BRITISHSTANDARD BS5306-4:2001 Fire extinguishing installationsand equipment on premises - Part4:Specificationforcarbondioxide systems IC8 13.220.20 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW
BS 5306-4:2001 Committeesresponsibleforthis BritishStandard The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted to Technical Committee FSH/18 upon which the following bodies were represented: British Fire Protection Systems Association Chief and Assistant Chief Fire Officers Association Health and Safety Executive Home Office Institute of Fire Safety Institution of Fire Engineers London Fire and Civil Defence Authority Loss Prevention Council Maritime and Coastguard Ageney Ministry of Defence Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Warrington Fire Research Centre This British Standard having direction of the Health and been prepared under the Committee was published Environment Sector Standards Committee and under the authority of the o paga opu sao 15 August 2001 BSI 07-2001 Amendments issued since publication First published Oetober 1979 Third edition August 2001 Second edition March 1986 Amd. No. Date Comments The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference FSH/18 Draft for ment 0/541249 DC ISBN 0 580 37963 9
BS 5306-4:2001 Contents Page Foreword Introduction 1 1 Scope 1 2 Normative references 1 3 Terms and definitions 3 4 Characteristics and uses of carbon dioxide 5 5 Types of system 5 6 Planning 6 7 Working documents 6 8 Commissioning and acceptance 7 6 Inspection maintenance testing and training 10 10 Total flooding systems 11 11 Local application systems 21 12 Manual hose systems 26 13 System ponents 27 14 System operation 28 15 Safety precautions 29 16 Carbon dioxide supply 33 17 Quantity of carbon dioxide 34 18 Storage containers 34 19 Pipework 36 20 Installation of pipework 40 21 Marking of pipework 43 Annex A (normative) Door fan test for determination of minimum hold time 44 Annex B (informative) Service schedule 50 flammable liquids and gases Annex C (normative) Determination of carbon dioxide concentrations for 51 Annex D (informative) Examples of calculation of carbon dioxide requirements 56 Annex E (informative) Determination of carbon dioxide pipe and orifice size 57 Bibliography 69 Figure 1- Calculated CO loss rate based on an assumed 21 °C temperature within the enclosure and 21 °C ambient outside 14 Figure 2 - Aiming position for angled discharge nozzles 26 Figure 3 Label to be displayed at manual control 32 Figure 4 - Label to be displayed at entrances to hazard 33 Figure C.1 - Cup burner apparatus 55 Figure E.1 Pressure drop in pipeline for 20.7 bar storage pressure 61 Figure E.2 Pressure drop in pipeline for 51.7 bar storage pressure 62 Table 1 - Volume factors 16 Table 2 - Minimum carbon dioxide concentration for extinction 17 Table 3- Hazard factors 18 Table 4 -- Extended discharge gas quantities for enclosed recirculation: rotating electrical machines 20 Table 5 Aiming factors for nozzles installed at an angle (based on 150 mm freeboard) 26 Table 6 - Safety precautions for total flooding systems 29 C BSI 07-2001 -1
BS5306-4:2001 Page Table 7 - Carbon dioxide requirements 34 Table 8 - Monitoring facilities 35 Table 9 - Closed sections of pipework 37 Table 10 - Open-ended pipework 38 Table 11 Pipe fittings for closed and open ended pipework section -- High pressure systems 39 Table 12 - Pipe fittings for closed and open ended pipework section Low pressure systems 39 Table 13 Maximum pipework support spaeings 41 Table 14 - Safety clearances to enable operation inspection cleaning repairs painting and maintenance work to be carried out 43 Table E.1 - Values of Y and Z 58 Table E.2 - Values of Y and Z for 51.7 bar storage 59 Table E.3 Discharge rate of equivalent orifice area for low pressure storage (20.7 bar) 64 Table E.4 - Equivalent length of threaded pipe fittings 64 Table E.5 - Equivalent length of welded pipe fittings 65 Table E.6 Elevation correction factors for low pressure systems 65 Table E.7 - Elevation correction factors for high pressure systems 65 Table E.8 Discharge rate of equivalent orifice area for high pressure storage (51.7 bar) 66 Table E.9 - Equivalent orifice sizes 67 i C BSI 07-2001
BS 5306-4:2001 Foreword This part of BS 5306 has been prepared by Technical Committee FSH/18. It supersedes BS 5306-4:1986 which is withdrawn. The other parts of BS 5306 are as follows: Part O: Guide for the selection of installed systems and other fire equipment; Part 1: Hydrant systems hose reels and foam inlets Part 2: Specification for sprinkier systems; -Part 3: Maintenance of portable fire extinguishers - Code of practice; -Part 5: Halon systems -Section 5.1: Specification for halon 1301 total flooding systems; Section 5.2: Halon I211 total flooding systems; Part 6:Foam systems Section 6.1: Specification for low expansion foam systems; Section 6.2: Specification for medium and high expansion foam systems; Part 7: Specification for powder systems; -Part 8: Selection and installation of portable fire extinguishers - Code of practice. As several different methods of piping supplies of carbon dioxide and applying the gas at the required points of discharge for fire extinction have been developed in recent years there is a need for dissemination of information on established systems and methods. This standard has been prepared to meet this need. Its requirements and remendations are made in the light of the best technical covered it has been impracticable to consider every possible factor or cireumstance that might affect implementation of the requirements and remendations. It has been assumed in the preparation of this standard that the execution of its provisions is entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced people. Annex A and Annex C are normative. Annex B Annex D and Annex E are informative. A British Standard does not purport to include all necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. Summary of pages This document prises a front cover an inside front cover pages i to iv pages 1 to 69 and a back cover. The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued. C BSI 07-2001 iii
BSI BS 5306 4 2001 楼宇内的灭火装置及设备 第4部分 二氧化碳系统规范.pdf