS 3763 *The International System of units (SI)". The other parts of BS 5306 are: Part O: Guide for selection of installed systems and other fire extinguishing equipment; Part 2: Sprinkler systems; Part 3:Code of practice for selection installation and maintenance of portable fire extinguishers; Part 4: Specification for carbon dioxide systems; Part 5:Halon systems; Section 5.1: Halon I301 total flooding systems; Section 5.2: Halon 1211 total flooding systems; Part 6: Foam systems Part 72): Pouuder systems. The revision has been made in the light of current progress in revising the CP 3: Chapter IV series Code of basic data for the design of buildings: “precautions against fire" and in conjunction with the preparation of the new range of standards covering particular items of equipment for fixed fire fighting installations in buildings. Some of the information previously found in this code is now to be published in these new standards notably that on hose reels (BS 5274 in course of preparation). Since CP 402.101:1952 was prepared the practice of stowing long lengths of hose adjacent to landing valves has fallen out of favour and this aspeet of the subject has therefore been omitted from the revised code. It is nowadays the practice for hose to be brought to the site by the fire brigade. It is recognized that recent projects such as shopping malls and town centre development and redevelopment schemes may be inaccessible to conventional fire appliances and may require special measures such as horizontal mains but this code of practice does not give guidance on these special measures. Reference should be made to Fire Prevention Guide No. 1 “Fire precautions in town centre developmenta (published by HMSO). The fire authority should also be consulted. In England and Wales the provision of hydrant systems is largely a matter of voluntary good practice. In Scotland these are mandatory requirements in the Building Standards (Scotland) Regulations 1981 and 1982 and amendments thereof or additions thereto relating to the provision of fire mains do not necessarily coincide with the requirements of this code of practice. 2 In preparation. 1 In preparation. Cosyegt BSs ai 31 December 2002 iii





