NFPA 12A 2009 卤代烷1301灭火系统的标准.pdf


NFPA12A Standard on Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems 2009Edition NFPA NFPA 1 Batterymarch Park Quincy MA 02169-7471 An Intemational Codes and Standards Organization No nsprsducice or ntworting pemited vthout icansa rem IHS byG
IMPORTANT NOTICESANDDISCLAIMERSCONCERNING NFPADOCUMENTS NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITY CONCERNING THE USE OF NFPA DOCUMENTS veloped through a consensus standards development proces approved by the American National Standards Institute. NFPA codes standards remended practices and guides of which the document contained herein is one are de- pur ang uo ssus aqe ssa pem suodm poa lusada suno ql suuq sad s apsd dsses ment of consensus it does not independently test evaluate or verify the accuracy of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained in its codes and standards. The NFPA disclaims liability for any personal injury property or other damages of any nature whatsoever whether special inirect consequential or pnsatory directly or indiretly reuling frm the publicatio use of or reliace on this documen The NFPA als makes no guaraty or warranty as to the accuracy orpletenessof any information published herein. In issuing and making this documnt avilale the NFPA is nt unertaking to render professinal or ther serices for or on bhalfof any pen or entity Nr is the NFPA undertaking to pefom ay duty owed by any ersn or etity to someone else. Anyone using this document should rely on his or her own independent judgment or as appropriate sek the advice of a petent professional in detmining the xerise of resonable care in any given circumstancs. The NFPA has no power nor does it undertake to police or enforce pliance with the contents of this document. Nor does the NFPA list certify st or inspet products designs or istallatins for liane with this dcumet. Any certification or other statement of pliance with the requirements of this document shall not be atributable to the NFPA and is solely the responsibility of the certifier or maker of the statement. No sprsducice or ntworling pomited vthout lcans rem IHS 1510002/90
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12A1 Copyright 2008 National Fire Protection Asociation°. All Rights Resenved. NFPA° 12A Standard on Halon 1301 Fire Extinguishing Systems 2009 Edition This edition of NFPA 12A Sanrd on Halom /501 Fre Extinguishing Spstems was prepared by the Technical Committee on Gaseous Fire Extinguishing Systems. It was issued by the Standards Cocil on My 30 2008 ith an effctive date of July 18 2008 and supersedes all previous editions. This edition of NFPA 12A ms approwed as anAmerican Nationl Stanard on July 18 2008. Origin and Development of NFPA 12A The Committe on Halogenated Fire Extinguishing Sstems was formed in the fall of 1966 and held its first meeting during December of that year. The Comitte was organized into four Submittes who separately prepared various portions of the standard for revew by the full Committee at meetings held in September and December 1967. The standard was submitted and adopted at the Annual Meeting in Atlanta Georgia May 2024 1968. The 1968 edition was the first edition of this standard and was adopted in tentative form in accordance with NFPA regulations. In 1969 the Committee deter mined that the standard had not yet been sufficiently tested and elected to carry it in tentative status for one more year. It was presented for official adoption in 1970. The first oficial version of the standard was adopted at the Annual Meeting of NFPA held in Toronto Ontario in May 1970. Revisions were made in 1972 1973 1977 and 1980. The 1985 edition was a plete revision of the standard. The standard was revised in 1987 and again in 1989. The standard was pletely rewritten for the 1992 revision to more clearly state the to make the document more usahle enforceable and adoptable. The main topic addresed requirements and to separate the mandatory requirements from the advisory text in an effort in this revision was demissoning and removal of systems. Docms for the 200 edition. For this edition the sandard was revised to addres testing The stantdard was updated to conform to the Mewual of Styie for NFPA Technical Committee and recharging of Halon 1301 cylinders. Foreword Halon 1301 (bromotrifluoromethane or CBrF ) is a colorless odorless electrically non- conductive gas that is an effective medium for extinguishing fires. Halon 1301 is included in the M! Prfol on Sstaes That Deplre the Oe L signed Setember 16 1987. The protocol permits continued aailability of halogenated fire extinguishing agents at 1986 pro- duction evels. That protocol and subsequent amendments restrict the production of this agent. In addition local jurisdictions within some tries (e.g the EPA in the United of this agent. The user of this standard is adhised to consult local authorities for current States) have enacted further rules regulating the production use handling and deposition regulatsHlIfr xtinguishingsstems are efuithinthlmits of this stand in extinguishing fires in specific hazards or equipment and in occupancies where an electri- cally nonconductive medium is essential or desirable or where cleanup of other media pre- sents a problem. NFPA and National Fire Protection Asociation are registered trademarks of the National Fire Protection Association Quincy Masachusetts 02169. Cot N Fs PA Sh wsg euaoy reg paguedfegongu.0 sopruade aj ProdebyHne lcerewh NFFA Not far Resele 94.25/2013 04:38:13 M0T =Univetsiy of Teeis Revi Ba Ae2014
12A2 HALON 1301 FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS Technical Committee on Gaseous Fire Extinguishing Systems Haington Group Incorporated GA [SE] Jeffrey L. Harrington Cheir Ronald C. Adcock Marsh USA Incorporated AZ [1] Bella A. Maranion U.S. Environmental Protection Maurizio Barbuzzi North American Fire Guardian Technology Incorporated Italy [M] Ageney; DC [E] Robert C. Mertt FM Global. MA [1] [ a jouueda eg seo Robert GRichard Honewell Incorporated NY [M] Todd A. Dillon GE Insurance Solutions OH [I] Paul E. Rivers Patrick W Schoening General Motors Corporation SM Fire Protection MN [M] Philip J. DiNenmo Hughes Asociates Incorporated MD [SE] Joseph A Senecal Kidde-Fenwal Incorporated MA [M] MI [U] William A. Eckholm Firetrace Intermational AZ [M] Dale R. Edlbecdk Tyco Fire & Security/Ansul WI [M] Chifford R Sinopoli I Exelon Corporation PA [U] Don A Enslo BP Exploration (Alaska) AK [U] Louise C. Speitel U.S. Federal Ariation Administration Rep. Edison Electric Institute Wiliam AL Froh U.S. Department of Energy. DC [U] Marthew T. Gastafson U.S. Social Security Brad T. Stilwell Fike Corporation MO [M] NJ [E] Administration MD [U] Howard S. Hammel DuPont Fluoroproducts DE [M] Al Thornton Klaus Wable U.S. Coast Guard DC [E] []xm Robert H. Kell Fire Defense Equipment Company Incorporated MI [IM] Fred K Walker US Department of the Air Force FL [E] Rep. Fire Suppression Sstems Association Robert T. Wickham Wickham Asociates NH [SE] George E. Laverick Underwriters Laboratories Thomas J. Wysocki Guardian Senices Incorporated Rep. Halon Altermatives Research Corporation Norbert W Makowka National Asociation of Fire Incorporated IL [RT] Jann C. Yang US National Institute of Standards IL [SE] Equipenent Distributors IL [IM] & Technology MD [RT] Altermates Phili B.Ateherry Chemtur IL [M] Earl D Neargarth Fike Corporation MO [M] Kenneth V. Blanchard DuPont Fluoroproducts DE [M] (Alt. to A. Thornton) Ivan M. Nibum Global Risk Consultants Corporation KY (Alt. to B. T. Stihvell) Charles O. Bauroth Liberty Mutual Property MA [1] (Alt. to H. S. Hammel) [SE] (Voting Alt. to PCIAA Rep.) Steven W. Rhodes U.S. Social Securiy Administration. (Voting Alt to GRC Corp. Rep.) Randall Eberly US. Coast Guard DC [E] (Alt. to K Wahle) MD [U] Steven A. Giovagnoli GE Insurance Solutions IL. [1] James M. Rueci Harrington Group Incorporated (Alt to M. T. Gustafson) Raymond N Hansen U.S. Department of the Air Force (Alt. to T. A. Dillon) GA [SE] FL [E] (Alt to J. L. Harrington) William Matt Hogan (Alt. to F. K Walker) Duke Pooer Company SC [U] John M. Schuster 3M Coempany MN [M] (Alt. to C. R. Sinopoli II) Len D. Seebalack Furetrace Intermational AZ [M] (Alt to P E. Rivers) Daniel J. Hubert Kide/Chemetron Fre Sstems IL [M] (Alt. to J. A. Senecal) (Alt to W: A. Eckholm) Mary P. Hunstad U.S. Department of the Nany DC [E] Ageney DC [E] Margaret A. Sheppard U.S. Environmental Protection (Alt. to D. J. Barylski) Giuliano Indovino North American Fire Guardian (Alt. to B. A. Maranion) Technology. Incorporated Italy [M] John C. Spalding Healey Fire Protection Incorporated (Alt. to M. Barbuzi) MI [IM] Robert Kasiski FM Approvals/FM Global RI [1] (Alt to R. H. Kelly) (Alt. to R. C. Merrit) George Unger Undencriters Laboratories of Canada Richard A. Malady Fire Fighter Sales & Service Canada [RT] Company PA [IM] (Alt to G. E Laverick) (Alt. to N. W. Makowka) Nonvoting Rudolf Klitte Ginge-Kerr Danmark A/S Denmark [M] Fernando Vigara F Fernando Vigara & Asociados Spain Ingehorg Schlosses VdS Schadenverbutung Genmany [1] [SE] David R. Hague NFPA Staff Liaison ch i A j d Tuis Iis epesms tle ehj a te ise le Coitse aes bllaf os the jif ef tis nditios Sisce al ims NOTE: Membeship on a mitte shall not in and of iself constitute an endorsement of the Asociation or any document developed by the mittee on which the member serves. Commsittee Scope: This Coenmitte shall have primary responsiblity for documents on the installation maintenance and use of carbon dioxide systems for fire protection. The Committe shall also hase primary simila halogenated etingushing agents coering the intallaion maintenance and use of spstems. responsibility for documents on fised fire extinguishing systems utilizing bromotrifluoromethane and other 2009 Edifion CoNFPA SH waq ao e pgwedou o gnpudei DN Proniderd by IHS under licernse wth NFFA Nat: far Resele 94.25/2013 04:38:13 MDT pU Te A5200114





